People Should Live Eternally

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2019

Until now we have been driven out. Heaven’s will has never once had the chance to gain a foothold in a nation and fully manifest its substance. We must fulfill God’s will to create a homeland. Until now, that will has not been accomplished even once. Now we can establish that kind of homeland. In that homeland there will be sovereignty, territory and people. Also, the lineage connects the people as a unified people in that nation, giving them a history that other peoples cannot have. We must carry out our emissary missions in order to restore independence to such a homeland. The faster this mission is completed, the faster we lay the foundation for restoring our homeland. Paying a price through our suffering today hastens the day when the restoration of our homeland will swiftly come. Considering this fact, you should go forward with the determination to complete your mission as a special emissary. Otherwise, we will not be able to own the worldwide blessing and heavenly fortune that God can give us in this era. (29-40, 1970.2.16)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1918

In the future, the world civilization will most certainly return to Asia. The era of the Pacific civilization is approaching. Today, eminent scholars who study social science, as well as natural scientists who have any pretense to knowledge, predict that the era of the Pacific civilization will appear and set the trend of history. Why must it be that way? Shouldn’t I know the root cause? Haven’t I been teaching now for over forty years that the era of the Pacific civilization is coming? Nobody knows in which nation it will appear. I am the only one who knows. It is the man called Rev. Moon who knows all these things and believes that the Republic of Korea must take the lead. (207-281, 1990.11.11)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 5


Chapter 1

The Existence of Human Beings in the Physical and Spirit Worlds

Section 5. Blessing and Eternal Life

5.2. The way of eternal life

5.2.4. Why we should live eternally

    As what kind of existence did God create human beings? He created them as the objects of His love who could possess His absolute and unique value. This is an amazing fact. How much value does a person’s life have these days? It’s only worth a few pennies. Originally, people were not meant to be such worthless beings. Their value was so precious that life could not be exchanged even for the entire universe.
    The backbone of everything in the literary world today is love. People are born from, live in, and die in love. However, they do not just disappear. Since God, the subject being, is eternal, unchanging and unique, human beings, when they come to stand in the position of an object of love in front of Him, can also live eternally. The theory of eternal life originated from this point; it did not begin from life. (142-143, 1986.3.8)

    What kind of person is a true person? It is a person who can receive love completely in the position of God’s child by becoming one with Him inside and out. We can say that the way of life of such people is the way of a true life. People, whoever they are, desire the best. When you go and reach the highest position, God belongs to you, and you belong to Him. Then, you become God’s child and you become God Himself and thus, even the universe belongs to you.
    If there is something that God loves and treasures most, would God have created it to throw away after He spends one day, ten years, or a hundred years with it or would it to be with Him eternally? God created it to be together with Him eternally. So it is with humankind.
    People should live eternally because they are the object partners of the absolute God who can feel joy from them in absolute love. If God were to just have a liking for them for one or two days, ten years, or a hundred years and then throw them away, it would not be love. The more you love someone, the more you want to be with that person. Was there not a man who remained single for life after his beloved wife died, always carrying her handkerchief? Nehru of India lost his wife when she was young. He wore a rose the rest of his life because his wife loved roses.
    Then, when God created His most precious only son and daughter, do you think He created them to perish after a hundred years or so? No, and therefore it is a fundamental principle that human beings live eternally. In order to live eternally, we must stand on the foundation of an action where stronger power can be emitted. Therefore, as more days pass and the more love is given and received, rather than being exhausted, the power of love becomes stronger and greater. Life will not end only in happiness but can expand to an unlimited happiness. Such a world is the nation that we idealize and where God dwells.
    Do you wish for eternal life? Although perhaps vaguely, you wish for eternal life. If you have something precious, would you bring it with you when you seek refuge or not? You would bring it with you. Do you want to be proud of it or not? You would want to be proud of it. Will you stop being proud of it after a day or two? No. When you are about to die, you will want to leave it to your descendants for eternity. That is the same for God.
    If God is an eternal, absolute being, the object partner He can love should also live eternally. That is why people have longed for an eternal life since time immemorial. Therefore, God the Absolute Being, cannot help but look for a loving son and daughter who possess the value of eternal life. (39-342, 1971.1.16)

    We human beings resemble God as His masterpiece. Since God is eternal and because we also should have an eternal nature, our heart does not become old. Therefore, human beings should live eternally. Only when they live eternally can they have the value of existence as that masterpiece.
    Therefore, human beings are the lords of all creation. Spirit comes from here. Human beings should live eternally. Therefore, we cannot think that our existence ends after we live for about eighty years. (159-279, 1968.5.19)
pgs 567-568

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