God’s Kingdom Begins from the Family

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    Humanity can be divided between those who have formed families and those who have not. The latter can be subdivided into two groups and one of those groups is made up of people who had relations as they pleased with the opposite sex, but who failed to form a family. We can therefore divide humanity into three groups: those who married, those who related to the opposite sex but did not form families – of which there are many nowadays – and finally, virgin men and women. Such are the relationship entanglements that exist in the world today.
    In other words, viewed vertically, people live on three levels: matrimony, engagement, and celibacy. The second category of people reflects the state of engagement between Jesus and the Holy Spirit. They would be able to form a new family. In order to restore through indemnity all these different types of people, some representatives must be called to form families, according to God’s dispensation. That is how the 36 Couples came to be established. (58-183, 1972.6.11)

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    The Bible is a sacred scripture, but it contains many things that are difficult to accept. Isn’t that so? How could it be that Jacob and Rebecca united to deceive his brother Esau and his father Isaac, in order to receive the blessing? Why did Tamar have a relationship with her father-in-law, and bear Perez and Zerah? Why could the blessing come to the tribe of Judah, under Perez and Zerah? The question is why are there issues that cannot be accepted from a human moral viewpoint?
    In the first chapter of the Gospel of Matthew, four great women who had illicit relationships: Tamar, Bathsheba, Rahab and Ruth, are listed in the genealogy of Jesus. This gospel is the equivalent of Genesis, but the question is, why do the first pages of the New Testament focus on these women, who are stained and impure? Without understanding the Principle view of the Fall, there is no way to understand this. It has remained a mystery. By searching throughout my life, however, I have been able to answer these questions for the first time. (211-137, 1990.12.30)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 4


Chapter 11

The Family Is the Eternal Foundation of Happiness

Section 3. The Family Is Basic Unit to Realize God’s Kingdom

Our family and God’s Kingdom have the same form. Our family comprises parents, spouses, children, and siblings. It can be unified through love. Here unity can be attained, life transmitted, and the ideal substantiated. Thus, you must be able to honor conjugal love and parental love to qualify to go to heaven. The grandparents bequeath their love to the parents. God’s Kingdom will not be realized if any of these forms of love is denied. The conclusion is that you must love your parents more than you love each other as husband and wife, and your grandparents more than your parents. This becomes the core and ideal motto of God’s entire kingdom. (Blessed Family – 942)

The starting point of God’s Kingdom is not an individual or a nation, but a family. Hence, Jesus comes to this earth seeking to establish the bond of groom and bride. Is the individual the starting point of the Kingdom? It is the family that is the basic unit for realizing God’s Kingdom. (30-82, 1970.3.17)

God’s Kingdom is a place that once you are there, you do not want to leave; it is a place where that Being lives that you would like to see again and again even after seeing Him hundreds of times. If all people commonly desire to go there, see God, and live with Him, the world will be unified, but this is not something that happens all at once. First, the individual foundation must stand, then the family foundation must stand, and then it should expand through the people, nation and world. (Blessed Family – 942)

Where is God’s Kingdom? It does not suddenly fall from the sky, but is the place where we develop the sphere of daily life for interaction between parents and children, fully enjoying the use of all creation as a basis of our ideal. (78-35, 1975.5.1)

You should know that your families are in the position of representing the sovereignty of the heavenly nation. Since the parents represent the sovereignty, the children represent the citizenry and their possessions represent the territory of that nation. Being filial to your parents leads to being loyal to your nation and that leads to the path of sainthood. These days, families have become a source of all manner of shameful things, but God is coming forward desiring that the family become a holy foundation. (35-305, 1970.10.30)

People must necessarily have families. In the family, there are parents, children and possessions. Then, who are the substantial beings that can horizontally develop all of the vertical history of the Old, New and Completed Testament Ages and represent it? They are all things, children and parents; that is to say, they are the parents, their children and their possessions. These are all needed within the bounds of the family. (29-156, 1970.2.27)

The conjugal Kingdom of Heaven is realized only through a couple attaining oneness in God’s love. Nobody can break their oneness and there is no danger that it may split or fall apart. What kind of love have you sought? If you have sought God’s love, your mind and body should attain complete oneness so that God’s love can come and dwell in them. Thus, the conjugal Kingdom of Heaven must emerge and the family Kingdom of Heaven must be realized. The family Kingdom of Heaven will be actualized when mothers and fathers completely unite in love, and sons and daughters also find spouses just like their parents. When parents become the plus and children the minus, the family Kingdom of Heaven will come into being. (Blessed Family – 942)
pgs 522-523



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