The latest Richard Urban Show:#185-President Trump Rights January 6th Protest Injustices
Cheon Seong Gyeong 2255
A man has to form a family together with a woman. Without doing this, they cannot enter the unified world. In the past, people of faith left their families behind, but now they must rebuild the families they left behind on a higher dimension and establish them as victorious families. Otherwise, they cannot enter heaven. Just by forming a family does not mean that we can enter heaven on the basis of that family alone. We can only enter heaven through forming a four-position foundation.
Where must we form that four-position foundation? On earth. When? Before we pass away. Without doing this, we cannot become citizens capable of welcoming God’s nation or a human race capable of welcoming His world. We cannot become citizens of heaven capable of welcoming His kingdom once His will has been fulfilled. (45-62, 1971.6.13)
Cheon Seong Gyeong 1275
Before receiving the Blessing of marriage in the Unification Church, you need to go through the ceremony of changing the lineage. All of you went through that, didn’t you? The indemnity stick ceremony and the three-day ceremony make it seem very complicated, don’t they? During these ceremonies, Satan cannot intrude. These rituals signify that the gates of the Kingdom of Heaven have been opened by virtue of the laws of God and True Parents; and that liberation has been proclaimed. Therefore, Satan, who has been particularly active on the perfection level of the growth stage, cannot interfere. Do you all know that Blessed Families went through the ceremony of changing the lineage? They had to pass through this ceremony before they could receive the Blessing. (235-215, 1992.9.20)
Cheon Seong Gyeong
Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 5
Chapter 2
Death and the Spirit World
Section 2. Understanding Death
2.9. Our attitude in the face of death
Jesus taught everything: “Whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it.” Where will you find such apparently groundless remarks in this world? Nowhere. Yet they are true.
Then, why do we die? To what end? To live. There is some purpose to live for. People live for different purposes. For what are you asked to “love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind”? To become God’s son. It means to offer your head to love God – you have but one – but you must offer it to Him.
Where are we to go and die? In the highest position rather than the lowest. Thus, we should die for the Kingdom of Heaven. It is greater than any nation in this world. We must die in God’s Kingdom, the only one in heaven and on earth. Where shall we die? That is the question. Even in dying, there is a way.
There is a proper position in which to die. Don’t die in the ordinary Korean way. If you do, however many times you die, it won’t count. Die in the highest position for the nation of God’s heart, at the heart of the heavenly kingdom – the best place to die. Your death should inspire everyone in the universe to raise a flag and welcome you. (34-184, 1970.9.6)
Today, we are yearning for the day of the last resurrection, the day of hope. That time of hope which everyone is yearning for is one that all humankind can delight in, yet it does not come easily. That hope can only be owned by those who conquer death. Only those who fought for God against Satan will take possession of it. Only those who suffered persecution together with God for the sake of heaven will take possession of that hope.
As we contemplate such a time approaching us, we must have ardent hearts to overcome our living circumstances and even the fear of death. If such ardor does not emanate from within you, you cannot draw that one day of hope into the realm of your daily life and go on living.
Therefore, those who are said to be living a true lifestyle will ask themselves, what will be the scenario of my death? Do not wait until you are eighty and about to die to ask yourselves the question, “In what fashion am I going to celebrate my last day?” When reaching the place of death, Jesus said, “It is finished,” and “Father, into your hands I commend my spirit.” Indeed, he is the only one who has been victorious throughout all the stages of his life.
You will meet with death one day. While looking back on your past at that moment, think about what kind of words you would wish to leave behind.
This path is one without even friends. It is the path without even beloved parents, siblings, a beloved spouse, or children. It is the path only you must go alone. It is the path you cannot revisit or return to; it is the path, once trodden, that you can never return to in all of eternity. With what kind of heart do you walk this path? At the moment you face death, if you should lack the hope with which you can overcome it, your end will come right then and there.
The many people who have upheld and established God’s will were not the type to retreat before the path of death, but rather laughed scornfully at death, overcoming it valiantly. Such people have appeared and established the heavenly way.
All of you must embrace the hope with which you can overcome death when you are confronted by it. After you have traversed that path, you must be able to race joyfully to that original homeland for which you have longed with the hopeful thought of standing tall in front of Heaven. Only those who fervently desire God’s ideal world can overcome death.
All the things of this world will pass away. Your beloved parents, spouses and everything that you love will all pass away, and you will eventually face death. Even so, only those possessed of the victorious hope that lets even death go past can stand before Heaven.
pgs 599-600