Everything a Person Does In His Lifetime Is Permanently Fastened to His Rear End

We honor Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. today, and are thankful for his pioneering work.
We congratulate President Donald J. Trump on his inauguration as the 47th President of the United States.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1667

God had to consider, with regard to the true ideal, love and peace, whether He should set the subject partner as the center and place the ideal origin in the object partner’s living for the sake of the subject partner, or set the object partner as the center and place the ideal origin in the subject partner’s living for the sake of the object partner. After considering, He decided that if He were to place the ideal origin as in the case of the former, not only Himself but all people in the world would need the object partner to live for themselves. In other words, all would become subject partners and not object partners. If this were to be the case, the path to unity would be blocked. You need to know this. (75-318, 1975.1.16)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1189

As God carried out the dispensation for restoration, His grief lay in the fact that the firstborn son was on Satan’s side. That is why human history is diseased. What kind of disease does it suffer from? It has a love related disease. The first son was born after humankind went astray due to the disease of love. If we are not aware of this fact, we won’t reach the time when we are able to ascend to the individual position where we can again achieve harmony, even if we spend billions of years in search of the principled standard. (136-126, 1985.12.22)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 5


Chapter 1

The Existence of Human Beings in the Physical and Spirit Worlds

Section 5. Blessing and Eternal Life

5.2. The way of eternal life

5.2.7. The most important issue of eternal life

    Today’s Christians say that if you believe in Jesus you will attain eternal life. To live eternally one must carry on with a continuous action. In order to walk the path of life eternally, the circulation system such as the veins and arteries of the heart should function normally; the nervous system and all the actions of the cerebrum and cerebellum should also function normally. This requires a tremendous amount of consumption. (121-172, 1982.10.24)

    When you go to bed in the evening after taking off your shoes, are you confident that you will be there to put them on again the next morning? No matter how busy you say you are, nothing in this world is more important than the issue of eternal life. There is no quest in this world more serious than to resolving the problem of eternal life on this world. (10-249, 1960.10.21)

5.2.8. Ultimately, human beings must return to eternal life

    You should dissolve the anguish of the Fall by establishing the way of True Parents’ love, this new wave and tide, and establish a family of true love over which God can reign. Only then can you go straight to heaven. The rails of God’s Kingdom on earth and in heaven must be the same. A train can run only when the rails are the same. In the same way, the rails on earth and in the heavenly world must be the same.
    The path connecting God’s Kingdom on earth with His kingdom in heaven is the path of true love. Consequently, the path an individual takes and the path a family takes should all be connected and their directions consistent with each other.
    Therefore, everything a person does in his lifetime is permanently fastened to his rear end as a record of his performances done for the sake of true love. Thus, when a person goes to the spirit world, he naturally comes to dwell at the level corresponding to the meritorious achievements he left behind in his lifetime. (211-287, 1990.12.30)
pgs 569-570

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