The Air of the Spirit World Is Love

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1722

All of us are seeking after God’s world of love, the source of His love. All beings are on their way to possess the male and female organs. People are on their way to become God’s partners in love. Isn’t this the flawless view of the Principle? This is not some theory I thought up arbitrarily. It refers to the principles of the great way of heaven and earth. (288-334, 1998.1.1)

Richard: That is why sex should be reserved for marriage. See Creating an Abstinence-Centered Education Revolution.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1188

When you all think about Cain and Abel in the Principle, who do you think is more precious, Cain or Abel? Who is precious? Everyone thinks Abel is more precious, but that is a mistake. Abel is in the younger brother’s position, and Cain is in the elder son’s position. You must understand this correctly. The position of the firstborn son is more precious than that of the second son, Abel. There is only one firstborn son, but younger brothers can be many. Can there be several firstborn sons? There is only one first child. The reason why the first child is precious is that there is only one. The following children can be many in number. You must understand this. (136-126, 1985.12.22)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 5


Chapter 3

The Spirit World

Section 3. The Content and Situation of the Spirit World

3.8. The center of the spirit world is love

3.8.1. The air of the spirit world is love

    How is the spirit world structured? Its air is love. Love serves as air. On earth, your mind and body must experience the sensations of love as the elements that can be harmonized. Once you create the sphere of experiencing those elements, there is nowhere you cannot communicate with each other instantly, just like the tree sap that flows from the bud to the root of a tree. You will naturally sense when God is rejoicing. You will know that God’s banquet is going to be held in the East. (162-287, 1987.4.17)

     In the spirit world, there are screws of love, as well as machines of love, and shafts. To use a metaphor, there are shafts in rotating motors. If you completely unwind the shaft, what is unwound is love. The shaft rotates for the sake of love. There is no need to worry about achieving the harmony of that order. When you live centered on essential love, you are like a cell wherever you go in that world. (126-238, 1983.4.24)

    Love is the air you breathe in the spirit world. Only by establishing the way of love can you become the substantiation of hope longed for by God throughout history and be welcomed everywhere you go in Heaven. Thus, your family is the training school enabling you to go to heaven. It is your training ground. In the world there are people like your grandfather and grandmother.
    It is the same by extension – extending the age brackets of your mother and father, your spouse, and your children. People who extend what they have learned in their family in all directions and can live for the sake of others within the sphere of love can go to heaven. The family is the training ground from which you can go straight to heaven. It is like a base from where satellites can be launched – like Cape Kennedy. Your family is the place from where an atomic bomb of love or a satellite of love can be launched. (143-71, 1986.3.15)

3.8.2. The spirit world is the place of living a love-centered life

    In the other world, spirit people live centered on love. That is why you should share the blessing of love with many people. You have to shed tears. People shed tears in good moments and bad. What is the difference between laughing and crying? We open our eyes when we laugh and close them when we cry. Laughing hard brings out tears. The shape of one’s face does not change much. The only difference is the eyes. (212-166, 1991.1.6)

Henceforth, only art will remain. People who cannot write love poems are failures. (211-245, 1990.12.30)

Where is the core of the universe – the core of love? The core of love exists. Some years ago in America, a new elementary particle called upsilon was discovered. It is said to be humanly inaccessible. In this regard, we are coming to the stage in which the spirit world will be officially and automatically recognized. That is an amazing fact. I think that it is a good opportunity to have something that should be scientifically provable but is not. It sets the stage for the beginning of the four-dimensional world. As the material world reaches its boundaries, the spirit world becomes clarified automatically. There is no boundary. Is there a boundary between the spirit world and our heart? Our heart resembles the spirit world. Our senses differ in degree though not in kind; consequently, we are called spiritual beings. (83-209, 1976.2.8)

    Once we go to the spirit world, through the power of true love, we can meet people, however distant, in the twinkling of an eye and likewise zip back to our hometown, however distant, to visit our loved ones. The spirit world is a limitlessly expansive world, but through love we will be able to go back and forth over infinite distances instantaneously. Love travels at the highest speed. Without the foundation of love-centered, mind-body unity, we would have nothing to do with the spirit world. Accordingly, the origin of unification is not something that happens in the objective world, but rather begins in you. (216-192, 1991.3.31)
pgs. 635-636

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