God Comes to Directly Conduct His Providence

Strengthening Families and Communities Forum
#137-Creating an Abstinence-Centered Education Revolution
Richard Urban

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2435

The loftiest hope of humankind is that which is realized through love. All of God’s hopes are to be realized through love, too. If God were to take the position of a son of filial piety, He would want to do so on the basis of love for parents. If He became a couple, He would want to become a couple established through love and then a parent established through love. This is what God desires. (263-309, 1994.10.27)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 968

Didn’t I say that in the spirit world, Lee Sang-hun is in the highest position among Blessed Families? This highest position will be the model for the spirit world that will be created from now on. It is the model for the spirit world. There will be heaven and there will be a paradise for families. The middle realm of spirit world for families and hell for families will be created. It is an age where all shadows remaining in your conscience from your current life will be clearly visible in broad daylight. Excuses will not work. Did I say that there is a prison there? There is a prison. Even when Blessed Families enter the spirit world or heaven, there will be ranks in which some families will come closer to God and True Parents. (295-300, 1998.9.24)

Original Substance of the Divine Principle

The Principle of Restoration

The True Parent and the Completed Testament Age
(Completion, Conclusion and Finalization of the Providence of Restoration Through Indemnity)

    While Jesus was intended to complete the providential course for the substantial restoration of Canaan, due to the unbelief of the Israelite people, the Jewish leadership and the disciples, he died on the cross promising to return again.
    Jesus was unable to complete the providential course for the substantial restoration of Canaan through his death on the cross. During the 2000 years since he promised to return, he conducted and completed the providential course for the global restoration of Canaan in spirit.
    Accordingly, the providence of restoration centering on Jesus was prolonged, and the entire providence of restoration is completed, concluded and finalized by the True Parent, who appears as the returning lord, obtaining victory in the providential course for the cosmic restoration of Canaan.
    Subsequently, with the emergence of the ‘Hwegi’ era (Era of the Period of Return) centering on Foundation Day (January 13, 2013, Heavenly Calendar) God comes to directly conduct His providence in substance on the spiritual and physical worlds centering on the True Parents.
See slides 1 to 5 below:

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