People Always Need Stimulation

The latest Richard Urban Show:
#170-Richie Robb on Strengthening Families and Communities
Tackling the root cause of societal decline.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1734

Internally, Adam and Eve’s marriage ceremony is God’s marriage: in other words, it is a dual wedding. What unite the two are the male and female organs. Without those, one’s life would not have come into being. Through the organs, the lineages and history of humanity have been perpetuated. Even God’s ideal world will be established by the children, the beloved children, who have passed through those gates. That is how His kingdom will be built. (290-81, 1998.2.3)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1500

How should love be between siblings? Based on what standard should they love each other? Siblings should love one another as their father and mother love them. From whom should they learn to love? They should learn from their parents. (66-120, 1973.4.18)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 3

true love

Chapter 2

The Reality of Love

Section 4. Conjugal Love
4.1. Conjugal love is the flower of the whole universe

Man is a being having God’s yang image, and woman is a being having God’s yin image. A married couple is like the wrapping of heaven and earth in a cloth. They can feel the heart of God’s ideal love. (13-67, 1963.10.17)

God is a being with dual characteristics vertically aligned, and human beings are physical beings with dual characteristics horizontally aligned. As such, the ideal of husband and wife is for the two to become one and form a completely rounded, apple shape. This would serve as a parent body able to pull and attach the ideal of love in the four directions, having the form of their four characteristics. (127-79, 1983.5.5) 

When the husband and wife love each other explosively on the basis of the heart of loving God and loving humankind, God and the universe will be enraptured by this couple. This love cannot be anything other than that for the sake of God and humankind. Where does the root of this love lie? It does not lie within oneself. God is the source of love. He is the source of love for humankind. (35-239, 1970.10.19)

What is an ideal married couple? It is a couple who can realistically manifest the highest art and a couple who can manifest the highest literature. When we encounter the highest ideal and highest world of culture, we can see that the sweet love shared by a husband and wife is the highest love and the most sublime work of art in the world. The life of a husband and wife should be a most sublime work of literature; it should become the subject of a literary work. (22-269, 1969.5.4)

People always need stimulation. Happiness does not come without stimulation; there has to be stimulation. Just as our hunger makes each meal taste like something new, the love between husband and wife should always be fresh. The more the husband and wife see each other, the more they should long to see each other and want to be together all day. In light of this, you need to do a study on me and do a study on God. (23-57, 1969.5.11)

Establishing a family where God’s love and the three great kinds of human love can blossom together is the desire of the world, the desire of humankind, and the desire of the future. You should know that the love of husband and wife is a precious and beautiful thing that can finally spread the fragrances of history in front of the principles of heaven and earth and appear as a new flower. (35-241, 1970.10.19)

Love is eternal. There are not two kinds of such love. There is just one. When a man and a woman are joined together in love, they must live together on earth for a hundred years, and even after they die they are to live together eternally. Although they have two bodies, they become one body, and as they rotate together they create oneness. When their two bodies become one, they come to rotate with God and establish a four-position foundation of love. This is nothing less than the ideal world. False love cannot invade; only true love can dwell there. (Blessed Family – 344)

A husband and wife who are joined together by the love in their hearts should create a family whose members’ mutual affection has, through a lifetime of experience, surely gone beyond the sphere of their own daily lives. That love should merge without fail into oneness with God’s purpose. Otherwise, they cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven, the dwelling place of God. (35-179, 1970.10.13)

The perfection of the love of a man and a woman is the perfection of the universe. The day this love is shattered, the order of the universe will be and the entire vertical world will collapse. (Blessed Family – 544)
pp. 353-355

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