Human Perfection Requires Our Own Portion of Responsibility

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2345

    I pray that from today the powers of evil will retreat and the powers of goodness will advance and, by assuming overall command and leadership, strive to establish the new heavenly civilization, so that the glory and grace of heaven will fill the entire cosmos and all Blessed Families worldwide will inherit the sovereignty of the love and liberation of the physical and spirit worlds, and thereby become worthy to be the registered Blessed Families of the Nation of Cosmic Peace and Unity.
    On this day and in this place where the Cosmic Parent and the Parents of Heaven and Earth have attained oneness of mind and body, I declare and direct that everyone will strive to achieve the age of sovereignty of the one ideal, of the unified world of Cheon Il Guk based on the liberation of heaven. I pray that You will let us achieve everything in accordance with our desires. I report this in the name of the True Parents. Amen! Amen! Amen! (404-288, 2003.2.6)
Prayer given at the “Holy Marriage Blessing Ceremony of the Parents of Heaven and Earth Opening Cheon Il Guk” and the “Coronation of the King of the Blessed Families of the Peace and Unity of the Cosmic True Parent and the True Parents of Heaven and Earth” conducted on February 6, 2003.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1270

The fruits that Christians have produced through their lives of faith are the fruits of the wild olive tree. In order to produce fruits of the true olive tree, they need to be cut off at the base and have the sprout of the true olive tree engrafted on to them. If the sprout cannot be engrafted, the tree should be pulled up completely and burned to ashes. If the wild olive tree is not uprooted completely, it will produce further fruits, which will then be strewn around the tree and will grow into more wild olive trees.

Richard:  All Christians need to receive the Holy Marriage Blessing from True Father Moon and his bride, the True Parents.  If not, Christianity will gradually become weaker and weaker.

Original Substance of the Divine Principle

Principle of Creation

For today’s study, please view slides 148 to 151 below about the growing period and the human portion of responsibility.


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