Whoever Wants to Save His Life Will Lose It

The latest Richard Urban Show:#185-President Trump Rights January 6th Protest Injustices

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2008

The goal of our faith is to become citizens of God’s country. If you do not become citizens of God’s country, then there will be no way for you as sons and daughters to freely receive the admiration and love of that nation’s people or of all things of creation. A person without a country is always attacked. He stands in a miserable position. He may often feel hopeless after suffering an affront. That is why the question is, where can we find the country of God’s desire? Which is the nation that can become God’s foothold? That is the issue. (55-79, 1972.4.23)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1405

We have walked the path of persecution in the process of our work until now, but through carrying out these things under Your guidance and protection, we have been able to overcome all the situations and people who have opposed us – from individuals to families, tribes, people, nations, the world, and cosmos, even up to the realm of Satan and hell. As we have inherited Your lineage through Your true love, You protected us just as parents protect their children so that the Unification Church was able to overcome during its difficult course all the hardships and persecution coming from the fallen world and was able to surmount individual, family tribal, racial, national, global, and cosmic peaks. Now we are able to hold, in the name of the True Parents, the Blessing Ceremony of 360 million Couples representing all humankind, and are graced to celebrate with heaven and earth the liberation that transcends religion, race, culture, and nationality. For this great occasion of the Blessing, we are truly, truly, truly grateful.

Richard: Learn about the Blessing.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 607

The spirit world consists of three stages. Those who lived more for others will go to a higher level in the spirit world. For those who lived for themselves, the opposite world will unfold. There are also three stages there. Those already there will object, saying: “Huh! We don’t want people like you!” Everyone rejects egoists and welcomes altruists.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 995

Let us say that there was a diamond mine. What would you do if there were such a place that only you knew of? You might have to even sacrifice being with your family in order to acquire such a place. It would not be a sin to sacrifice being with your wife in order to save many families. It is also not a sin to sacrifice being with your children in order to save numerous children in the nation. However, you should not sacrifice them to satisfy your own self-interest. The path for saving the nation and a people is that diamond mine; it is the path of life for the people throughout the entire world. In that case, history would not view this as a sin – the sacrifice of your wife and child. It may seem wrong to sacrifice your wife and child to save the nation and world; however, on the contrary, it is there that you will find a wealth of treasure which the whole world can praise. (21-314, 1968.12.8)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 5


Chapter 2

Death and the Spirit World

Section 2. Understanding Death

2.9. Our attitude in the face of death

    People living on earth today do not desire the path of suffering and sorrow. The passing of joyous occasions evokes nostalgia in them. Such is human nature.
    This world we live in is mixed with sadness and joy. All the happiness we are experiencing will disappear with death and cannot remain beyond it.
    Our heart seeks happiness, longs for better things, and yearns for the eternal world. If sorrow and joy disappear with death, then does our heart also finish with death? No. The fact that our hearts and minds move in that direction is proof that such a world actually exists.
    People are spiritual beings and their lives are eternal. People who have loyally walked the way of death for heaven, embracing hope as they followed a path repulsive to many people, have done so because they felt something ordinary people could not feel and appreciated something ordinary people could not appreciate. It was for that reason that they could tread even the path of death.
    Unless your longing becomes stronger than any adversity, hardship, sadness, or death that you may encounter in your actual life, you will become people who feel regretful before death and draw back from pain and sorrow. As Jesus surmounted the summit of death, entered the eternal world, and built the sphere of resurrection, we today are also destined to surmount the summit of death.
    Then what type of people live with heavenly hope? They are those who can joyfully surmount the summit of death that grieves humanity. Such people are the ones who cherish Heaven’s hopes. So, do not become people who covet and grieve after all the things of this world before death. Become those who can stand before heaven and be proud of the value of their death. God seeks such sons and daughters of hope.
    If there were people who felt Heaven’s joy in such a position, God could not but love them. If there were a throng of people that cried out to Heaven from such a position, Heaven could not but answer that cry. (6-52, 1959.3.22)

    “For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me and for the gospel will save it.” What do those words mean? Those placed in the position to die for God’s will must die.
    Then what happens when we die? Before we die, we belong to ourselves, but after we die, we belong to God. That is because we inherited the fallen lineage. Thus, our lives cannot be freed from satanic bondage before we die, but we bond together with God after death.
    Which is stronger: life or death? Is life stronger than death or is death stronger than life? Death is stronger than life in the satanic world. Therefore, after coming to know God’s will, do not hate death when you are in the position of having to die. You have to die anyway in the satanic world. Unless you die, you cannot resurrect. Unless we pass through one age, we cannot welcome another.
    What kind of death is the Bible referring to? It does not end the life that God has eternally, but that life which inherited the fallen lineage of the satanic world. Thus, those who seek to die for the Will shall live. These words sound paradoxical, but from what we understand about the Fall and restoration, restoration cannot be achieved unless that is done. This is the normal logic of restoration.
    The biggest question then is whether we can offer our lives. When I started out on this path, I asked myself if I was resolved to lay down my life.
    I was resolved to die. I also thought about how I would die as well as the last words I would utter. I did not think about how I could live.
    Since God’s providence revolved around Korea, I sought the position of death. Where was that? It was the place to confront the enemy, that is to say, the place where the enemy was to be found. I went out in search of the enemy headquarters.
Because the foundation of the Will based upon Korean Christianity fell into satanic hands, I went to North Korea, which was Satan’s den, to recover it.
    Because I had to fight the worldwide Communist Party from that time on, I went to North Korea. I entered the nation of the implacable foe, fully prepared to be chained in irons and imprisoned. Despite the atrocious ordeals that were imposed upon me, I never surrendered. I never lost God’s dignity even at the point of extreme starvation. No matter how constricted my living conditions were, I never violated heavenly law.
    In spite of my confinement, I was able to restore everything within those limited circumstances, and sought after the motivation for a new start and a new meaning of life before God. I started out doing that. Even though I was made to perform all manner of heavy labor, I maintained the conviction that I would never break, and that I would never die even if all others did.
    The Unification Church did not start from the place of seeking life but that of seeking death. Yet were you resolved to die after you came to know the purpose of the Unification Church? When Colonel Heo, the head of special operations under the Freedom Party, and the government’s chief suspect in the murder of Kim Chang-ryong, was executed, he was asked if he felt any remorse for having planned and ordered the murder. He said he felt no remorse and died like a man. When such assassinations or shootings occur, you should compare those executed with yourselves, and ask yourselves how you would die in comparison.
    You might be driven by the conspiracies of your enemies to die as a great traitor, or you might die as a result of your comrades, friends, or loved ones, or others, plotting to harm you, but when you die, do so with the heart of benefiting the world. Die without enemies. If you are to die anyway, die after planting something, and without making any enemies. Be resolved to die while loving the enemy as a friend rather than otherwise. Jesus’ prayer on the cross for his enemies was great in this way. (34-45, 1970.8.29)

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