The Bride Is the Wife of the Lord

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    Now the time has come for the final transition to take place based on the five great saints blessed on June 13, and their blessed followers in the spirit world, members of the groups they have established. Those serving You and the True Parents on earth and in the spirit world will now have to follow the way of filial piety, loyalty and heavenly traditions. That is, the archangelic families on earth should come together and join the liberated realm of the Blessed Families in the position of perfected Adamic families on earth. They should strive to fulfill their duties before You as filial sons and daughters in the family, patriots in the nation, and saints in the world, and inherit the bond of love while tending to the duties of Your divine sons and daughters on earth and in the spirit world. To do so, they should become as one with You in heaven and with the True Parents on earth. Through this, they will be empowered to fulfill this, Your long cherished desire. So please liberate the followers of the saints and the ancestors who are the offspring of the first ancestors, Adam and Eve.
    Based on kinship in the realm of love united with the perfected heaven You originally intended, and by serving the True Parents on earth, all those who could not serve them until this time can arrive at the destination founded on the family. This family is the result of vertical and horizontal love coming together, the original ideal of creation. It springs from the bond of siblings, and of parents and children, as formed between the ancestors both on earth and in the spirit world. This is the day of proclaiming that both physical and spiritual worlds can now be connected eternally on the foundation of the cosmic family centered on the True Parents, and that through the liberation of both worlds all families can freely travel in all directions. In the name of the True Parents, the era has now arrived in which we can publicly carry out activities after we have brought all those in both worlds together and established a foundation on earth. Then together with all created beings we can march forward in full force for the victory of the eternal sovereignty of Your love and the establishment of Your kingdom on earth and in heaven, which is founded on true love and the realm of heart of Your true lineage and that of the True Parents. All this I declare in the name of the True Parents! Amen! Amen! Amen! (296-9, 1998.10.5) 

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    In the Christian way, we would say, “God sits on His throne in heaven as the righteous Lord of Judgment. He judges good and evil, and sends the good to heaven and the bad to hell. That is God’s hobby in life!” Amen or no-men? A judge is compelled to do it, but after passing judgment, the chief justice cannot sleep at night. He suffers regardless of whether his decision was right or wrong. There is only one judge. If this is how we are, and if we resemble God, would God enjoy being judge or would He detest it? (197-145, 1990.1.13)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 4


Chapter 10

The True Family of Humankind Must Be Restored

Section 8. The True-Family Centered Ideology and the Religion of True Parents

    The world has become the way it is by receiving a tradition that deviates from God as a result of the Fall. Thus, True Parents must come and establish a new ideology. What kind of ideology should it be? Should it be based on the world or the cosmos? It is the true family-centered ideology. Without its appearance, a true global ideology cannot emerge.
    Its representative must be God’s true son. He should be the heir who internally inherits everything related to God’s heart. He should also be His external heir, the heir of the ownership of all things. In other words, he has to be someone who can inherit God’s heart, God’s body and all things. Only such a son can stand in God’s stead. God’s Kingdom will finally be realized only when he comes.
    What is the true family-centered ideology? It is that of God’s love. Isn’t it simple? Without love, however much people may brag about being number one in the world, they are pitiful. Am I right or not? The true family-centered ideology is an ideology of children eternally following their parents, of younger siblings eternally following their elder siblings, and vice versa. It is an ideology that calls for a nation in the position of a younger sibling to follow the nation in the position of an elder sibling. (21-49, 1968.9.1)

    What kind of ideology is that which is centered on God’s love? It is a transnational and transglobal ideology of people seeking to give first rather than to receive in their reciprocal dealings. The world of such an ideology is the ideal world to come in the future. That ideal world is not one of projecting power and ordering people around, but rather that of the ideology that affirms the brotherhood of all peoples, in which all hearts can move of their own accord to harmonize with God’s love. The future world will be like that. In a time to come, the religion of family level saviors must emerge. This we call the true parent-centered ideology. It is the true parental religion, which is that of living daily as true parents in realizing the four-position foundation. When this happens, parents will become the saviors of their children within their families.
    If you read the very end of the Revelation to John, you will find the key to the history of restoration. It exemplifies the greatness of the Bible. The contents about restoration were inserted into the last chapter of the Bible to reveal a principle of restoration. Revelation 22:17 states, “The Spirit and the Bride say, ‘Come!’ And let him who hears say, ‘Come!’ Whoever is thirsty, let him come; and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of the water of life.” Do you know what “the Spirit and the Bride” means? The Bride is the wife of the Lord, and the Spirit is a spiritual being, and from here, the Mother who manifests both the spirit and flesh must emerge. Since Jesus is a man and the father of humankind, he must find the mother among women and save the world anew. Christians do not know this. I am simply dumbfounded because, although I try to enlighten them, they reject me and even call me a heretic. (21-49, 1968.9.1)

    What is the cosmos-centered ideology? It relates to the family that would always deny the desire to own gold and material treasures more than enough to fill the universe in order to live intoxicated by God’s love. In that state, what belongs to children also belongs to their parents, and what belongs to parents is connected intact as belonging to God. (35-280, 1970.10.25) What kind of ideology is cosmos-centered ideology? It is the true parent-centered ideology. In conclusion, they both are parental ideologies. They are the ideologies of our home, our nation and all of you as individuals. (26-201, 1969.10.25)
pgs. 518-519


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