Cheon Seong Gyeong 1948
God moved the sphere of world civilization from the Western continent, through the Mediterranean Sea centering on the Nile River, through Rome, and then Britain to form the continental civilization of America, and then on to the Pacific civilization sphere. To do that, God had to bring together the island civilizations, and next He needed a peninsular nation. In other words, God needed a peninsular region corresponding to that of Rome, which had influenced the cultural sphere around the Mediterranean Sea. You should know that this is Korea. The final fruits of Western Civilization, along with the final fruits of Asian civilization, should flourish on the Korean peninsula and be offered to God. (79-75, 1975.6.1)
Cheon Seong Gyeong 1248
Why should you get married? It is in order to resemble the form of God. God exists with dual characteristics. He is a unified being in which both characteristics exist together in harmony. Man and woman were created to reflect the dual characteristics of God, and so, man and woman should come together in complete unity and harmony, become like the seed, and return to the position of the true character of God. (290-170, 1988.2.18)
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Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 5
Chapter 3
The Spirit World
Section 2. What Kind of Place Is the Spirit World?
2.6. What kind of place is the spirit world?
The contemporary interest in electricity and space exploration act like lubricants in creating an ideal world of love. In the same way, the spirit world is the world filled with the electricity of love. There is nothing we cannot do with the electricity of love. Hence, we can say that the spirit world is a realm we can govern by our way of thinking.
Then, what is the spirit world? It is a place that desires eternal elements. It is the world of harmony, where everything is filled with love. Thus, this universe gets into operative mode by just a push of a love button.
What is God’s Kingdom on earth? It is the place where all the love bulbs light up. Then what about God’s Kingdom in heaven? It is the place where love bulbs can light up completely.
As long as you keep a loving heart and pull the rope of love, everything will follow. When you pull it back, it goes backward; when you pull it sideways, it moves sideways. You can steer it any way you like. It does not resist, but moves automatically. Thus, we can find this concept that the spirit world is the place filled with the air of love. If the God of love, who with the heart of love, wants to feed all humanity at once and to make them happy, says, “Let there be food,” then food will appear.
You eat the food of love in the spirit world. You look at each other with the eyes of love. There are no words to express the mystery of the spirit world. The more you hear, the more you want to hear. There is no concept of being sleepy or tired there. The spirit world is the place filled with the electricity of love. Therefore, people today try to link everything to love. Why? This is to be in sync with the spirit world. Since the spirit world operates in this way, existing beings cannot but respond to that. They cannot abandon that position.
When you see me in your dreams, I appear to you through the waves of God’s love. For that to happen, your ego should not be there. You have to sacrifice yourselves and create a vacuum. After creating a vacuum, you have to become like pure gold. Gold does not contain any other elements. It is pure in itself. (112-16, 1981.3.15)
pgs 626-627