God Created Because He Needed His Ideal Partner in Love

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1903

When going out on a boat to fish, people prefer a day when both the weather and their emotional state are good. That is their general mindset. However, in order to be a special person, one must go fishing in an environment where it rains and thunders. Without having experienced fishing in the pouring rain, you will never learn about environmental changes, the difference in the surrounding waters, and how the fish are influenced by the water movements due to heavy rain. (276-69, 1996.2.4)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1239

    You should know that the concept of the Blessing did not begin with the Unification Church. Rather, it has been the hope of God in His innermost heart, something He has pursued and striven to fulfill throughout history since the time of creation and the Fall. To see this dream come true, God has been walking a path of suffering until this day, but the day of its fulfillment has not yet come.
    That is why the day that God’s hope is fulfilled will be the day of the liberation of the world, and the day His historical wish is fulfilled. Knowing this, you should understand why the Blessing is so significant. (30-164, 1970.3.22)

Richard:  Receive the Blessing at UnionStation.love.  Singles join here.  Married couples join here.

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 3

true love

Chapter 1

What Is True Love?

Section 5. Perfection Is Attained through Love

We must find true love. Then where can you find it? True love lasts forever, and remains unchanged, day or night. Something that exists for oneself alone cannot be true love. True love cannot belong to just one individual. True love belongs to all, and is jointly owned by the whole universe. True love connects the family, the society, the nation, the world, and the universe. (Blessed Family – 380)

Where is the root of true love kept? Even though God is all-knowing and all-powerful, the root of love is not kept within Himself. Although the all knowing and all-powerful God is the central figure of true love, He does not want to keep the root of love within Himself. God wants to plant that root in the person who is to be the object partner of His love. (177-269, 1988.5.20)

Where did love begin? It began from God. God created this world because He needed His ideal partner in love, and so even the Creation of heaven and earth had its origin in love. (213-79, 1991.1.14)

The fountainhead of the power of the mind and heart is love. So, when the explosive force generated by the give and take action of the mind is connected to God, that force can be multiplied hundreds or even thousands of times. It can realize the hopes of the people of the world. At the same time, it can even establish the Kingdom of God as our own, in which we can live together eternally. The key is love. (18-328, 1967.8.13)

When human beings attain oneness with God, their hearts and emotions are enraptured in infinite joy and happiness. God and human beings ultimately become one through love. Human beings also become one with the world through love, and the realization of the ideal world, fulfilling God’s purpose at the time of Creation, is begun from there. (35-156, 1970.10.13)

When human beings reach the divine spirit stage, they can realize that universal principles are contained in the smallest grain of sand, and the harmony of the limitless universe is contained in a single atom. The fact that all existing things are the result of complex forces cannot be denied. From molecules to atoms, and from atoms to elementary particles, nothing exists without reason. Everything in existence has consciousness and purpose. Therefore all existing things have passed through the loving hands of God, and so exist in a relationship of heart with God. Joy can be felt when a certain purpose is achieved. Since the consciousness of God’s purpose is inherent in all things, God feels joy from their creation. (9-166, 1960.5.8)

How strong must your love be for you to advance to the realm of God’s love? The false love found among humanity today is below that of the archangel. The love in the fallen world is a love that has been invaded by Satan. The people born and living in that realm are making a commotion over whether, due to issues of love, they can continue living or not. Such love is like a whirlpool, with neither order nor direction. Only dirty things collect in a whirlpool. Yet once human beings form a relationship with the love of God, they naturally follow the direction of that love even though they are not taught to. (130-23, 1983.12.11)

God’s ideal begins from a new love centered on God – in other words, from the place where love that is in accord with the laws of creation exists. (19-314, 1968.3.17)

Why do people like love? It is because you have no choice but to like it. The rope that binds a mother and the father together into one is love. Steel chains rust over time and eventually break, but the rope of love lasts forever. Moreover, parents and children cannot be bound together with food or money. They can only be bound together with love. (18-328, 1967.8.13)

The perfection of humankind cannot be achieved through knowledge, authority, or money; it can only be achieved through love. That love is not the secularized love of this world, but original love, and through that love everything is perfected. (God’s Will – 697)

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