Jesus Should Have Been Accepted, not Crucified

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July 22nd, 2023 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
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Ft. Father Bayo B. Adrien, Rev. Rebecca Basford, Commissioner Jennifer Krouse & Richard Urban
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Cheon Seong Gyeong 489

In the eyes of the wife, her husband has to look the best and be number one. Also, in the eyes of the husband, his wife has to look this way as well. The best relationship is the one that is formed during first love. It is the best, no matter what others say. This cannot be bought at any price. If you can have such a world for eternity, how splendid this is! Everyone should at least reach that level. The wife should follow and serve her husband well. Such things should not appear just in literature or just as a movie scene. Rather, you should live like that throughout your whole life. Since the best history and best culture had been turned upside down, I have been creating a new history in order to establish such a world and to live in such a way. (23-56, 1969.5.11)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 952

When everyone is mobilized in the spirit world, many good things will happen on earth. There will be many occasions to embrace one another. There will be people rejoicing, and those who had run away cursing the Unification Church will strike the earth in regret saying, “How can this be possible.” (302-71, 1999.5.18)

Original Substance of the Divine Principle

The Principle of Restoration

The Worldwide Course for the Restoration of Canaan Centering on Jesus

    Jesus came as the substantial, actual tabernacle and temple. When the Jewish people rejected him, and then even his disciples fell into unbelief, Jesus had no choice but submit his body to crucifixion. As a consequence of this, the Jewish people lost their object of faith, both spiritually and physically, and the third world-level course for the
restoration of Canaan could not begin as a substantial course. As the second Israel, Christian believers re-established the resurrected Jesus as their object of faith, and thus came to begin the third world-level course as a spiritual course.
    The providence for the restoration of Canaan was accomplished, but only spiritually.
See slides 10 to 13 below:

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