If God Is the Artery, Human Beings Are the Veins

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    Perfection must be achieved on earth, not in the spirit world. It can be done based on true love on earth, not in the spirit world. This is why you need to have children. They become heavenly citizens, ideal citizens of the heavenly kingdom. So give birth to many sons and daughters. Originally, there were to be more than twelve directions, and that is why I desire more than twelve directions. (217-130, 1991.5.12)

    Without sons and daughters, the Kingdom of Heaven would not flourish. For this reason Blessed Families should not practice birth control. People who starve to death still end up in the spirit world; if they die in the midst of love, they end up in heaven.
    So, the satanic world is now promoting birth control, but it should not be practiced in the Unification Church. I underwent hardships for God’s will, but did not die of starvation. Even if I went into a famine-stricken area, I could survive because I am trained to survive. When we sacrifice everything for the sake of absolute love, we can control God, the satanic world, and heavenly fortune. What do I mean by control? It means that God will follow us. God, this world, and heavenly fortune will follow us. (201-133, 1990.3.27)

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The great contribution I made lies in the fact that I clarified the relationship between God and human beings centered on love, and clarified the portion of responsibility and the course of indemnity, as well as the problem of Cain and Abel, and the issue of the lineage. Unless Cain and Abel unite, the Messiah cannot come. Only when Cain and Abel become one is the foundation of substance formed, and only then can the Messiah come. Only when people are united with the Messiah can the restoration of the lineage take place. This is the gist of the Principle. You must understand such a program fully and pray accordingly. That is the way you should be thinking. (161-149, 1987.1.18)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
True God
Chapter 1

The Original Being of God

Section 6. God is Omnipresent Through His Love
6.1. Only love freely traverses borders

    God’s heart is found not only in God’s word but also in all things He created. In heaven and earth, God’s heart is everywhere. This is why we say that there is nowhere that God doesn’t dwell – that is, God is omnipresent. Since God’s heart is found in the things you see, if you want to be in His heart you should have the heart to embrace those things and all that exists in heaven and on earth as yours. This is God’s heart.
    A person that reaches the highest point on the religious way is one who belongs within the heart of God. The one whose heart sings eternally even at the sight of a flying bird or a fragrant flower does not dwell among all things of creation but, rather, within God’s heart. (8-180, 1959.12.13)

    Then how do we feel God’s presence everywhere? Feel the air as God’s breath, and when there is a storm, feel it as the sweat God has shed battling to win over His course of suffering for the sake of the world. When you behold the sun, be aware that it symbolizes the life elements of the entire universe. Learn of God’s love from the sun. God has provided nature as a textbook to help His beloved sons and daughters experience God’s heart and to bring them joy. If there is someone who, at the sight of a leaf, can think to himself that it is like his own child, he is almost a saint. (59-101, 1972.7.9)

     Since God is omnipresent, we want to resemble Him in His omnipresence; because God is omniscient and omnipotent, we also want to be omniscient and omnipotent; and since God is unique, we also desire to be unique. This is resemblance and because we resemble God we want to make ourselves like Him. We want to rule over all of heaven and earth. In all these things we closely resemble God. (26-167, 1969.10.25)

    We should live a life of deep emotional experiences through love. So when God is sad, I would feel sad, and when God is happy, I would feel happy without even knowing why. As for a child of filial piety, even when he is thousands of kilometers away from his parents, his parents’ love is always with him.
    If we talk of God’s omnipresence, where is God? He is not found in knowledge. Love, however is different. It is the parents’ heart of love toward their children that makes omnipresence reasonable and possible. It is a heart that reaches beyond ultimate extremes.
    On the path of love, the parent’s love is omnipresent; there is nowhere outside its reach. This is possible only with love. Only love can completely govern the son. This is where omnipotent authority comes to bear. (59-101, 1972.7.9)

    Love has wonderful attributes. Once you stand in the position of oneness with God’s absolute and unchanging true love, you receive the authority to be where God is and live with Him at any time. Then you will be able to see God even without closing your eyes. The one who has deeply felt God’s sorrowful heart will stop in his tracks and weep bitterly; such a realm of deep feelings exists. Even in the fallen world, a mother’s love is such that if her child has an accident far away, she can sense it. She will wake up shouting his name. Doesn’t this happen often? (201-356, 1990.4.30)

    Are arteries greater, or are veins greater? Which are greater? They are equal. Then, who is greater, God or humankind? They are also equal. In terms of love, if God is the artery, human beings are the veins, so they have the value and privilege to be God’s equal.
    On what basis can we talk about uniqueness in heaven and on earth, and about omniscience, omnipotence, and omnipresence? On what basis can we say that everything has a connection with me? Based on love. This is something we can understand. (109-146, 1980.11.1)

    Who is God? He is the King of the greedy. He is omnipresent, He is everywhere. So, He must be very greedy, because there is nowhere without His presence! We should not be calling Him greedy, yet He is very greedy. (121-70, 1982.10.24)

    Do you think God has a way of being absolutely obedient? God has the personality of an absolute ruler and dictator. If He has no way to be absolutely obedient, although He may be able to govern at the higher level, He would not be able to govern at the lower level. The term omnipresence itself would become a contradictory term.
    God resembles us…. Mothers and fathers resemble their sons and daughters, don’t they? We say that God is our Father. God, too, wants to live in absolute obedience. If there were no way for Him to do this, God would be so lonely! (192-29, 1989.7.2)

    If there were someone who viewed a painter’s work and became spellbound by day and night, shedding tears in amazement, would the painter be offended? The painter would want to invite that person into his living room, asking, “Why are you so inspired?” and have him tell his story. Would the painter think him crazy if he said, “Oh, this work is so good. I long to look at it and want to stay here with it”?
    Although you may not understand God, judging from God’s omnipresence, which fills the universe, He exists as love rather than as the Master of knowledge. Try to recognize anew and rediscover God based on the question, “How can I deeply experience the resonance of love in all aspects of life?” (59-103, 1972.7.9)

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