Cheon Seong Gyeong 579
We are headed for a certain destination whether we know it or not, even as we move and even as we rest. Not just you, but this nation, this world and even heaven and earth are headed there as well. This is an undeniable fact.
Where will you go after this life? This is an important issue that people must resolve. Religions and philosophies arose historically to do this. You, therefore, cannot deny that you, too, are all caught up and driven by this destiny…
How should religious people live? They should shorten this historical path and link it to the world and to the cosmos. The life after this accomplishment is far more interesting than the pleasures of conjugal life. Such a family is a liberated family. It cannot help but become an absolute family.
Cheon Seong Gyeong 1034
We should release the bitter grief of heaven and earth and bring down the fortifications that have been built on this earth. Then we should build a headquarters for those spiritual leaders who were sacrificed as they paved the way. This indemnity fund is for indemnity on a world level. You should offer the money you gathered while shedding blood and sweat for this fund. You should not pay from the deposits you have in the bank. (14-97, 1964.6.14)
Cheon Seong Gyeong
Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 5
Chapter 2
Death and the Spirit World
Section 2. Understanding Death
2.7. Things to do before we die
2.7.1. Crossing the last border
We will all die once in our lifetime. We must pass over even if we have to brave the fiercest storm. There is no value in doing well most of the way and then collapsing before crossing the finish line. What will you do standing on the border? You did well in joining the Unification Church. You all are such a motley crew, but it is good that you joined. Even if we run with our mind totally focused, we cannot be confident we will make it all the way. So don’t get all flustered and give up in the middle. We win victory only as we dash across the finish line, the last border.
It is an effort worth making for everyone born as a human being. No matter how much opposition and persecution there may be from behind, you should continue on your path. We have no latitude to concern ourselves with the opposition. The person who works hard to walk his destined path one step at a time will cross the final border. All of us must go this way. (24-77, 1969.6.29)
2.7.2. Modeling ourselves after God’s external form, heart and divine character
We will all someday have to discard our physical bodies and move on to the spirit world. So we, as human beings born into this world, must be ready for death. Endure hardships to form your good self into your second self in the eternal world. Only when you receive good prenatal education while inside the mother’s womb will you be born as a good and healthy baby. In the same way, your life on earth is similar to your life in the womb.
Therefore, grow by modeling yourselves after God’s external form, His heart and divine character. As you grow, risk your lives in overcoming obstacles. (14-17, 1964.4.19)
2.7.3. Do not sin
We talk about the mind being straight. When we say an electrical pole is straight it means that it is standing upright. The same thing can be said when we say the mind is straight. That’s why people walk upright; they must be vertical.
Make your mind completely vertical. Your body will form the horizontal line. There should be a centrifugal force and a centripetal force. The perpendicular force and the force of rotation must be balanced. Accordingly, you must find yourself.
When you say that you are yourself, God should agree with you and the True Parents should also agree. Then your relatives, your clan, and the nation must also agree that what you say is right. The one who is accused by them is the problem. In the future, the continents will be divided between frigid zones and temperate zones. A time will come when those who sin a lot will be sent to the North Pole, just as patients with contagious diseases are quarantined. (202-280, 1990.5.25) 2.7.4.
pgs. 586-587