Cheon Seong Gyeong 2221
We might call Jesus Christ the King of kings, the Lord of lords, or the main representative of the Absolute Being. However, there is no one who can stand before him and be blessed with the title of loyal subject or patriot. Please understand this. No loyal subject, filial son, or virtuous woman of heaven has yet emerged.
If there is a person who has absolute faith, God would want to bless him and set him up in the highest position from which he could rule heaven and earth. For that to be so, he should be called the most loyal subject and most filial child, and since the believers are called his brides, they have to gain the title of the most virtuous women. God has conducted His providence of restoration for six thousand years, but He has been unable to bless anybody saying, “You are my most loyal subject without equal in all of history” or, “You are truly the filial son that I have been wanting since Genesis.” Nor has He been able to bless anyone as His virtuous daughter.
Cheon Seong Gyeong 489
In the eyes of the wife, her husband has to look the best and be number one. Also, in the eyes of the husband, his wife has to look this way as well. The best relationship is the one that is formed during first love. It is the best, no matter what others say. This cannot be bought at any price. If you can have such a world for eternity, how splendid this is! Everyone should at least reach that level. The wife should follow and serve her husband well. Such things should not appear just in literature or just as a movie scene. Rather, you should live like that throughout your whole life. Since the best history and best culture had been turned upside down, I have been creating a new history in order to establish such a world and to live in such a way. (23-56, 1969.5.11)
Cheon Seong Gyeong 489
In the eyes of the wife, her husband has to look the best and be number one. Also, in the eyes of the husband, his wife has to look this way as well. The best relationship is the one that is formed during first love. It is the best, no matter what others say. This cannot be bought at any price. If you can have such a world for eternity, how splendid this is! Everyone should at least reach that level. The wife should follow and serve her husband well. Such things should not appear just in literature or just as a movie scene. Rather, you should live like that throughout your whole life. Since the best history and best culture had been turned upside down, I have been creating a new history in order to establish such a world and to live in such a way. (23-56, 1969.5.11)
Cheon Seong Gyeong
Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 5
Chapter 1
The Existence of Human Beings in the Physical and Spirit Worlds
Section 3. The Essence of Life
3.2. The meaning of lord of all creation
What is meant by the term lord of all creation? Who is the lord of all creation? Some say human beings, but the fundamental lord of all creation is God. You all know that spirits exist. We all have spirits and, as we are the leaders among the spirits, in the final analysis, we are lords of all creation directly connected to God. Human beings cannot become the lords of all creation on their own. How can they, as created beings, become lords of all creation? Being created makes them reciprocal and resultant beings; as such, they can neither communicate with nor possess the origin, but rather exist to be possessed by it.
Clearly, we are all resultant beings. The lords of all creation I am referring to are those occupying the central position in the spirit world. I am talking about the originally intended relationship of oneness between God and humankind. Those lords of all creation are in the position to communicate with God. Although human beings are called the lords of all creation, not everybody is actually qualified to be one. Those who live individualistically are ineligible to join the club of the lords of all creation. And those who have distinguished themselves by seeking the greater good are eligible. God seeks to fulfill His wishes through such people. When that happens, whose heaven will it be? Not His but theirs. (32-136, 1970.7.5)
How should people live? Eternally. Living some eighty years in this evil world, some people may see no difference between the death of an ant and that of a human being; yet there is a difference. We are different because we are spiritual beings. How is it that we can become the lords of all creation? It is because our mind does not age; it is immutable and therefore carries the highest authority. All other things undergo change; even pure gold weathers away. (159-277, 1968.5.19)
Based on what premises can we be called the lords of all creation? It is neither money, nor knowledge, nor power, but rather God’s sublime love. (210-308, 1990.12.27)
3.3. Inner person and outer person
What is the original destiny of humankind? It is to enjoy perfected love and extol the values of praise and respect within the realm of God’s absolute love. Humanity emerged amidst the complete union and harmony of the destinies of heaven and earth. Hence, we have an invisible mind and a visible body. If we had been born according to our original destiny, would our body and mind be divided in conflict or would they be in total unity? They would be in total unity.
Your inner person and outer person are in conflict. When will this conflict end? After ten years? Or not even by the time you die? If God had created human beings in that way, then He would not be a god with a single purpose but a god with dual purposes. Such a god would be a chaotic god. All the laws of the universe systematically pursue a distinct purpose without being at cross-purposes. From that perspective, we know that we were not originally created in this way. Let us, therefore, cast our body aside and seek our original mind. (44-194, 1971.5.7)
Which is more important, our physical self or our spirit self? Not the flesh, but the spirit. Our flesh has a shelf life averaging seventy to eighty years, within the limited realms of time and space, before disappearing into nothingness. But our spirit has the power to transcend both time and space. Accordingly, it is our original purpose to recognize our historic responsibility and fulfill it.
However well you may live physically, in the final analysis you will all die. Our bodies will perish in any event. That is how we are made. Then which are more important: spiritual standards or physical standards? Our lives are not meant to be based on physical standards. The flesh exists for the spirit and vice versa. Do not get stuck in the rut of a secular lifestyle. You must become entities that combine the spirit and flesh in a position of saving the flesh, and begin from a position of greater worth. (20-324, 1968.7.14)
pgs 557-558