The Love of God Is Love for the Sake of Others

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1538

What is the purpose of marriage? It is in order to unite a man and woman centering upon the love of God in His presence. Such a union is the origin of peace and of the universe itself. The essence of true love lies in the father living for the sake of the mother and vice versa, the elder brother living for the sake of the younger brother and vice versa, and so on and so forth. A family whose members are interlocked closely with a love that esteems others is where God’s love can dwell eternally, and where an eternal family and an everlasting nation can begin. (221-212, 1991.10.24)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1040

Witnessing should be done like a business. What I mean is that you should do it effectively. In the past, no matter where you went for witnessing, you did not make much preparation, but now you should go fully prepared. You should offer devotion when you go witnessing. You must be different from the past. (102-45, 1978.11.19)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 3

true love

Chapter 1

What Is True Love?

Section 5. Perfection Is Attained through Love

And so when you love you can attain immortality. It is God’s love that stimulates the reciprocal action that continues forever. (38-273, 1971.1.8)

The most sacred thing on this earth is true love. True love begins from God. Since God exists, there is no other way for things to be. What God truly desires is the path of true love, and you cannot dwell in His presence unless you walk this path. Through love, God wants to see, hear, eat and touch. Similarly, if human beings receive the kiss of love from God, they will feel a joy so great that it will seem to burst inside them. This is what God truly desires. Owning diamonds and jewels will not bring Him joy. (Blessed Family – 380)

It is not without meaning that I am vibrant and active in many fields. I do so because I have a purpose and that purpose is none other than to realize the world of love. Human beings exist with the aim of realizing and attaining love. Since the purpose of human life lies in the realization of true love, the value of human existence is also decided by this true love. How wonderful this is! What kind of person can harmonize with the essence of God’s love? A self-centered person has no value at all. Only the person who is willing to invest, with the sincerest devotion, everything he has in his life for others – only this kind of person can live continuously in the realm of God’s love. This is how it has been with the great people and saints of history. (46-36, 1971.7.18)

The love of God is love for the sake of others, love that seeks to live for others. When there is such a love – true love – things automatically rotate. How did the universe begin? It began from the point of rotation. All existing things, by their intrinsic nature, have to rotate. Then what can keep on rotating forever? The love that is willing to give eternally, that is, eternal love, will keep rotating forever. Since the giving and receiving forces become one and want to give and give, they have no choice but to expand. (128-291, 1983.9.11)

Since God, the origin of true love, is the parent, humankind is situated as His sons and daughters. From the children’s viewpoint, their parents are the best examples of love. The relationship between parents and children is a vertical, perpendicular one, whereas the relationship between husband and wife is a horizontal, equal one. Therefore when the parent-child relationship and the husband-wife relationship meet at a right angle, and to this formation is added the relationship between siblings – a “front to back” relationship – the resulting configuration of loving relationships together form a sphere. Thus, all existing things created through love are spherical in form. The entire universe is in the form of a sphere. (34-215, 1970.9.13)

Just as human beings wish to see God, God also wishes to see true human beings. But no matter which of two He says He wants to see first, the other one will certainly complain. And so God has no choice but to put love first. If He puts love before everything else, He can see the man and the woman together at the same time, touch them at the same time, and share with them at the same time. People fight to possess the precious things of the world, but there is no fighting in love, because in order to possess it, two must unite into one through living for the sake of each other. Everyone likes love and it is only love that can fully satisfy our desires. Therefore, it is possible to carry out God’s providence of salvation based on this principle. (Tongil Segye 1986.9-17)

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