Gods’ Most Holy Place Is the Sexual Organs of Men and Women

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In our Unification Church, we call our church members family members. Until today, no one has helped us understand this term “family member.” Family members do not exist separately from a family. Having family members means there must be a family the existence of a family means there must be brothers and sisters, and the existence of brothers and sisters means there must be parents. In Christianity, religious people use words such as “church members” and “believers,” but they have not been able to use the term “family member.” Today, people are proclaiming the idea of one great global family, but building a great family requires the presence of parents who can be the father and mother of that great family. The one who comes as such a parent is none other than the Messiah.

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    All of you went through the ceremony of converting the lineage before you received the Blessing, didn’t you? You did not really understand any of it; you simply followed my orders, but in reality it is not that simple.
    History came to be in utter confusion today because Jesus could not form a relationship of husband and wife at his first advent. Therefore, from the viewpoint of the standard of heart, there would be great trouble if any event occurred at the Blessing that would defile the lineage. I am not just talking about the penalty of such actions. The first human ancestors were thrown out of the Garden of Eden when they fell, even though they were not fully matured; bearing that in mind, there would be dire consequences if you committed a sin on the foundation of the perfected standard of heart. If that were to happen, God would not want to see you ever again and neither would I. (198-220, 1990.2.3)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 3

true love

Chapter 2

The Reality of Love

Section 5. Sexual Love

5.1. Sex is the original palace of love, the most holy place of heaven

Where is God’s most holy place? It is the sexual organs of men and women, where love dwells. This is heaven’s most holy place. (134-185, 1985.4.7)

What is the symbol of the love of a man and woman? Where is the final destination of love? It is the sexual organs that make a man and a woman one body. The sexual organs become a channel that can bring their mind and body into complete oneness through love. (Blessed Family – 337)

What is the difference between a man and a woman? First of all, their bodies, including their sexual organs, are different. Then, for whom is the male sexual organ absolutely necessary? The male sexual organ exists for a woman. One sexual organ is concave, and the other is convex. Why are they made like that? Both of them could be made pointed or both could be made flat, but why do they look different? It is all for the sake of the other. The man’s organ is absolutely wanted by the woman, and the woman’s organ is absolutely wanted by the man. We have not known that the woman’s organ absolutely belongs to the man, and the man’s organ absolutely belongs to the woman. By owning each other’s sexual organs, man and women come to know true love. (299-119, 1999.2.7)

The sexual organs of men and women are the treasure store of the royal palace. They are the treasure store of the royal palace of the heavenly nation. Even God cannot do whatever He wants with her sexual organ. Only the priest can open the lock to it. A woman should not get undressed before two priests. She is allowed to undress herself before her master; any one else is a devil. See what will happen to the perverted men of today. (194-345, 1989.10.30)

The sexual organ is the royal palace of love, a royal palace giving birth to eternal life, and a royal palace where one receives the blood ties and lineage that will inherit the heavenly tradition that will never, ever change. It is a royal palace of true life, a royal palace of true love, and a royal palace of true lineage. It is the most precious place. You cannot do whatever you want with it. You cannot open it without God’s official approval. No one can touch it except your husband or your wife, who has received the official approval from God and the universe. (216-207, 1991.3.31)

Why do you think the sexual organ exists? It is because of love. It has come into being in order to find love. What is the sexual organ? It is a royal palace centered on true love, a royal palace centered on true life, and a royal palace centered on true lineage. It is the most precious thing. Without it, God’s ideal, God’s family, and God’s will cannot be realized. The sexual organ is the one starting point for the achievement of the perfection of all these. (216-218, 1991.4.1)

If there were a world that absolutely valued the sexual organ, do you think it would be a good world or a bad world? Would it be a world of prosperity or a world of ruin? When God created human beings, what do you think is the part God made with the greatest concern and devotion? Do you think it is the eyes? The nose? The heart? The brain? These things will disappear when you die, will they not? (279-244, 1996.9.15)

The sexual organ is the royal palace of love. What has happened to that royal palace of love now? A person’s sexual organ is the royal palace of love, the royal palace of life, and the royal palace of lineage. It is such a precious thing: a holy thing. But the Fall has turned it into something dirty. From the original viewpoint of God, it is not something dirty, but something holy. It is the most precious thing. Life, love, and lineage are connected to it. Satan defiled such a holy thing. (218-176, 1991.7.28)

Your sexual organ is the original palace of love. Your sexual organ is the original palace and royal palace of life. Your sexual organ is the royal palace of lineage. Only if love, life, and lineage are accomplished can your sexual organ be the royal palace in which God can dwell. Since God is the King of all kings, and the one who is to go to the original palace and reside there, in order to attend God, you have to attain the original palace of love, the original palace of life, the original palace of lineage, and the original palace of conscience. Amen, amen, amen! May it happen as decreed by my word! Amen! (280-197, 1997.1.1)
pp. 362-363

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