The Kingdom of Heaven Is a Place of Purity

Just Posted: The Richard Urban Show:
#129-Sliding IS Deciding

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2090

    You should change your entire neighborhood, centering on God’s will, with the new experience and training that you have received in foreign lands. You must not follow the old habits of your neighborhood. You must invest yourselves as God invested Himself in creating his object of love out of nothing. These two, subject and object partners, must unite as one.
    The spirit world will cooperate when you get to the highest position among all the people of your hometown. Wait and see whether this is the truth or not. And you must make and use many videotapes for witnessing. (179-27, 1988.6.15)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1050

Even when you are speaking, the one who speaks words that are beneficial is Abel, and the one who speaks words that harm others is Cain. When you benefit someone else, you are bringing benefits to him; but when you are doing something for your own sake, it is the same as harming that person. For this reason, the public position is the place whose purpose is to benefit others, and the private position is the place where one lives for the sake of one’s own benefit. In this way, centering on public and private, Abel and Cain, as well as good and evil, are differentiated. You must understand this. (56-85, 1972.5.14)

Original Substance of the Divine Principle

Principle of Creation

For today’s study, please view slides 160 to 163 below.
The conscience centers on what it thinks is right.
However, without study of the Truth, this is a relative standard that differs from God’s standard.


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