The latest Richard Urban Show:
#184-Vaccine Choice for West Virginia-Kudos to Governor Patrick Morrisey
Cheon Seong Gyoeng 1957
I represent the heavenly kingdom, and I am the representative of the Adam nation that stands as God’s representative. If I stand in such a position, then I must seek the representative of the Eve nation. I had to find a nation that could display absolute obedience. Which one was that? It was Japan, which took the place of Great Britain. Since Satan had taken away what God loved, I am taking away what Satan loves most. That is Japan and Germany. (195-205, 1989.11.15)
Cheon Seong Gyeong 573
Where do we ultimately go? To the spirit world. We call it the world after death, but it is not the world after death. It cannot become the world after because it is a world related with love. Since that world is related with love, it is not the world after death. Since it began centering on true love, when we come to practice true love, here now is the spirit world. That is why love is great. (144-198, 220, 1986.4.24)
The directions of up and down, front and back, and left and right can only be harmonized through spherical movement. Without harmony between the vertical and horizontal, harmony cannot be created. Unity could not come about. Only love can bring about unification. Thus, the Unification Church argues the case for a unified ideal world based on true love because this conclusion conforms to the viewpoint of the Principle. (144-219, 1986.4.24)
Cheon Seong Gyeong
Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 5
Chapter 1
The Existence of Human Beings in the Physical and Spirit Worlds
Section 5. Blessing and Eternal Life
5.4. Blessing and spirit world
5.4.2. The spirit selves of husband and wife
We are the group that seeks the ideal of love. Therefore, we have to implant the ideal of love in the horizontal realm in order to stand as spokespersons for the spirit world. We should plant it as a seed. We can grow bigger through our give and take action centering on the heart of love. A couple bearing the fruit of love in this way will enter the spirit world becoming one body with God in the realm of His eternal love. (144-224, 1986.4.24)
You have much to learn of the logic of true love. When we look at the faces of the ardent members of the Unification Church, they look like they are in their forties, even though they have reached fifty. Some even look like they’re only in their thirties. That’s why, the more you love, the younger you become.
Our earthly outer shell ages, yet the more we exchange conjugal love, the more our spirit selves are rejuvenated. Let me elaborate further: the longer we live in love, our inner selves, our spirit selves, mature to become handsome men and beautiful women. We are to discard our outer shell like clothing, but what would we do if the shell got younger and clung on to us? Our outer shells begin to malfunction and become useless, but our inner cores become firm and are then transformed into beautiful heirs of the future like autumn chestnuts. When fall comes, the once-hard chestnut ripens while the bur softens and splits, allowing the chestnut to fall. It’s the same for us. (164-101, 1987.4.26)
5.4.3. Marriage and spirit world
Christianity teaches people to love God, but this is a very vague concept. In the Bible Jesus said, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And the second is like it, You shall love your neighbor as yourself”. All you need are these two commandments. Before you love God you have to love the food you eat, love all things of creation, and love your body.
Your first parents are the parents who gave birth to you. Your second parent is planet earth, this earth. The earth supplies you with all the essential elements for your physical growth. The earth is the second parent of your physical body. Through the second parent, you return to your third parent which means our physical death. However, you cannot go to the third parent as you are. In order to return to the third parent you have to resemble God, who is the original parent.
Then, why do we marry? It is so that we resemble God. God is the uniformly combined being of dual characteristics. Since man and woman are the divided expression of God’s dual characteristics, they have to unite as one body, become like seeds and return to God’s position of original character. However, because we must go the way of love in order to be linked to that seed, we must be born in love, set love as our goal while growing, live centering on love, and walk this path in order to return to love. You will go off in the wrong direction unless you follow the path centering on the goal of living for the sake of others. (138-97, 1986.1.19)
pgs 575-576