In Marriage, Be Ready to love an Insignificant Man or An Ugly Woman

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1036

Blessings do not exist elsewhere. Blessings come according to the state of your heart. For what do you pray and offer devotion? If a person who has been praying and offering devotion sees a crying child and then kicks it in the backside with his foot, his household will surely go to ruin. If you had a beautiful and ardent prayer, you should deal with the environment with a fervent and beautiful heart. In a position reflecting the standard of your prayer, you should carry the mind-set enabling you to bear the fruit of your prayer. Will the Christians of today go to the heavenly kingdom by attending worship and singing praise? No way! Would they be able to go to the heavenly kingdom if they start fighting, exchanging blows, and doing all sorts of things after coming back from church? (233-210, 1992.8.1)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 851

    Love is likened to heat. You talk about it as if it were heat, don’t you? You say, “My heart is on fire,” don’t you? In the spirit world, since God is the essence of love, He appears as light and heat.
    When you look with your spiritual eyes, you are supposed to know how strong the light of love shines, what color it is, how brilliant it is, and whether it shines in rainbow colors. The family should be combined to become a shining star. All the stars become like moons. There are even stars that have other stars like our sun orbiting around them. (303-42, 1999.7.4)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 3


Chapter 3

Love and Marriage

Section 1. True Marriage Engenders Love of Universal Unity

Given that he was born as a human being, if a man cannot embrace the notion that he will love his wife as he loves God and humankind itself and more than anyone else in this world, then he will not be able to return to the heavenly kingdom. As a man, if he does not know how to love a woman, he cannot love God and humankind. (97-319, 1978.4.1)

I would say that marriage is a ceremony to open and enter the gate of the palace of happiness. It is for this reason that marriage is a great event of human affairs. Love is the greatest thing in human affairs, for it transcends time and space, and marriage is a ceremony to reveal and confirm such love. (Blessed Family – 356)

In getting married, you should not think that you will be a husband to a beauty. Rather, you should think that you will be someone who can wed an ugly woman and still live better than anyone else. This way, you should be a husband who can be revered by any beautiful woman in the world. If you have this kind of viewpoint, you should have no trouble relating to any kind of woman. (26-332, 1969.10.3)

What kind of husband or wife do you want to meet and be married to? You should make it a principle, before you embark on your married life, that you will love even the most insignificant man as a devoted wife. You should know this. The higher the power of your love, the freer you can operate on the stage of the infinite universe. (Blessed Family – 636)

For humankind, love is an eternal thing – it is one, not two. When a man and a woman become joined through love, they are to grow old together for a hundred years on earth and live together eternally after death. Although the bodies are two, they join as one and rotate, thereby becoming one body. When the two bodies become one, God comes to rotate together with them, thus forming a four position foundation of love. This is love’s ideal setting. False love cannot invade it, and only true love comes to dwell in it. (Blessed Family – 344)

The true ideal is realized when, after achieving perfect maturity as an individual and after perfecting your partner, you receive recognition because of your love centered on God. (19-314, 1968.3.17)

The bride and bridegroom should become one body through God’s original love, not through money, political power, or fame. (Blessed Family – 880)

If a beautiful man and a beautiful woman, each created as God’s greatest work of art, were to make love centering on God, this would be a sublime expression of the highest, most transcendental love, rather than worldly love. This love is the most beautiful and representative love, the kind of love that will shine for all of eternity. (26-153, 1969.10.25)

To receive a taste of true love, you must have a realm of the ideal, and for this a man needs a woman and a woman absolutely needs a man. You should know that for the sake of true love, an absolute man and woman join together through the efforts of their united heart. When an absolute man and woman have been joined as one, God will come and dwell in their midst. (Blessed Family – 340)

International marriage is the quickest way for the different races of the world to be one. There is no other way. A man and a woman chosen from two utterly different cultural realms and environments must become one through God’s love. This is complete harmony and unification. In order to accomplish such a great task, we must draw from the immense power of love, for only the highest love can transcend national boundaries, racial boundaries, cultural boundaries, and the boundaries of knowledge. (God’s Will and the World – 499)

God’s love and human love are essentially the same. Love is an effort to become one. The reason a man and a woman long for each other is that the man can possess God only through the woman, and the woman can do so only through the man. Love means to like each other. (Blessed Family – 334)

Single people will never be able to go to the heavenly kingdom. For singles, the heavenly kingdom is a land of despair. Although there is at least hope in a land where one is lonely, a land of despair means a state of hopelessness. (101-43, 1978.10.28)

A man is born for the sake of a woman, and a woman for the sake of a man. There is an original rule that whenever you assert yourself, God is absent, and whenever you respect others, God is with you. The fact that we walk with two feet itself reflects a thinking that is in accordance with this original rule and the principle. (God’s Will and the World – 543)

Is it not true that a woman is born in order to meet a man, and a man is born in order to meet a woman? This is the highest truth. Therefore, we must be gaining the right of Blessing in accordance with such a rule, for to deviate from the highest truth is the highest evil. (21-201, 1968.11.20)

In a traditional marriage, the bride and bridegroom bow deeply to each other. Do you know why they bow deeply? It is to express a promise to live for the sake of each other. If they do not live for each other’s sake, love will run away. (Blessed Family – 361)

The civil law of Korea prohibits the marriage of people with the same family name and origin, and encourages marriages between different clans. This is because Koreans are a people that long for unification. (19-305, 1968.3.10)
pgs. 387-388

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