The latest Richard Urban Show:
#184-Vaccine Choice for West Virginia-Kudos to Governor Patrick Morrisey
Cheon Seong Gyeong 2094
God is the Abel of the universe. The world’s people are in the position of Cain before God. Since God has led the providence of restoration through servants of servants, adopted children, and children, we must inherit that tradition and go to our tribe, present this tradition, and work to win their hearts. This will not take long. Three years at the most. So, I am thinking of ten years inclusive. (159-80, 1968.3.3)
Cheon Seong Gyeong 1050
The restoration of the global Kingdom of Heaven cannot come into being unless the foundations for the perfection of Abel on the levels of individual, family, tribe, people, nation, and world can be linked. We who understand this must apply this principle in our daily life, regardless of day or night, and in order to carry on the development of this fundamental principle, we have to be on the run without rest. We can say that this type of person is a person of God. Do you understand? (64-81, 1972.10.24)
Cheon Seong Gyeong
Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 5
Chapter 1
The Existence of Human Beings in the Physical and Spirit Worlds
Section 5. Blessing and Eternal Life
5.3. Love and eternal life
5.3.1. Eternal life is directly connected with love
We want eternal life. We want eternal life, but what is it that does not change? It is love. All other things change according to their environment. So why does love not change? Love does not change because it is the center of all forces of life and because it occupies the central position of the ideal necessary condition. The center does not disappear before all its surroundings disappear. Since love is the center of the universe, anything that unites with that love can remain as long as God remains. (157-267, 1967.4.10)
5.3.2. True love and eternal life
What is true love? When you marry, you want your marriage partner to be better than you are. All parents wish for their children to be better than they are. Who do they resemble in this? They resemble God. God wishes for His object of love to be better than He.
If the absolute God is the father of humankind, can that father order His sons and daughters to absolutely do something while He Himself has not absolutely done it before? He cannot. Based on the view of this principle, that God wishes for His object of love to be better than Him, human beings have the greatest value. Centering on love, they have a higher value than God. That is why your mind desires the highest things. This is not impossible. It would be equally possible for all human beings. It would be possible if the Fall had not occurred.
Human beings were to observe, administer and lead the universe from a lofty and exalted position. They were not to be dragged around and made to obey. Your mind, a liberated mind is like that. No one wants to be controlled. This is equally true for everybody.
Once you acquire the position of true love, you can go freely to God’s position and to His throne in the heavenly nation. You can become God’s friend. God created humankind for the sake of love. Therefore, since God is eternal and absolute, human beings have eternal life themselves. We automatically come to this logic. For this reason, true love is eternal. To attain eternal life, you must live in that realm of true love. (211- 272, 1990.12.30)
Through true love, eternal life is possible. It is because the beginning of creation, the motivation, process and goal, and everything thereafter can be completed centered on love. Through a process, results come forth. The perfection of one’s mind and body is fundamentally possible through true love. It is only love that bears the fruit of the ideal. There is nothing but true love. God also exists forever because of true love. Eternal life is connected through love. Therefore you must live centering on the environment of love in order to create an environment of eternal life. To attain the substantial realm of love, we must have a substantial experience of love. (218-134, 1991.7.14)
pgs. 571-572