Seek True Parents whom God can Love

News for Youth Success-November 2024-Family Breakdown = Community Breakdown

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    Registration can be carried out only when God’s nation is created. At that time you will be able to report births, marriages, and deaths in that nation. Though innumerable families in the Unification Church have received the Blessing, they cannot go through with this procedure at present. They cannot even begin to undertake proceedings. You must understand this: since we do not have a nation, registrations must be newly made once we establish one.
    That is why a great migration will then take place. People from the North Pole will move to the South Pole, and vice versa. In the future, your nationalities and your tribes will be changed according to the order of procedures. A great exodus will take place. (278-327, 1996.6.23)

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    Since the spiritual Blessing is possible now, I can give the Blessing as much as I like. I must give the Blessing to everyone without exception. I have to make it so that, before I go, there is no one left in the spirit world that was not blessed. Previously it was not possible, but now it can be done there.
    People who received the Blessing must fill the earth and spirit world before I go there. If not, then all the fallen lineages sown by Adam until this time will not have been rooted out. What is this year’s motto? It is “the cosmic expansion of the true Blessing and the rooting out of Satan’s lineage.” All those in the spirit world must receive the Blessing. This must be completed before I pass on. I must clean up the spirit world before I go there. Have you ever thought about rooting out Satan’s lineage? I have already set the spirit world in order.
    You may not know, but I am doing all this work. I have reached the level that allows even the spirit world and all the ancestors to be blessed after being liberated. By liberating those who died as an infant, or who passed on to the spirit world without marrying, it is now possible for all of them to enter the domain of the Blessing.
    By accomplishing this, Satan’s root will be exterminated. Therefore, I gave instructions twenty days ago, before I returned to America, so that even the people in spirit world could go through the three-day ceremony, just as we do here on earth. That is complicated. It is the same as it is on earth. Since young people are being blessed here, I am giving the Blessing to unmarried men and women in the spirit world in the same way. (301-212, 1999.5.1)

View Restoring the Family Is Salvation for a simple explanation of the change of lineage and the Blessing.  Prepare and receive the Blessing at

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 4


Chapter 10

The True Family of Humankind Must Be Restored

Section 3. The Hope of Fallen People

    Through the Fall, the ancestors of humankind, Adam and Eve, created the fallen lineage. They failed to become the true parents who were to have attained oneness with God, and they failed to give birth to sons and daughters of God’s direct lineage in the original ideal world desired by Him. Instead, they forged a bond with Satan and became satanic ringleaders who gave birth to children of death. Today, humankind still has false parents. Hence, humankind must deny the lineage of those false parents and meet the true parents. (14-279, 1965.1.3)

    The hope of fallen people is to meet God’s son. Lamenting the injustice of having been born as Cain’s children, they are wandering around seeking God’s true son. We must find him. Yet how much will humankind have to suffer in seeking him at the individual level and at the family level? Thus, God sent the Messiah, who represents the realm of the son at the national level.
    Then, if people received the Messiah, they could find God’s son at the level of the individual, family, tribal, people and nation. The advent of the Messiah was to convey the joyful news that humankind could meet God’s son up to the national level. (Blessed Family – 480)

    We, who were born with the fallen lineage, have to meet God’s son who can transcend the basis of Satan’s accusation. Having done so, we must go on to meet him as our parent. You have had fallen parents, but not true parents. Hence, you need to seek true parents whom God can love. Next, we must seek the family of those parents. After that, we must seek God’s love, and upon finding it, we meet God. In this way, fallen people must seek their God-centered siblings, parents, home and hometown. You should be aware of the fact that humankind is supposed to walk this path.
    Thus, if parents and children who are worthy of God’s love form families together through that love, they can automatically prosper. They will sing songs of love in a setting that can bring success to everything through harmonized families. When this happens, a race centering on God’s love will automatically be formed. Yet, because Adam lost such a family, its standard must be found through religion. Until that family is established, a tribe, people, nation and world cannot be established. (Blessed Family – 480)

    What would be our ideal, desire and hope? The conclusion should be as follows: first, attending God as our Father is our greatest hope; second, we are to become His beloved sons and daughters; and third, we are to inherit everything He owns. There cannot be a human hope greater than this. (Blessed Family – 480)
pgs. 512-513




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