The Love of Husband and Wife Is for the Sake of Reaching Up to God

The latest Richard Urban Show:
#171-Jack Hefestay on the Root Cause of Societal Decline

Cheon Seong Gyoeng 1830

The time will come when you will concentrate your efforts upon the ocean more than the land. That is why I am taking an interest in the ocean, and that is why you should also take an interest in the ocean. (73-142, 1974.8.16)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1670

We grow from childhood to youth. Reaching adolescence, we start learning thenceforth. This is true for all of you. In your infancy, you don’t know anything, and so as you grow you ask, “Mom, what is this?” or “Dad, what is that?” and in this way you get to find out and learn new things. After learning all about life in such a manner, the man then sees that everything in the world is in a pair system. He comes to realize, “Ah, the animal kingdom is in pairs, as are the insects and everything else in the world, even the flowers and minerals!” He awakens to the fact that “Yes, they are in the position of subject and object partners, they work accordingly, and as a result everything turns out in a certain way! It seems that I have to follow this path. Oh, that is not the right one!” (219-31, 1991.8.25)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 3

true love

Chapter 2

The Reality of Love

Section 4. Conjugal Love

4.2. Conjugal love cannot be fulfilled if it is shared with another person

When conjugal love catches fire, two lives become one and then the lineages unite and start boiling in love. In the midst of that, the owner plants the seed. When the male-life essence and the female-life essence meet this way, and through the combining of centrifugal and centripetal forces that are set in motion through love, everything will turn. Things go up and things go down…. When a seed sprouts in an upward spot, it becomes a son, and when it sprouts in a downward spot it becomes a daughter! This is a theory, but I do not know if it is really true or not. Since this idea resonates with the theory, if you study it and find out whether it is really true or not, you will be a candidate for a doctorate or a Nobel Prize. (300-53, 1999.2.21)

Having children is the act of conquering the upper realm of God. This is an event to lead you to love your child from God’s position and experience the inner heart of God and how much He loved human beings after the Creation. (224-28, 1991.11.21)

A love-centered life will solve everything. Even the tiger eyes of a greedy old man, when he is in love, will take on the shape of the moon as it is in a painting, and his frozen mouth will break into a smile. Love can completely melt down something that has been frozen and love can freeze something that is melted. Love is something that has the capacity to contain two extremes and still go further. If you look carefully at the Chinese character ho (“to like”), it combines the characters for “man” and “woman.” There is a saying that a fight between husband and wife is like cutting water with a knife. When you cut water with a knife, does it leave a trace? It does not. Even after fighting, once a couple puts their foreheads together and smiles, peace returns. (127-245, 1983.5.15)

The love of husband and wife is for the sake of reaching up to God. (127-109, 1983.5.5)

Genuine love is to love with the entire body as one and with the heart and lineage as one. It is a husband and wife who can love like this. If there were no husband and wife in the world, would there be any excitement in living? (26-151, 1969.10.25)

Even in the fallen world, when a man and a woman fall in love, they say, “Ah, there is an electric current here.” The electricity that arises from moment to moment starts from the archangel – it is unicellular. The electricity of love that arises in the original world is the lightning of the love of the universe. It surpasses the former in strength several thousand times; moreover, the sound of the movement of the cells of each human organ is like the sound of thunder. The principle view of love is that the man and woman engaged in true love of the original world cannot meet God unless they concentrate all their might towards the contact point where the lightning of love meets. This is also the completion of the purpose of creation. (Blessed Family – 380)

Do you think God sees you making love or not? Would God, who transcends time and space, close His eyes at night, when the five billion people of the world make love? How would He feel when He sees them? How many good wives and good husbands are there? Think about it. All kinds of things should happen there. Reluctantly playing a wife’s role, reluctantly being dragged along, reluctantly trying to please your spouse – you should not live like that. That is not love, is it? Is that life? How great it would be if the whole world turned into an environment where butterflies and bees flew around freely and we could live in harmony within heaven and earth according to God’s ideal of creation – just as in the Garden of Eden, with the fragrance of flowers – so that God could fall asleep in bliss? Have you ever thought about this? Try living like this. (222-252, 1991.11.3)

Why don’t women have beards? When God saw Adam with a long beard, He was not pleased; so when He made Eve, He made her without a beard. So what is the greatest masterpiece among all God’s creation? It is women. Women are the greatest masterpiece, but who are they for? They are a great work of art for men. Think this way. (38-180, 1971.1.3)

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