The Fruit that Adam and Eve Ate is Love

Just Posted: The Richard Urban Show:
#129-Sliding IS Deciding

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2022

Home Church is the place where families begin to be liberated on an international level. It is the place where we can declare the starting point of the ideal love and ideal life of unfallen Adam and Eve. To fulfill this, I have initiated the tribal messiah mission. Jesus came to find a family. You have all heard of Home Church, right? The tribe of Cain and the tribe of Abel must become one. In terms of Jesus, Joseph’s tribe and John the Baptist’s tribe should have become one and formed one family. When the family is set up in this way, Satan cannot invade. If the original standard of the family is set up, embracing all tribes, then the failed family in Israel can be restored to an unfallen standard for the first time. Tribal messiahs and Jesus will witness this. (235-111, 1992.8.29)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1218

You must stand in a position more earnest than life. That is why even when you are hungry, you should still pray. Even while fasting, you must invest yourself. You must invest God’s love and the power of your life into all the nations. As you do so, God will never answer your questions, and He will pretend that He does not see what you are doing. God cannot interfere. He will not interfere until your investment is complete. What is the human portion of responsibility? It means attaining completion on your own, doesn’t it? Similarly, when you go forward with prayer, God does not interfere. It is really strange, but God sometimes even opposes you. (180-195, 1988.8.22)
Richard: This shows the importance of the human portion of responsibility, which God does not interfere with.

Original Substance of the Divine Principle

The Human Fall

The fruit that Adam and Even ate in the Garden of Eden was not a literal fruit, and the serpent was not a literal serpent. Find out what they are in today’s study slides 3 to 5, below.

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