Death Is the Blessed Gateway to Our Second Birth

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1755

When you actually stop to think about it, you thought that treasures were stored up there in heaven. But it turns out that you had treasures all along in your bodies. You came to understand that the original palace is a part of your body. Aren’t the love organs the original palace that can attend God? Where is the pathway that makes the love connection? Is it in the fingertips? Where is it? What is it in a man? What is it in a woman? It is the male and female organs, where the most distasteful substance can also be found. Where does urine come out? From the sexual organ. This is the case for both women and men. If that unclean urine thus excreted were to mingle with love, would it still be unclean or would it become clean? Then how wonderful would it be to drink urine steeped in true love like iced tea! (178-125, 1988.6.1)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1242

    The Blessing is the most precious thing in heaven and earth. It is also the most fearful. If a blessed member is attracted to others besides his or her spouse, it is an emotional violation of the spouse.
    Good ancestors, the territory and the nation stem from you, the Blessed Families. That is why blessed members should think about the universe during every waking moment. You have received the Blessing so that you can share blessings with others. ( 13-67, 1963.10.17)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 5


Chapter 2

Death and the Spirit World

Section 2. Understanding Death

2.6 Death is a process to link three worlds

    People are born from the depths of water. The period in the womb is the period of existence in water. When the fetus is inside the mother’s womb, it is floating in water. It needs to draw in and expel water as it lives under water. Therefore, it lives by way of a hose connected to its stomach.
    How is a fetus nourished? It is supplied through the navel. Its navel functions as a mouth. So, we should not be disdainful of our navel. Pat your navel and say, “Belly button, you took pains for me in the past.” If you pat your navel many times, you’ll improve your health.
Do that. If you do that a lot, you’ll become healthy. Even when you sleep in a cold room, if you cover your navel, you won’t get diarrhea. During your time in the womb, your navel functioned as your mouth. The breathing organ then moves up from the navel. What’s the next mouth? It is this one. It continues to go up.
    Then what must we do with the umbilical cord that is attached to the navel? We must cut it off. By analogy, in the world of air, the spirit self is attached to the physical self like the embryo in the womb and feeds off the physical body.
When the physical body grows old, the spirit self comes out and discards the physical body. When the embryo is to be born, it is born on the earth where it becomes the object of love to its mother and father. Likewise, the spirit self must be reborn as a person who can relate to the eternal God, who is its spiritual Father. This is in accordance with fundamental principles and laws.
    The earthly world is where the embryo can become friends with its father and mother after it is born. People are born in the earthly world where they can share love with their mother and father. Likewise, they must be born in the spirit world, where they can share love with God, the Parent, by whom they can connect with the infinite spirit world. (299-69, 1999.2.4)

    We have the period of water, then the period of land and the period for flying.
How long have people today waited to see a flying human? Such a person would be the world’s greatest attraction. (49-284, 1971.10.17)

    Those who breathe in love on the earth are not dead but alive. When they breathe in the mother’s womb, they do so through a pipe-like device. Though they are alive, when they destroy the placenta connected to their navel and come out, they rise to a new, higher-dimensional world. Air is supplied on a higher dimension. They come out receiving a supply of air.
    What will you develop after coming out of the womb? It is not air but love; you receive elements of love. You should not live just to eat, for that is to be dying.  Drinking water and living in that way, it is all like filling a bag, a water bag. They are all part of being on the path to death. It is a secondary existence. What should you be filled with during your life on earth? You must form a new character of love during this period. (139-214, 1986.1.31)

    What you need on earth is love. Why do you call a child who lives without parental love an orphan? Because the child does not have the love that enables it to be eternally connected to the spirit world. Therefore, those unmarried people who live alone are pitiful. (139-214, 1986.1.31)

    Death means to inherit the elements of love after the destruction of the physical organ through which the body has been engaging in the second type of respiration. Love is invisible. Your internal self is growing through parental love and conjugal love. That is why, just as an embryo is required to grow in order to be normal in the womb, in the same manner the baby must grow properly on the earth, as God’s laws require. (299-69, 1999.2.4)

    Dragonflies swim in the water during their larval stage at first, then come up to the earth and creep about for a while. Then, by flying around, they prey on bugs that they never would have imagined eating when they were creeping on the surface. They flutter about freely in this universe, thinking that it is their stage.
    There are many insects that go through three stages of life. Insects have wings in general. They go through their life living in the water, on land and in the air. Yet do human beings who are called the lord of creation have wings? We have a set of wings of a higher dimension. Death is the blessed gateway to our second birth. (299-71, 1999.2.4)

    What is the meaning of death? Earthly life, the time of living in air, parallels the time of swimming in the womb. We are living in a wrapping cloth of air. Death itself is not unique, but only our rebirth into the third life. That moment of transition is what we call death. (49286, 1971.10.17)
pgs 584-586

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