You Get Married in Order to Meet God

Cheon Seong Gyeong 963

    To this day, no one has been registered into the heavenly kingdom. The kingdom did not have a nation. It did not have a family or nation. When you go to the spirit world, your parents, and – if there are ten people in your family – all ten of your family members would be separated. However, from now on it will not be that way. You should know that originally, if human beings had not fallen, heaven would be the place where you enter with your mother, father and clan.
    If your grandparents, mother and father, couple, and children, become one based on true love, and inherit God’s true love that lives for others, then even God would be absolutely obedient to that. In the world that strives to live for others – a world that moves according to the love that submits to the tradition of living for others – the basis for peace would surely emerge even if it resisted being formed. (210-354, 1990.12.27)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1194

    The democratic political system is a system of struggle. That is why we have to rise to the position of parents. Only then can the struggle be stopped. Siblings can all unite, centered on the parents. The world of peace starts from such unity. There is no other method. First, people need to find the True Parents, and then everything else including true children, true nation, and true peace can be found. There is no other way. (205-190, 1990.9.1

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 3

true love

Chapter 2

The Reality of Love

Section 5. Sexual Love

5.1. Sex is the original palace of love, the most holy place of heaven

Love must create harmony; there is nothing dirty in love. Although the sexual organ is the most precious thing, it is close to the dirtiest area of the human body. Why is that the case? Since harmony is a principle in the creation of heaven and earth, the male and female sexual organs, as the most precious things, are placed here. God thus installed them properly near the dirtiest place. (194-49, 1989.10.15)

Where are the sexual organs of men and women located? It is the safest zone, and at the same time next to the dirtiest place. This shows us that God is truly a king of wisdom. He teaches the human world, “Love even rules over something so dirty.” As you know, the sexual organs are close to the anus. The pathway for urine and the pathway for sperm are the same pathway as well. (194-175, 1989.10.22)

Would you rather cut off one of your fingers, or your sexual organ? This is not something to laugh about. There should be a vertical standard. The four limbs are horizontal. This is why the vertical sexual organ is right in the middle. Isn’t this part of a trinity? It represents God. Among the possessions that a man has, two parts of the sexual organ represents the dual characteristics of Adam and Eve, and the one that stands stiff represents God. (205-348, 1990.10.2)

You get married in order to meet God. These are amazing words. God does not exist separately from this. When you enter that place, God is living there. (203-255, 1990.6.26)

The sexual organ is more important than your head. There is no origin of true love in your head. There is no origin of true life in your head. There is no origin of true lineage in your head. Where is that origin? It is the sexual organ. That is for sure, isn’t it? There is everything in the sexual organ. There is life, there is love, and there is lineage. It is the original palace of love. The root of life also lies here. It is the same with lineage. This is the most precious place, not only in the human body but also in the world and throughout human history. Without it, the multiplication of humankind would be impossible. (203-104, 1990.6.17)

For human beings, the antenna of love is their sexual organ. The man is convex and the woman is concave, so when the two are joined together, they become round and disappear. It is like a negative electrical charge and a positive electrical charge meeting and producing a clap of thunder, and then returning to zero. They return to their initial state. (187-54, 1989.1.6)

If the man had his own sexual organ, he absolutely would not want to give it away, and the woman would not want to give hers away either. Then, the man and the woman would have no way other than to stand confronting each other like that for a thousand or ten thousand years. However, since they have made this exchange with each other centered on love, they share their sexual organs out of mutual need, and their giving and receiving will create circular motion. Value appears only when giving and receiving takes place through an exchange. (140-244, 1986.2.12)

In the fallen world love has turned into the most dangerous thing. It is because of the Fall that mismanaging love shatters the world and turns it upside down. People have not clearly realized why love has become false and dirty, but have still tried to keep and protect it because of their instinctive desire that true love should appear. (Blessed Family – 344)

Through the Fall, the sexual organs of men and women have moved in the opposite direction of the original palace and have opened the gate of death and the laws of death and destructive hell. The sexual organs have become a wicked agent that has ruined the heavenly way; hence, it has become something bad. This has been a secret hidden in history up to now. (197-175, 1990.1.13)

Where is the royal palace of love? Don’t think it strange when I say these kinds of things. If we do not rightfully correct this thinking, the world will all become distorted. If history cannot be fitted together properly, wickedness will fill the world. I have experienced the agony of delving into the fundamental problem of humanity and the fundamental core of the universe, and the place I arrived at as a result of this endeavor was the sexual organ. When I arrived at the sexual organ and thought about it carefully, I found that the harmony of heaven and earth unfolds like a whirlwind from that place. This is an amazing fact. (197-24, 1990.1.7)

Why does the man have to be on top when making love? It is because only in this way is the vertical line established. Where does the seed come from? It comes from heaven. Through what does it come? It comes through love. This one thing proves everything. Also, the seed comes from the father, through the vertical, convex organ of love. When the convex fits into the concave organ, the whole of heaven and earth shakes. (187-52, 1989.1.6)

If you jump into love to experience it early because love makes you happy and being intoxicated in love makes you feel mysterious, this is a grave matter. The door of love opens only when it is time, and you must wait until it opens before entering. You should open it proudly after becoming an owner of love. (Blessed Family – 366)

Why do men and women like love? The human body consists of as many as 100 trillion cells, and the time when these cells move as a whole is when they make love. The time when all the cells of the human body can move as one is none other than the time when a man and a woman make love. (118-14, 1982.4.26)
Pg. 365-366


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