The Place of Love between Husband and Wife Is Where God’s Love Can Enter

The Richard Urban Show:
#171-Jack Hefestay on the Root Cause of Societal Decline

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1122

First and foremost, you must accomplish your own portion of responsibility. Then, everything in heaven and earth resonates around a unified love. The relationships between father and son, husband and wife, and brothers and sisters are all unified centering on true love. If a wife insists on God-centered love then the husband must follow. If a mother insists on it the father must follow. If the grandchildren or children insist, the parents, grandparents and brothers and sisters must also follow. In that way, the family becomes the central foundation. As a result of the fulfillment of our human portion of responsibility the love of heaven, the love of earth, the love of the family, the love of parents and the love of brothers and sisters will all be realized. (218-124, 1991.7.14)

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Do you understand what I am saying, you good-for-nothings!? By saying insulting things in this way, I am establishing the condition for your forgiveness. Some may say, “Rev. Moon, how can you swear like that? This is my first time to see you and I cannot believe anything you say if you insult me in this way.” But I swear at you so that I can forgive you when the time comes. In this way, when they pass into the other world they will say, “Since you swore at me, I didn’t believe in the Unification Church.” Then that is understandable. I say insulting things to people to establish a state of forgiveness for them in the spirit world. But when I curse them it does not cause them pain in their heart. They just go back home. They may say, “Oh my, how dreadful!” but they will have forgotten about it by the time they get home. That is how the mind works. Do you understand or not? Those who say “I understand.” raise your hand. Now you‘ve got it. (283-211, 1997.4.12)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 3

true love

Chapter 2

The Reality of Love

Section 4. Conjugal Love
4.1. Conjugal love is the flower of the whole universe

Through their becoming one in love as husband and wife, a couple attains the capacity to create in the same position as God, and their child is the result of that attainment. (52-314, 1972.2.3)

Heaven is looking for a husband and wife who are bound together as a pure man and woman and can represent heaven and earth with a passionate, crimson-colored heart of love. You should have such a love as a husband and wife and raise your sons and daughters in that love. (127-100, 1983.5.5)

The scene of a man and a woman hugging and kissing is one of the opposite poles of a flat plane colliding and generating the light that is to illuminate the path to finding love. When a white light appears there, colors should be added to create a light of colorful brilliance. You should know that when these lights are mixed by the vertical love of God, they will be transformed into a splendid, ideal world of brightness – like the colors of the rainbow. (134-170, 1985.4.7)

In these times people everywhere are engaged in love that is like instant food. Love does not deepen just because you take a bath in a bathtub filled with its fragrance. I would say that the love shared by a couple from the countryside who wash in cold water before going to bed, is purer and becomes deeper with the passing of time. (Blessed Family – 353)

A bride and bridegroom should not unite through money, power or honor, but through the original love of God. They should create a family that loves God, with the wife living for the sake of her husband, and the husband loving his wife. (Blessed Family – 880)

A man is an incarnation of the True Father and a woman an incarnation of the True Mother. Therefore, when the husband looks down on his wife, he looks down on True Mother; and when the wife deceives her husband, she deceives True Father. (Blessed Family – 869)

The power by which the man can have dominion over the woman and the woman can have dominion over the man is love. No power other than love can enable them to take dominion over each other; only love has dominion. (Blessed Family – 344)

In terms of physical strength, women cannot match men, but when love is involved, the wife and the husband push and pull each other and become one. If a person becomes an object partner of love before God, will God like it? He will. (270-242, 1995.6.7)

The melody God likes most is the laughter of a husband and wife who are happy in their love for each other. When such a couple lives a life with the heart to embrace the world and accommodate the entire universe, that laughter will spring forth naturally. In God’s eyes, the beautiful sight of such a couple would be like a flower. This is not just an ideal or abstraction. I am talking about the original world. (Blessed Family – 877)

A conversation between a loving husband and wife is more beautiful than any poem or painting in the world. Furthermore, how beautiful and splendid are the words that people who are in love exchange – “just the two of us”! (Blessed Family – 887)

When a man and a woman receive the Blessing and experience joy while giving and receiving perfect love, God looks at this as if it were a flower that has bloomed on earth. Moreover, all things of harmony that come into being through their love are like fragrances to God. God dwells here as He wants to live surrounded by such beautiful fragrances. The foundation upon which God’s love can enter is the place of love between husband and wife. This will be a place where all things of creation and the universe come into harmony. (Blessed Family – 887)
pp. 355-356

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