The Question Is whether the Love of a Man and a Woman Is in Accord with God’s Will

New Candidate Interview on The Richard Urban Show
#178-Interview with Mary Ann Roebuck Claytor-Democratic Candidate for WV Auditor

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Socialism and communism aspire to establish the one absolute nation. The era of the restoration of ownership based on God’s ideal will soon arrive, and Satan, in coming to know of this in advance, planned to completely remove God’s ownership over the world through communism. Satan did all he could. I was the one who undid his every action, and brought everything back to God’s side. Those on that side have therefore all yielded to my logic and ideology. Now, there is nothing and no one who can stand in opposition before the True Parents and God. (229-156, 1992.4.11)

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A perfect subject makes a perfect object. It is God’s responsibility to perfectly substantiate the faith of the perfect object. What do you think about that? Isn’t that brilliant? Everything came to be done according to that faith. So what about the Blessing of 3.6 Million Couples that is coming up? Going from 30,000 couples to 360,000 couples was easier than you thought. This will be very easy. There are bound to be many people in the world who cry out for Rev. Moon day and night. Through this Blessing, I opened the way for Mother’s parents and mine to be reunited as husband and wife, and all the sins committed by the thousands of generations of ancestors in history were forgiven. (272-117, 1995.8.30)

Richard: Join the next Blessing Preparation Course here. The next Course begins November 3rd.

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 4


Chapter 5

The Love of Man and Woman in the Original Creation

Section 1. The Original Love of a Man and a Woman

When man and woman are in love, whether their love is in accord with God’s will and the standard He requires of them is the question. Is their love in accord with the model of love in God’s mind? We come to the conclusion that if the first man and woman had become one in love based on the love of God, then their love would have become the universal model of love. God must have desired such love from human beings. Likewise, man and woman must have wanted this love from each other. Such true love must be the core of the universe. It becomes the standard of measurement. (Blessed Family – 334)

God’s love and human love are the same in essence. Love causes oneness. Why do a man and a woman long for each other? It is because a man can possess God only through a woman, and a woman can possess God only through a man. In other words, they long for each other because God comes and dwells where a man and a woman have become one in love. (Blessed Family – 334)

Considering that the source of the dual characteristics is God, we should simultaneously sing praises for the noble value of God and for the dignity and value of men and women. (Blessed Family – 334)

When God’s beloved woman lives in a man’s heart and God’s beloved man lives in a woman’s heart as well, these two become his object partners, and when they love each other, God will be delighted to see this love and all things will rejoice. Heaven and earth will rejoice to see a man and woman with these values embrace. When man and woman embrace each other in mutual fondness, this mutual fondness becomes the point where the universe unifies. This is how the original image unfolds in God’s ideal. (Blessed Family – 334)

Originally, a man should meet a woman with whom he can rejoice, and a woman also should meet a man with whom she can rejoice. More than this, it should be an encounter over which both God and all things of creation can rejoice. Then, all creation will be mobilized for this couple and want to be ruled by them. Birds will sing and butterflies will flutter and dance with joy. God will rejoice, people will rejoice, everything will rejoice. Had the first human ancestors started history by establishing such a position, the world would be the original, ideal world. (Blessed Family – 334)
pgs 460-461

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