Do You Have a Gift to Bring Along When You Go to Heaven?

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1956

With regard to Japan’s title as the Eve nation, Eve must breast-feed her sons, Cain and Abel. She must feed and nurture them. In this way, Eve must manifest a loving heart toward the father, and the father must demonstrate love, with the heart of the loving God. She must stand in a position of loving God with greater intensity than she loves her own son or daughter. Through that systematic bond, she must receive the father’s sperm, the baby seed, and engage in the process of giving rebirth. But one cannot be born again after being fully grown. This is why one must be engrafted. (122-44, 1982.10.31)

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The 160 couples are based on the number four multiplied by four. Due to the failure of Adam and of his children to establish four-position foundations, it was impossible to open the gates of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. Nevertheless, during the era of indemnification, by virtue of 4.4 Jeol (Four-Four Day), we can restore this foundation because four times four equals sixteen – the number symbolizing God’s ideal that was usurped by Satan. If the number six is the foundation on which we can reclaim the satanic world for God, then that number times three, representing formation, growth, and completion, would equal eighteen, which explains why I blessed 1800 couples. The 1800 Couples correspond to 1600 couples. This is the number that can destroy Satan completely. (296-179, 1998.11.9)

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The original palace of love is the royal palace that perfects God and brings solace to Him. How is this achieved? The royal palace emerges at the unified meeting point of Adam and Eve’s convex and concave sexual organs. That is a truly great place. Thus, the sexual organs are called the original palace of love. These are amazing words. The original palace of love is the royal palace that perfects the entire creation of heaven and earth and also provides a place of settlement for all, even God. The Kingdom of Heaven in the spirit world and on earth does not come first. Heaven begins from the family. That is the original palace. These are amazing words.

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 5


Chapter 2

Death and the Spirit World

Section 2. Understanding Death

2.10. When entering the spirit world

2.10.2. When entering the spirit world

    We all live in a similar way after we are born. As life progresses do we gradually become weaker or stronger?
    Even if you came to know who you are and made a resolution, that resolve gradually weakens after ten, twenty, and thirty years. As you age through your fifties and sixties and into your seventies and eighties it becomes a problem. Phenomena in the world of dynamics demonstrate the principle that all motion tends to gradually diminish; any action caused by a force subsequently decays.
    Using electricity as an example, the potential energy of any power source diminishes as it powers a motor or produces work. Exhaustion inevitably occurs. Looking at it this way, we cannot stand still all our lives. We must continue moving throughout our life – whether we like it or not. Even when we move, is it in the right or wrong way? There are many ways to move.
    Then, in which direction should people go or roll? We roll without even realizing it. If we live like a rolling stone that might smash into a rock or go down the drain, how dangerous that is! How unfortunate! How insecure! It is a problem. Once you enter the spirit world, you can no longer relate to all the things we now measure within the confines of space and time. That world transcends time and space. (141-269, 1986.3.2)

    What happens when we enter the spirit world? You have your own spiritual level. Everyone has a certain spiritual level, within certain limits such as one degree. Since that is the case, even those who were blessed separate when they first enter the other world. Why? Because each person’s spiritual level is different. (194-61, 1989.10.15)

    What will you become in the heavenly kingdom? An ambassador or a servant to run errands at the embassy? Be an ambassador. That is not easy. In a life-threatening situation, the ambassador is the first to die.
    We know of the existence of the spirit world. It is more certain than this world. What kind of a world is it? It is one in which everything is possible as long as it is acceptable in God’s plan. (107-55, 1980.1.20)

    Do you have a gift to bring along when you go to heaven? When you go to the spirit world, religious martyrs will line up in front of you. Can you unwrap the bundle you brought with you in front of them? What suffering have you and the Unification Church undergone? How can you say you live for the nation and the world without having withstood such hardships? I have suffered, but I do not think of it as suffering. Naturally, we still have a long way to go.
    Upon your arrival in the spirit world, you have to be able to unwrap your bundle and say, “Here is the gift I prepared all my life; please receive it.” If women must bring a dowry when moving in with their in-laws, how can you go to heaven empty-handed? (32-71, 1970.6.21)
pgs. 604-605

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