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During the three years from 1970, we even mobilized the 777 Couples, didn’t we? Didn’t you do the same? This was worldwide. We mobilized them in order to undergo hardships for the sake of the nation during the three years. What this means is that there is no family on earth, representing the nation or the world, who can be a match for the families of the Unification Church. Every family must become like the families in the Unification Church. How we were criticized during those three years! Since their mothers and fathers opposed them, the couples wrapped their babies in blankets and left them on the doorsteps of their parents’ houses at night, before setting out. Why did they have to do that? It was because they had to set the condition that they loved their nation more than their own sons and daughters.
In order to do so, some of them even left their children in orphanages. Some husbands split up with their wives. After blessing them, instead of letting them live happily ever after, I made them throw away what little they had in their households, even pots and pans, and turned them out of their own homes. I did all this, so that the Blessed Families of the Unification Church from various tribes could go out to the nation as representatives of their tribes and restore them through indemnity.
At first, we were opposed nationwide, but in the end, the circumstances were such that the same people were heard to say, “If we want to defend ourselves against Kim Il-sung and save our nation, we must become like the members of the Unification Church.” We set an example for others, teaching them that if you want to save your nation, you must do what we did, and serve the nation by sacrificing your wives and children. At the end of the three years, the people who at first had opposed us welcomed us. The fact that they did this signified the restoration of the Cain and Abel relationship.
Cheon Seong Gyeong 1500
Ideal love is realized in the family. However, God could not have true sons and daughters. As there were no true brothers and sisters or husband and wife, He could not become their Parent. Therefore, it is God’s will to fulfill all these things. Only at such a place would love dwell. People would abandon everything they have in the world to find their way to the place where such a love could be found. (19-314, 1968.3.17)
What is true love? It is parental love, conjugal love, and filial love put together. Without a tradition of sacrificing for each other, love cannot last for a long time and would disappear. Since parents sacrifice themselves for their children, the bond of love they have for their children cannot break. The sons and daughters who grew up receiving true love from their parents can only be filial to them. When the husband and wife try more and more to live sacrificially for each other, thinking in their hearts, “You have lived for my sake,” their family will receive blessings from heaven. Such families are the dwelling place sought after by God. (43- 323, 1971.5.2)
Cheon Seong Gyeong
Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 5
Chapter 3
The Spirit World
Section 1. The Spirit World Can Be Experienced with the Physical Body
1.2. The future age
Among the new members who recently joined the Unification Church, there are many who came because they had spiritually met me and were guided by me. Such people may become kings or presidents in the foreseeable future – we don’t know when and how. There are so many people like them throughout the world. The number of people who talk to themselves while walking will be constantly increasing in countries like the United States. The entire spirit world will swoop down upon the earth. Then, who will take supreme command? It is my responsibility. (67-77, 1973.5.20)
The time will come when you can never appear before me beating around the bush. When it does, I will completely open up the gate of the spirit world. I will be waiting in front of the gate when such a person comes and I will throw him out, asking, “Why have you come here?”
Now we will enter the era when we can manage the world professionally. What types of people are living in the world now? They are like those who lived at the time of Jesus. The era of restoration does not permit me to elaborate on this in detail yet and therefore I will not.
There are many people in the world that will perform all kinds of things in my place, though God is not forcing them to do so. Some fly in the air while others walk on water. There are many people who cross infinite distances instantaneously. There will be a time for me to call them from the Himalayas and the world of Tao. Since things are happening that way, have you wondered whether the world is going to be unified or not? God’s authority will spread out and anything unable to respond to the ideal of love in the history of re-creation will come to naught. Then we will enter a new world.
This is my worldview of an extrasensory era hereafter and only love can bring it into reality. Once you love something in the extrasensory world, you will simply try to hold onto it. You would try to go beyond your neural limitations. Therefore, we are entering a global era when that can be welcomed on a level only by God’s love.
I came to know these things in my prayer. There is something you do not know. I may appear to be unaware of everything because I do not explain much to you, but in fact I know everything.
Now is an era when we are to completely dominate the spirit world while being in our physical bodies. Since I know everything about the spirit world and possess the truth and my own body, both Satan and the angelic world must completely surrender to me. Spiritually enlightened Buddhists and Christians, therefore, must surrender to me as well.
When clairvoyants are willing to die at my command, then we accomplish the substantial realm of perfection and open the gates to the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. When such a world is created, will you have anything more to do? You will be surprised when I reveal my thoughts. A time will come when people will wonder “How did that happen? Why did I do that?” This is neither a joke nor a threat. That time will come. Such things will happen among the Unification Church members. (60-194, 1972.8.17)
pgs. 612-613