God Created Adam and Eve for His Own Love and Joy

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    While our members are praying, spiritual phenomena are taking place. Such things called spiritual phenomena do exist. The spiritual forces enter our bodies like electric power. You would know if you had these experiences; you will experience a force stronger than your normal awareness entering your body, as if you were in contact with high pressure. When you experience supernatural and superhuman emotions, your body will certainly reject them, since your body carries the fallen nature. Your body will surely come to repel this divine nature from God.
    Therefore, if some kind of godly nature flows strongly into fallen humankind, fallen people cannot be purified in a natural way. When this power flows in, it does not come in at once but enters in an alternating plus and minus manner in the way sound waves are transmitted with alternating amplifications and attenuations. This power comes in sometimes strongly and sometimes weakly, all the while cultivating us. You will have vibrations, lose your consciousness, and the phenomenon in which spiritual forces act strongly takes place. This is manifested as spiritual phenomena.
    What will happen next if you continue having such experiences? Your physical body and your physical fallen nature will become purified, and through this you will naturally come to accept these works 100 percent. When that happens, even without such phenomena you can enter a state higher than the spiritual phenomena and then receive all that heaven teaches while not being overwhelmed at all. You have to go through these courses to reach that level of purification, as well as the phases of receiving revelations and directions.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1083

You should not speak or act with just any words and actions. You should be raised to the position of God’s son and daughter and speak and act as God’s son and daughter. (91-89, 1977.1.30)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 4


Chapter 1

The True Family Originally Intended at the Time of Creation

Section 3. God’s Eternal Partner in Love

God created this world. If we were to ask Him, “Why did you create this world?” He would answer, “Because it is good.” In other words, God created this world because He thought it was good, he felt joy from it, and wanted to receive more joy from it. How do you achieve goodness or joy from something? You receive joy in the form of love. Therefore, we come to the conclusion that God created this world to feel joy through the realization of love. For the realization of love, God created this world. God created the universe to feel joy through human beings and the creation becoming one and thus establishing a harmonious world of love. God feels joy from seeing and becoming one in love with human beings, forming true relationships of husband and wife and then establishing a family, tribe, people, nation and world of true love. That was God’s ideal of creation. (Blessed Family – 302)

God’s only dream was to realize the ideal of love. But the problem is that the ideal of love cannot be realized by God alone. Such things as love, happiness and joy cannot be realized through only one being. They cannot be realized without an object partner. (Blessed Family – 302)

Although God is an absolute being, He needs someone to be his object of love. His object of love is none other than human beings. When humankind comes before God as the object of love, with perfected love, God becomes the God of happiness, the God who has fulfilled the ideal of joy. (145-267, 1986.5.15)

The answer to the questions, “Why does God need human beings?” and “Why does He need human beings in realizing His ideal?” is: God needs human beings to perfect His love. What is God’s love? We can say that God’s love involves human beings liking each other eternally, but more importantly, it involves God liking human beings eternally. In this way, human beings are God’s eternal objects of love. From the day God created Adam and Eve, God desired to love Adam and Eve as the object partners whom He would look at over and over again, and would wish to look at forever, to be with over and over again, and to live with over and over again. Having such object partners is God’s ideal of creation. (Blessed Family – 302)

Section 4. The Purpose of Creating Adam and Eve

Genesis 1:27 says, “So God created man in His own image, male and female He created them.” We can deduce from this that God has both male and female qualities. God needs an object because He cannot live alone. Therefore, He had no choice but to create this world. As a result, a man and a woman were created. (Blessed Family – 307)

God created Adam and Eve, first of all, to have physical form. Secondly God created Adam and Eve to perfect love. When Adam and Eve are perfected and become the substantial beings of love through which they can become one, God can come and reside with them, becoming the parent of perfected love to humanity. Then Adam and Eve, who are the substantial parents with visible form, can reproduce children and thus realize the ideal world. When that happens, the spirit world and the physical world are connected through humankind. This implies that God also created human beings for the purpose of connecting the spirit world and the physical world. So while Adam and Eve are on earth, God can reside with them in love as the true and substantial parent of humanity. Then when Adam and Eve pass on to the spirit world, He can continue to stay in the position of the parent with physical form through their lineage. It must, however, be clearly recognized that these plans were thwarted by the Fall of Adam and Eve. (Blessed Family – 307)

God is invisible and because God is invisible, He created Adam and Eve as His physical image. When Adam and Eve, in whose minds God resides, become perfect, marry, and bear children, God becomes the internal father and Adam the external father. When this happens, Adam resembles God completely. If Adam and Eve, who resemble God, had become the father and mother of humanity, it would have been clearly perceived throughout history that God, through their existence, does indeed exist. (Blessed Family – 307)

God created a man and a woman with the purpose of having them fall in love and unite into one. He did not create Adam for himself or Eve for herself. He created Adam for Eve and Eve for Adam. Also, God created Adam and Eve for his own love and joy. It was not for knowledge, power or money. The Almighty God does not need knowledge, money or power. He only needs love. (Blessed Family – 307)

God did not create Adam and Eve to give them knowledge or power, or wealth to live in affluence. The purpose of creating them was to establish them as the substantial beings of love. (Blessed Family – 307)
pgs. 425-426

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