Cheon Seong Gyeong 2082
The current goal is the unification of North and South Korea. God is hoping for a base in your families, the nation, and the world from which He can enter into His Sabbath by unifying North and South Korea. This is the only way to attend God. The unification of North and South Korea, the integration of Eastern and Western cultures, and liberation of heaven and hell will come about when we create an environment centering on love greater than that for our father and mother, husband or wife, and children, and are willing to build a sacrificial altar centering on that love. It can never be solved without love. Love is the key. (170-103, 1987.11.8)
Cheon Seong Gyeong 777
Where is the final destination of the mind? In other words, where is the final destination of our desires? It is where we can occupy God’s love. Even if you have God in your possession, without capturing God’s love, which is the most precious, God cannot be yours. Therefore, you should occupy God’s love. If you occupy His love, then it is all right even if God isn’t there.
When the things that belong to God become mine and the things that are mine become God’s, the inside and outside can be united for the first time. That kind of nation will become the ideal homeland that has no upper and lower classes.
When you are in that state, all existing beings in the universe will appear to be good, and you will feel that they exist for your sake. If that is the realm of God’s love, what kind of place is the spirit world, or heaven, to which all people alive today are to go? It is a place filled with love. (39-210, 1971.1.10)
Cheon Seong Gyeong 1335
Who are the 36 Couples? The first group within the 36 Couples consists of those who had married as they pleased, who were brought into the presence of God, and connected to Him through the Blessing. Next, the second group of couples consisted of those who were engaged but who did not marry before the Blessing. Matching and blessing people is not something I do casually. Why? Because these couples are for the sake of the salvation of all humankind. The third group is for virgin men and women. All already married couples should absolutely obey the first group of the 36 Blessed Couples. You will understand this more clearly when you go to the spirit world. The second group should absolutely obey the third group of couples.
When the time comes for God’s will to be accomplished on earth, it will be the third group of the 36 Couples who will become the center. You are hearing this for the first time from me. So for whom would the Lord come first? He is not coming to see the already married couples. He is not coming to see people with failed relationships from the past. He is coming to find virgin men and women. (148-284, 1986.10.25)
Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 5
Chapter 3
The Spirit World
Section 2. What Kind of Place Is the Spirit World?
2.1.2. Unity of the spiritual and physical worlds
God is a majestic being. Hence, the spiritual and physical worlds must be unified. In the absence of true love, however, they could not. Consequently separation took place between our mind and body, and between religion and politics. Everything comes together as one centering upon true love. Everything – the individual, family, society, nation, world, and cosmos – will be linked. We have to make it with our own hands. Otherwise, we cannot inherit God’s original kingdom in heaven and on earth.
How do we unify the spiritual and physical worlds? It is through true love. (216-101, 1991.3.9)
2.2. The spirit world clearly exists
Eighty percent of the world’s population does not know about the spirit world. Even believers are unsure about its existence and that of God, but it is there.
Imagine a wealthy person who is prepared to invest all assets into creating a garden of happiness. With that in mind we can inquire into how God, the Creator of heaven and earth, created His dwelling place. The spirit world is a world of beauty beyond our imagination. You will never get tired of looking at it, regardless of which part, for even a thousand years. The world’s most prized possessions are nothing by comparison to even a corner of the spirit world. Therefore, I do not want to own this earth, that is to say, I would rather go back because it does not conform to my purpose. (15-149, 1965.10.7)
Richard: According to pollster George Barna, “While 88% of those who believe in God identify as Christians, only 20% describe their relationship with Him as intimate and interactive.” Report here.
Most people even now do not think about the spirit world. They live because they were born, they serve their parents because they are there, and they live in their family because they were born into it. They live thinking that the reason they live this way is that they were born this way. What is the center of such a lifestyle? It is about how people should eat and how they should live their lives. That is why people consider food, shelter, and clothing to be the most important elements of life.
The issues of living, feeding and clothing are central to most people. Of course, there are contents of morality and morals within human relationships that enable people to improve, develop and to find satisfaction together. However, the standard of that morality varies, as do races and nations. Moral standards and social systems all vary in accordance with the world’s diverse cultural backgrounds.
From this point of view, the original standard which people should follow throughout history and the existing moral and ethical standards that we adopt in our lives are scattered in all directions. They have not been systematized into an integrated whole. Based upon being born and living in the original world, where should we be headed? People are not clear about this. Because of this, ordinary people do not know whether the spirit world and God exist.
However, our Unification Church members clearly know that the spirit world exists. They do not just believe it – they know it. Why? They know it through countless spiritual experiences. Viewed against the backdrop of the global foundation the Unification Church has established today, we have evidently undergone a process of many spiritual experiences. Therefore, Unification Church members are in no position to deny the existence of the spirit world. (140-121, 1986.2.9)
What path should Unification Church members go? They must follow the one God desires. They must follow the path of God’s will. What is God’s will?
There is the path of God’s will that individuals must go, and the path of God’s will that families must go, and also the path for the society, nation, world, and spirit world. I am the specialist. The spirit world definitely exists. (121-146, 1982.10.24)
What consequences arise from the existence of God and the spirit world? Some people may think that we have nothing to do with God even if He exists, but they are wrong. Disavowing the spirit world despite its existence is tantamount to disavowing the family, nation, or world despite being a part of them.
Thus, since greater God and the greater spirit world exist, we will desire to enter into a relationship with them. Rather than just being linked, where do we go from there? We should become one. We have to move toward a single purpose. (104-118, 1979.4.22)
pgs. 624-625