Where is the Spirit World?

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1670

Every form of creation in this world exists in the pair system, and the environment created according to that system is the ideal museum of love for humankind. Hence, interaction in the world of minerals takes place only with appropriate counterparts. Trees and plants too engage in give and take action and reproduce with their counterparts. This is also the case for birds and even grasshoppers in the insect family. Don’t grasshoppers sing too? (199-309, 1990.2.21)

Richard: Study the Principle of Creation here.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1532

    Pledge number six mentions moving heavenly fortune, doesn’t it? Here, you are making the pledge to “become a family that moves heavenly fortune by embodying God and True Parents…by centering on true love.” The hardships endured by the True Parents were not for their own benefit. Everything was for the liberation of all humanity and in order to convey and distribute heavenly fortune amongst them. The heavenly fortune that comes with the True Parents needs to be handed out. In short, you need to become channels of blessing. Do you understand? No matter how advanced you are and how united you are, you should not try to receive blessings for your own benefit while you are on earth. By performing meritorious deeds on earth you should receive the great benefits of heavenly fortune. These should not be kept for you but conveyed to others so that all may be satisfied.
    Until now, I have walked the path of opposition in order to connect all peoples to the heavenly fortune, and to establish the Will of the Parent in an environment of happiness and freedom. As such, everyone would be able to move heaven and earth and receive blessings from God. As representatives of the True Parents’ family, the blessed couples should also become families that distribute heavenly fortune to others, because only then can they attain the right to follow the footsteps of the True Parents into God’s Kingdom, and live there together with them. (261-91, 1994.5.22)

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 5


Chapter 3

The Spirit World

Section 2. What Kind of Place Is the Spirit World?

2.3. The spirit world is the driving force for faith (Saint Paul’s vision of the third heaven)

    In the Bible, Paul explains about the third heaven, which he had seen fourteen years earlier. How did he live during those fourteen years? He carried on for fourteen years, gaining strength from his experience of seeing the third heaven. He knew more than what he talked about then, and that enabled him to go on even after talking about the third heaven. (62-45, 1972.9.10)

    The Apostle Paul’s experience of seeing the third heaven of the spirit world became the driving force that empowered him in his missionary activities for fourteen years. Do you understand? You must have such experiences. That also holds true for me. (27-128, 1969.11.30)

    I do not fear death. What made this possible? Love did. I can digest even being put in jail. Thus, I must digest and conquer today’s adverse circumstances. I will conquer everything with my own hands. (202-27, 1990.5.1)

2.4. When God created the spirit world

    The spirit world is equivalent to the angelic world. Today’s world is in the same position as that of Adam and Eve. God created the spirit world before creating Adam and Eve.
    Since the satanic world came to exist because the spirit world went against God’s will, then that world can be restored only after the spirit world welcomes God’s will. Also, the Lord cannot come to the earthly world unless he subjugates the spirit world.
    That is why the Unification Movement has worked until today to subjugate the spirit world and, consequently, the spirit world must help the Unification Movement. (25-233, 1969.10.4)

2.5. Where is the spirit world?

     Where is the spirit world? It is in your bodies. Thus, you go around with the spirit world on your shoulders, attending it – there is no escaping it. The spirit world exists. It exists for this world, and this world exists for the sake of the eternal world. People may question, “Where in the world is God? Can there be a god in this world? Where on earth is the spirit world?” God’s dwelling place is the spirit world. (117-306, 1982.4.11)

2.6. What kind of place is the spirit world?

     If we could be finished with life after seventy to eighty years on earth, we would not really have any problems to worry about, but as we will be living eternally, it is a different story. As the spirit world exists, and you are going there after death, what is there to think about? The spirit world is a vast world. You have no idea, but it is a vast unchanging world. On earth, there are racial discrimination, cultural clashes and other contentious issues. In spite of life’s frictions, people want to maintain their assertions and values, which do not pass away but live on vividly when they go to the spirit world. (187-285, 1989.2.12)
pgs 625-626

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