The Greatest Gift in Human History Is the Blessing

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1923

The Pacific civilization is now coming. In a situation where battlefields are inevitably emerging in America, Japan, Korea, China and Russia, countries that are unprepared for this civilization and cultural background will fall behind. I am the very man who has made preparations, standing on the front line. That is why I have brought together Japan, America, China and the Soviet Union. It gives us hope to think that the great things done by Rev. Moon and the Americans, who have joined hands in unity, will become a condition for America, and the world in the future, to secure and enter a common destiny within the Pacific civilization. Don’t feel so bad about this. Once this is connect- ed, it will be very good for the Western world and America. (202-264, 1990.5.24)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1888

    The first time you fish, you might not appreciate its appeal. However, you will gradually feel its charms as you fish once, twice, and more and more. It is the same with hunting. At first, you start by catching a small bird, and then when that becomes interesting, you attempt to catch a little bigger one, then an even bigger one. Soon you buy a bigger gun, then an even bigger one. There is no limit to it. You cannot help yourself. You will keep going up and up. This is all relative to human life. So, there is a possibility for this enterprise to develop worldwide.
    I hope the ambassadors will come and visit a few times each year. In this way, through those ambassadors, you will be able to give lectures and teach all the people of that nation. You can hold banquets by gathering people together to go fishing and hunting. You can also organize clubs, establish businesses, and conduct other activities with the people of your own country who are currently in that nation. (253-116, 1994.1.14)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 3


Chapter 3

Love and Marriage

Section 3. The Blessing Is the Ceremony to Convey God’s Love

The term “true parents” means a man and woman who are, spiritually, completely mature. It refers to a man and a woman who have established a vertical relationship with God and a horizontal relationship with each other, at ninety degrees. So in order to engraft young men and women, I gather them together, and engraft to them a bud from Mother and a bud from Father. This is the Blessing. (131-174, 1984.5.1)

The Blessing Ceremony is none other than a ceremony of transferring love. In this ceremony of transference, just as the parents live with God’s love, you receive Parents’ love in place of God’s love with the instruction to live a certain way.  This is the Blessing Ceremony. You do not receive it from some famous per- son; this would be an archangelic marriage. If a famous person comes along and arranges a marriage for you, this is always a marriage given by the archangel. (96-236, 1978.1.22)

Giving you the Blessing means to transfer Heaven’s entire authority to you. (17-328, 1967.4.16)

The Blessing is the key to open the door of liberation for all people; this is the door that history has been seeking.  (God’s Will and the World – 27)

What have I considered most precious in my life? The Blessing. Also for you, the greatest gift in human history is the Blessing. (23-317, 1969.6.8)

God’s ideal finally starts in a place where new love centering on God, that is, the love in accordance with the law of creation, is determined. (19-314, 1968.3.17)

To have a different lineage means to have a different father. Therefore, a per- son born from a different father and different lineage cannot indemnify his sins except through original parents untainted by the Fall. Therefore, until now history had been making connections through religious ideals until the arrival of the one person not connected with the Fall who has the right to be the first ancestor. (20-115, 1968.5.1)

For you to have received the Blessing means the time has come when you can make a start, in the name of the bride and bridegroom, with your people, church, and tribe that are chosen on the foundation built on earth by the Messiah’s hard work of two thousand years. Can you be tribal messiahs? Even Satan can’t do any- thing because you have made a parent and child connection with me. This is how incredible the Blessing is. (21-13, 1968.8.13)

What is the cosmos-centered ideology? It is the ideology centered on true parents. After all, these two ideologies are the ideologies based on parents. This is the ideology of your home, your nation, and yourself. Whose ideology would the world embrace if there had been no Fall? It would have embraced an Adam-centered ideology. This ideology is the ideology centered on true parents, that is, the ideology centered on the father and mother. There can be no ideology above that. Therefore, the Unification Church, with True Parents at the forefront, should resolve problems of the heart using the ideology of heaven and working within the boundary of the original ideal family. As long as we practice this ideology within our families, we will not perish-we cannot perish. (26‐201, 1969.10.25)

What is the cosmos-centered ideology? Imagine a family that has more than enough treasures to fill heaven and earth.  It would mean that the family members would, rather than being obsessed by them, forget about them entirely in order to live in intoxication with God’s love. What belongs to the son belongs to the parents, and what belongs to the parents belongs to God. They should all be connected as a whole in this way. (35-280, 1970.10.25)

What is the ideology centered on true family? It is the ideology based on God’s love. No matter how prideful a person may be at being the greatest in the world, he would still be miserable without love. This true family-centered ideology teaches that when the parents go, the sons and daughters eternally fol- low; that when the elder brother goes, the younger brother eternally follows; and even when the younger brother goes, the elder brother follows him eternally.  Hence, if there is a younger brother’s nation, the elder brother’s nation must say that it will follow it. Likewise, if there is an elder brother’s nation, the younger brother’s nation must say that it will also follow it. (21-49, 1968.9.1)
pgs. 393-394

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