Love Does not Change, But People’s Hearts Change

The Richard Urban Show:
#171-Jack Hefestay on the Root Cause of Societal Decline

Cheon Seong Gyeong 491

When determining who to entrust with responsibility for the family, no parents would want to choose those inferior to them. Why is this so? It is because parents always hope their children will outshine them. The same is true with 492 Book 4 • True Family respect to the nation. The rulers of a nation should wish for their successors to be greater than they are. Whether in the family or in the nation, the desire should always be for successors who are superior to them in every regard. This is something that is desired eternally, and that transcends the fortunes of history. (Blessed Family – 1002)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1366

February 8, 1975 was for me a most unforgettable day until now. I matched the Blessing candidates until just one hour and a half before the ceremony was to take place. Have you ever heard of such a wedding? I was still matching the couples until 8:30 a.m., even though the Blessing Ceremony commenced at ten o’clock in the morning. I stayed up the whole night, but marriage is very important in a person’s life and cannot be a game, so when a match was rejected, I proposed another and then another and so on. (83-226, 1976.2.8)
Richard:  Find your eternal match at  Be the one to find the one.

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 3

true love

Chapter 2

The Reality of Love

Section 4. Conjugal Love

4.2. Conjugal love cannot be fulfilled if it is shared with another person

According to people’s original nature, they do not want their partner’s love for them to be divided. The completeness of the horizontal love relationship between husband and wife is destroyed if that love is shared; whereas, this is not so in the vertical love relationship between parent and child. This is because of the Principle of Creation, which mandates that the husband and wife attain absolute oneness in love. In love, people have the responsibility to absolutely care for their partner. (277-200, 1996.4.16

If you are a couple that is bonded by the strong power of love, you should feel joy and have love for your partner no matter what he or she does. If a wife says that she hates her husband’s smell, or a husband thinks or feels that he doesn’t like the way his wife’s body moves, this is because the couple has not realized complete love. Such a couple has come together for a certain purpose that is to their own advantage. (Blessed Family – 887)

When a husband and wife live together, they are happier if they experience hurricanes, rain storms and thunder as part of the ups and downs of life, and pursue the ideal of love while experiencing such diverse feelings, rather than living comfortably throughout their whole life. (167-212, 1987.7.19)

Rather than money or knowledge, we need love in order to solve the problems between man and woman. (161-293, 1987.3.1)

When you listen to people’s voices, you will find that women’s voices have a higher pitch than men’s. Why were women’s voices created to be higher pitched? In terms of physical strength women are weaker than men; but in terms of heart and affection women are higher. Then, what about men? Men love broadly. Women are higher in terms of the love for their husbands and children, but men have a deeper heart of love for their relatives and country. This is why we learn from our mother how to love our sons and daughters and our family, and from our father how to love the world. To lean too much to one side creates instability; a balance is struck by linking these two kinds of love together. (129-55, 1983.10.1)

In the first three years or so, you won’t fit together well. How can a man and a woman with different family backgrounds, customs, and norms of propriety fit together? They should make effort to fit together until they become one. (Blessed Family – 895)

Only through love can greater things come forth… The level increases only through a love that lives for the sake of others. Therefore, fighting couples will produce children who will lead the nation to destruction. However, loving couples that live for the sake of others will produce God-like, wise princes and princesses who have extracted the full essence of heaven and earth. (204-106, 1990.7.1)

Why do a husband and wife fight? It is because each of them tries to receive love from the other. Those groups whose members try to receive love cannot last long. A family where everyone tries to receive love will be shattered, but a family where everyone tries to love others will not be shattered, no matter how much someone devotes himself to breaking it down. The love whereby each tries to give to the other is eternal. (36-75, 1970.11.15)

Love is simple and foolish. It does not care about any situation. If I truly love someone, I am not concerned whether someone is watching us from the side. A love that is conscious about someone watching is a love within a certain limit. How simple and foolish is the love that does not care whether someone is watching. (33-113, 1970.8.9)

Economic difficulties cannot be allowed to create a rift in the husband and wife relationship. Neither knowledge nor ignorance can dilute the love of husband and wife. (Blessed Family – 880)

Heaven is looking for a husband and wife who, bound together as a pure man and woman, can represent heaven and earth with a passionate, crimson heart of love. (127-100, 1983.5.5)

Why do you think the problem of divorce could come up between people who love each other? Considering the fact that those who have divorced or who want to divorce all once had a love relationship transcending life and death, there is something wrong. There can be many reasons for divorce, but it ultimately signifies that something has changed – something between two people. It happens because they fail to maintain and cultivate their love. Love itself does not change, but people’s hearts change. (Blessed Family – 351)
pp. 356-357

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