The 8 Great Textbooks are the Entire Life Course of the True Parent

Strengthening Families and Communities Forum
#139-Father Bayo & Ayano Adrien

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1168

Since God’s blessing is so precious, it is of utmost importance to bequeath the tradition of the chosen people of God. This is the reason the lineage had to be maintained. Tamar’s second husband had died, however, and he had no suit- able brothers left. In the Jewish tradition, if the elder brother died, the younger brother took the wife of the elder broth- er as his own wife, but the second son had also died. Thus, in order to continue the lineage, she resorted to dressing as a prostitute so as to deceive her father- in-law, and to conceive a child. Do you understand the meaning of this? What was stolen must be won back from the satanic world. Thus, the father-in-law represented the husband – the elder brother. In order to stand such a position, the right of the eldest son….Tamar risked her life to pass on the blessings of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Judah, these four generations. (227-347, 1992.2.16)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 683

    Jesus died bearing the cross during the course of performing the mission of John the Baptist. Thus he was unable to completely fulfill his mission as the son. From his death until now, he has been working to restore the archangel. After restoring the archangel, he must go the way of the son. In this way he has been seeking to go the way of the servant and that of the adopted child. Jesus could not fulfill his mission as the legitimate Son. He went the way of the archangel, the way of the servant and the way of the adopted son.
    Consequently, even those who believe in Jesus Christ can only become adopted children. They are in the same position as Cain who is of a different lineage. A relationship that is not linked by blood remains in the archangel’s position. Providential history until now has been that of a struggle to link the lineages

Original Substance of the Divine Principle

The Principle of Restoration

The True Parent and the Completed Testament Age
(Completion, Conclusion and Finalization of the Providence of Restoration Through Indemnity)

    Adam and Eve fell, thereby becoming false parents and creating a world of immorality and lies centering on Satan, both in the Physical world d and in the Spirit World.  Sins must be erased while on earth.  While he is on Earth, the True Parent establishes all the laws of indemnity to allow for the liberation of Heaven and Earth, the liberation of God, and the liberation of humankind, and open the way for forgiveness in both the physical world and the spirit world (in all vertical and horizontal 8 stages). 
    Divine Tribal Messiahs are to bless their tribes in both the spirit world and physical world.
    While he is on Earth, the True Parent establishes all the laws of indemnity to allow for the liberation of Heaven and Earth, the liberation of God, and the liberation of humankind, and open the way for forgiveness in both the physical world and the spirit world (in all vertical and horizontal 8 stages).
    The mission of divine tribal messiahs is to complete the mission of family hoon dok churches by educating their tribes in Wolli Boncheron (Original Substance of Divine Principle) and the absolute sex teaching, blessing them and restoring them to attend God and the True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind in their own family, so that they can become God’s true children through reading and studying God’s word. In this manner, they must realize Cheon Il Guk, which is the ideal world, through Hoon Dok family churches.
    The Abel Women’s United Nations established by True Father on July 16, 2012 should work with the Abel UN centered on men (the Universal Peace Federation) to carry out the absolute sexual ethics education of all humankind.
    The entire life course of the True Parent is the 8 Great Textbooks and Teaching Materials bequeathed to us. The fact that the True Parent established the 8 Great Textbooks and Teaching Materials, which is the last will and testament of the True Parent’s entire life, means that the True Parent was able to complete all his purpose. The True Parent created the 8 Great Textbooks and Teaching Materials so that humankind could live as God’s children for eternity.
    See slides 38 to 40 below.



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