A Woman Is Born to Meet a Man, and A Man Is Born to Meet a Woman

New Candidate Interviews on The Richard Urban Show

#180-Interview with Cara Keys-Republican Candidate for County Commissioner-Shepherdstown District
#179-Interview with Thornton Cooper-Democratic Candidate for WV Secretary of State
#178-Interview with Mary Ann Roebuck Claytor-Democratic Candidate for WV Auditor

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1387

    The True Mother has accomplished a victorious foundation, thereby liberating women from the position of fallen Eve who could not fulfill her responsibility. Hence, the true women’s liberation movement can finally be initiated. Within the next three years, we must proceed with the efforts to restore the nation through the liberation of women.
    Since we have entered the era in which we can restore the nation, we are able to hold huge global weddings. Since we reclaimed 360,000 couples from the satanic realm, the satanic world has fallen to pieces. Now the families in the secular world are bound to disintegrate. Once this happens, the Blessed Families will become the mainstream, and everyone will get to know that the family ideal I teach will not only bring liberation to humanity, but also show us the shortest route to world peace; consequently, we will no longer face opposition. From now on, if anyone dares to oppose us, whether royalty or any other dignitary, those around them should shout, “Be quiet, you! Don’t you know what Rev. Moon has achieved? Don’t you know that he has brought together young men and women from around the world and married them in the 360,000 Couples Blessing? What have you done that is so great that you dare oppose him? Cut it out!” Now the time has come for you to go back to your hometowns and to sit on your parents until they bow down to you 1388 Book 9 • Blessed Family in submission. In other words, the time has come for us to restore the rights of the parents. Do you understand? (272-50, 1995.8.30)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 574

    Among the many people living in this world today, there are not that many who understand the meaning of the Blessing taught by the Unification Church. The Unification Church coined the term Blessing and has performed blessing ceremonies using this term. In the future, humanity cannot go to heaven without going through the gate of the Blessing.
Many people believe in the established churches. But even the established churches themselves cannot go to heaven unless they go through the gate of the Blessing. If I tell them this, the established churches complain that Rev. Moon of the Unification Church is self-righteous. Nevertheless, fallen human beings must surely go through the Blessing taught by the Unification Church. Even though they oppose it, the Blessing is a matter of great importance that should be dealt with by connecting the spirit world with the physical world. Today the people who believe in ordinary religions think that salvation means individual salvation. It means that they think they will enter heaven if they just have faith individually. Yet based on God’s original ideal, people are not to go to heaven alone, but rather as a loving couple together with their loving family. (143-234, 1986.3.19)

Richard: UnionStation.love prepares you to find your eternal match and to become a Blessed Couple.

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 4


Chapter 5

The Love of Man and Woman in the Original Creation

Section 2. The Reason Men and Women Are Born

What is the original purpose of a man’s birth? We cannot deny the fact that he is born for the sake of a woman. Likewise, woman is not born for her own sake. We should know that a problem will arise if a woman fails to comprehend on her own that she is born for the sake of a man. Because God, the great owner of heaven and earth, established this as a principle of creation, we cannot enter the world of goodness, truth, happiness, and peace or the world of love and ideal unless we follow this principle. (Blessed Family – 337)

A woman is born to meet a man, and a man is born to meet a woman, are they not? This is the highest truth. Therefore, we should find the realm of blessing that conforms to this principle. Deviating from this highest realm of truth constitutes the highest evil. (21-201, 1968.11.20)

Men and women are physically opposite. Whereas women are one-directional, men are three-directional or four-directional. Women are more likely to enjoy staying at home, and men are more likely to enjoy traveling the world. The characters of men and women are opposite. How can men and women become one? They become one through love. Love unites human beings and God. (38-255, 1971.1.8)

Why is man born? He is not born for the sake of academic pursuits, money, or political power. He is born for the sake of woman. Man is born for the sake of woman. Men have larger physiques, not so they can earn a living only for themselves, but so that they can earn a living for their children and wives. Man’s sexual organ and woman’s sexual organ are different. For whom do they exist? They did not come into existence for their own sake. Man’s sexual organ came into existence for the sake of woman. Likewise, woman’s sexual organ is for the sake of man. Have you ever thought like this? This is not something to laugh about. What is the symbol of the love of man and woman? Where is the final destination of love? It is the sexual organ which makes them one body. (143-275, 1986.3.20)

The sexual organ becomes a channel through which the mind and body can completely merge through love. That which man has is not his, and that which woman has is not hers. Man has what belongs to woman, and woman has what belongs to man. Men and women are not born for their own sake. They should know clearly that they are born for the sake of their partner. Why are men and women born on earth? They are born in order to love each other. Since God is the great king of wisdom, He switched ownership of their love organs. (132-146, 1984.5.31)

A man has a sexual organ, but that does not mean that he is its owner. The same is true for woman. Those who have acted carelessly with no regard for their sexual organ’s ownership will be judged. If men know that they will receive punishment under the most fearful law, would they dare think of other women instead of their own wives? Conversely, can wives think of other men instead of their own husbands? (Blessed Family -340)
pgs. 461-462

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