It Is Not Bad to Be Born as a Woman

New Richard Urban Show
#172-Joe Earley on the Root Cause of Societal Decline

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1557

Socialism and communism aspire to establish the one absolute nation. The era of the restoration of ownership based on God’s ideal will soon arrive, and Satan, in coming to know of this in advance, planned to completely remove God’s ownership over the world through communism. Satan did all he could. I was the one who undid his every action, and brought everything back to God’s side. Those on that side have therefore all yielded to my logic and ideology. Now, there is nothing and no one who can stand in opposition before the True Parents and God. (229-156, 1992.4.11)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 998

What kind of person am I? I am a person with only one talent. I am a person who just goes straight ahead no matter what. Some ask why I always do things which are spoken ill of, instead of quietly going around the other way with my mouth shut. It is because the pinnacle can only be overcome by receiving opposition from many people. But you are thinking of taking a detour, aren’t you? Then, why do we have to cut off from everything in the secular world? It is because we cannot go straight if we are pulled by our love for our physical parents. Since God has been going straight towards us, we also have to go straight. (97-257, 1978.3.19)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 3

True Love

Chapter 2

The Reality of Love

Section 6. Filial Love
6.1. Children result from a concentration of parental love

Children stand before loving parents as representatives of the world. (Blessed Families and Ideal Kingdom – 934)

Why do they call childless people lonely? Our children are there to enable us to deeply experience the circumstances of the heart of God, the subject who created the entire universe through love. Our children are born through us, on the basis of our own motivation, but by having and loving these children we come to realize, “Ah, this is how God loved people.” (136-201, 1985.12.29)

The reason why parents sacrifice themselves for their children is that they want to return to God through their children. They come to deeply experience parental love while loving their children; this leads them to feel and be aware of God’s love, which is a manifestation of something original. Since those who cannot have children can neither feel parental love nor come to understand God’s parental love, their love is always incomplete. (Blessed Family – 1002)

What kind of children can reside in the Kingdom of Heaven? They are those that pay off the debt of parental love on their own. When their parents become old and senile, the sons and daughters should endure the difficulties of their care with the same heart their parents had toward them when they were little, cleaning up their urine and bowel movements. Only then, will they be children of filial piety. (35-241, 1970.10.19)

Even when a child is spanked or scolded by parents having love, the child is still happy. (Blessed Family – 1027)

Parents have given their very lives for the sake of their children. Children should likewise sacrifice their lives for the sake of their parents. Since life comes from love, sacrificing one’s life in front of that essential love is a logical conclusion. I say that this is not a contradiction. (Blessed Family – 1009)

When children strive not to be indebted to their parents, the parents feel their worth. (Blessed Family – 1009)

When parents use a stick with loving hands, and cry loudly after spanking their child, can the child fight back and curse them? True love carries dual values in harmony. (Blessed Family – 1027)

A great mother embraces her children while teaching them the principle of becoming a person of goodness who can move the world: being able to endure whatever difficulties are encountered. This type of mother has penetrated the heavenly principle. That goodness does not perish. (13-238, 1964.3.24)

You give birth to a child, give your milk and think he/she is cute, but because of whom do you adore your child? You should adore your child on behalf of heaven and earth, on account of this nation, this world, and God. The power of heavenly fortune in accordance with God’s love is moving beyond the world to embrace heaven and earth. The mother who embraces and breastfeeds her sons and daughters should do so with the eager heart that she is embracing God’s beloved sons and daughters on behalf of heaven and earth. (8-105, 1959.11.22)

Parental love is the basis of a child’s pride and happiness. Children receive life from their parents who have created harmonious oneness in true love, and they want to be raised in such love. The most precious responsibility toward children is not just to raise them externally but also to provide the life elements of true love that will make their spirituality complete. (277-200, 1996.4.16)

No matter how much a father loves his child, his love cannot match the mother’s love. (Blessed Family – 905)

The mother has devoted herself more than anyone else, and has suffered more than anyone else; hence, we can say that she is more loving than anyone else. In this sense, women have an elevated and precious position in the arena of emotions. No matter how much a father loves his baby, he does not know that love to the degree the mother does. For this reason, if anyone goes to heaven, women will go to the heavenly kingdom of heart. From this standpoint, it is not bad to be born as a woman. You will come to see that God is fair. (85-166, 1976.3.3)
pgs. 370-371

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