The latest Richard Urban Show:
#185-President Trump Rights January 6th Protest Injustices
Cheon Seong Gyeong 1800
The question is: how do we bequeath a tradition of absolute purity? The people of Israel used to stone the offenders to death if this was defiled, but not today. It is more frightening than that. We cannot think even in our dreams of falling again before the heart of God who had to expel His only son and only daughter, Adam and Eve. Thus, the boundary must be declared. Those who are left behind on the day when that is declared are all the evil firstborn among all the firstborn left behind on Satan’s side. (288- 111, 1997.11.25)
Cheon Seong Gyeong 1522
The woman sinned first, and so the Holy Spirit who is female comes first in the form of the mother and cleanses the world of its sin, and then Jesus needs to come again as the bridegroom with a new seed. God’s purpose is to revitalize and recreate the world with humankind newly centered upon Him, as kinsfolk of the true parents of a new heaven and earth. Only when such a world comes into existence can it be said that everything has been done in accordance with His plan. If God who has been guiding His providence for six thousand years did not have a purpose, then there would be no need to believe in Him. (21-199, 1968.11.20)
Cheon Seong Gyeong 1255
The Fall changed Adam and Eve’s lineage. Whose love changed it? They became the embodiments of Satan through his love as God’s adulterous enemy. The living body of the man and the living body of the woman entered the realm of Satan’s love and united based on that; the fruit of this was their children who inherited Satan’s love, life and lineage. (227-41, 1992.2.10)
Cheon Seong Gyeong
Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 5
Chapter 2
Death and the Spirit World
Section 2. Understanding Death
2.8. What to leave behind before going to the spirit world
2.8.3. Why we should have lots of children
There is not even one Unification Church member who does not know God. We believe in the spirit world. We began from love, separated from God, and will finally return to Him.
If a couple is truly one in heart, when they go to the spirit world, they can interchange positions anytime. We say love is one. If you look into a woman, there is a man inside. It is exactly the same with God’s dual characteristics. Since internal character and external form arose as separate entities from God, in order to return to the Original Being, they must ascend the ladder of love. As the standard of creation originated from love, one must ascend this ladder to return. After all, our final destination is to be with God.
People do not give birth to babies in the spirit world. It is a vertical, circular God-centered world not requiring the birth of babies. As he needed a horizontal base, God created human beings as His embodiment. It is an earthly field of reproduction from which all the citizens of the spirit world originate. From this providential perspective, we can understand why people engage in birth control. The evil lineage is not to be propagated anymore.
The heavenly citizens that Unification Church Blessed Families reproduce are their assets. Your own children are more valuable than spiritual children, who do not have a direct relationship to the Blessing. Your position in heaven will be determined by the number of children you leave behind. (205-97, 1990.7.7)
Perfection must be achieved on earth, not in the spirit world. It can be done based on true love on earth, not in the spirit world. This is why you need to have children. They become heavenly citizens, ideal citizens of the heavenly kingdom. So give birth to many sons and daughters. Originally, there were to be more than twelve directions, and that is why I desire more than twelve directions. (217-130, 1991.5.12)
Without sons and daughters, the Kingdom of Heaven would not flourish. For this reason Blessed Families should not practice birth control. People who starve to death still end up in the spirit world; if they die in the midst of love, they end up in heaven.
So, the satanic world is now promoting birth control, but it should not be practiced in the Unification Church. I underwent hardships for God’s will, but did not die of starvation. Even if I went into a famine-stricken area, I could survive because I am trained to survive. When we sacrifice everything for the sake of absolute love, we can control God, the satanic world, and heavenly fortune. What do I mean by control? It means that God will follow us. God, this world, and heavenly fortune will follow us. (201-133, 1990.3.27)
Raise your children to become great people whom you can bequeath to posterity on earth. In the future, they will all go to the spirit world and become citizens of heaven. How many people will you offer as citizens of heaven? It was a hardship on earth but becomes a noble, glorious way in the world of eternity.
You go to great lengths to educate and feed your children on earth, but in the spirit world, food, clothing and living are no problem. You will wish you had as many children as possible. (218-319, 1991.8.22)
You will not be procreating in the spirit world. As God stands in the position of the vertical Parent, there is but one point. (221-204, 1991.10.24)
What is God doing? He is saving the world. The works that allowed people to enter a higher dimension in spirit world were performed on earth. What kind of place is the earth? It is the manufacturing plant for producing the citizens of heaven – the vast unchanging Kingdom of Heaven.
Even if each of you had a hundred children, heaven is so vast that you could never overproduce. That world can accommodate any number of people. Do not practice birth control. Once you go to the spirit world, the question will be how many citizens of heaven you created and led there. Understand that leading many true sons and daughters to the Kingdom of Heaven establishes your rights and interests, as well as the level at which you will be honored in the heavenly world. (202-38, 1990.5.1)
pgs 597-599