All Things God Created Contain His Consciousness of Purpose

New Richard Urban Show:
#173-Kevin “KC” Christian on the Root Cause of Societal Decline

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1443

In the past 40 years, True Father has built mission departments in 160 nations amid persecution. Now, Blessed Families, the members of the Unification Church, need to become tribal messiahs and bring together 160 couples. This confederation will be like a crystal. Though Father was persecuted in his endeavors, we have now entered an era where the members of the Unification Church can save their tribe, not under persecution, but in a welcoming situation. Those who claim they cannot accomplish this do not deserve to be our members. As long as you have 160 couples who have received the Blessing, you will obtain the right to register in the nation of God. By accomplishing this, you will safely arrive in the blessed land of Canaan, and enter the position in which you can serve your nation. (252-288, 1994.1.1)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1075

Even if parents cannot freely give children material benefits because of their difficult circumstances, they should serve children with a loving heart that seeps from their bone marrow. Then the children will be indebted to their parents. That is why most sons of filial piety come from poor families. Because their parents bequeathed such a tradition, the children endeavor not to be indebted to their parents. When they do so, the parents feel joy. (77-38, 1075.3.30)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 3


Chapter 2

The Reality of Love

Section 9. Love of the Natural World

9.1. God’s will in creating the world of all things

Why did God create all things? It was in order to have an object partner and a realm of object partners to love; they could eat and live, and then return to God’s original world and live in the eternal original kingdom of love. You need to know this. (142-75, 1986.3.1)

Today Christians think that since God is all-knowing and all-powerful, the world came into being just with a few simple words, “Let there be ‘such and such’ in heaven and on earth.” But it did not happen that way. God invested everything: all the energy He had. He created as a gift for His beloved sons and daughters and His beloved family of the future by investing all the power of love He had. Thus, we should look at all things of creation with this kind of understanding. (112-306, 1981.4.25)

When God created the world, there was joy. After creating it He said that it was good. It means there was joy. What is joy? It is something you feel when you have achieved a certain purpose. Since all things God created contain His consciousness of purpose, He felt joy with them. Then, what kind of world is the world of restoration? In a nutshell, it is a world populated by people who have a three-dimensional connection of heart through which they can sing and praise God even when looking at any individual masterpiece of the creation. This is where God sees the value of personality. The old story about Saint Francis preaching to animals and birds is not a lie. It is a dream-like story, but is in fact true. (9-166, 1960.5.8)

Everything in the created world is made by God as a textbook so that His beloved sons and daughters can find and nurture the ideal of love. The created world therefore has correlative structures. Minerals function through the relationship of subject partner and object partner, protons and electrons interact within the atom in subject/object relationship. Without interacting, they cannot exist. Without being in motion they cannot continuously exist. With human beings at the center, the universe was created to relate to that central point. (137-59, 1985.12.18)

The universe is a mysterious world. God did not create the universe as something to fool around with or play with. With the most devoted effort He created it for the sake of His beloved people, and indeed how beautiful it is! So when we look at this universe, we should have an extremely grateful heart, saying that the Father has created it for us. If you walk around the gardens, behold the trees, plants, flowers, and birds, watch the streams flow, and feel the winds blow with this kind of heart, you cannot but be overwhelmed with wonder. (87-319, 1976.6.27)

The perfection of the universe does not just involve the external world rejoicing but also requires that my innermost self also rejoice. In rejoicing, both my mind and body must be joyful, and all my cells must be delighted. The cells in my eyes and those in the bottom of my feet are different, aren’t they? They are different, but this has to be a world where these cells can all rejoice. The cells in my hand and all cells, including the entire mind and body without having any part left out, can rejoice. While doing so, they should not stay separated but become connected in the resonant joy of love based on duality of purpose. Only then will the universe reach perfection. (166-210, 1987.6.7)

Connections start from extremely small things. You are also a living body consisting of as many as 400 trillion cells connected together. In the world of the ideal of creation centered on God, that is, among all existence in the great universe, there is none that came into being from outside God’s heart. A poet who can feel these kinds of things would be a great poet. If there were a poet who can feel and express a cosmic heart when seeing a leaf shake, he would become a poet for the universe. We have not seen all the phenomena of heaven and earth unfolding around us, but even without our knowing there are things that exist together with God’s love. When you enter a spiritual state, you can see that even a small grain of sand contains the principles of the universe, and even one atom contains the bottomless and inexhaustible harmony of the universe. We cannot deny that all existence is the result of some complex force, although we are unable to understand it clearly. Atoms exist below molecules and elementary particles exist below atoms; these forms do not exist unconsciously but with a certain consciousness and purpose. Therefore, we should clearly and fully understand the fact that all things in existence have appeared through the loving hands of God and exist in a necessary relationship of heart with God. (9-166, 1960.5.8)

What kind of people are the enlightened masters? They are those with a heart so deep that they recognize even the value of one stem of grass as equal to their own and can cry out “God!” These would be enlightened masters of the highest level. Those who can sing its value this way would be the artists of the highest caliber. If there were a people with hearts that could allow them to discover the charms of God’s love and heart in every variety of creation, in all their forms and colors, and befriend them and find enjoyment together, they would be the people who could represent the entire universe. If there are people whose cells move one by one with this type of feeling, they are the lords of creation. Conversely, if there is a person who knows about nothing but eating, can he become a lord of creation? (9-166, 1960.5.8)
pgs. 378-379

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