You Must First Obtain a Certificate from Satan

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2003

Do you know where the providence has come to at the present time? The first goal is to have the basis on which we can bring about the restoration of the homeland in heaven’s nation and liberate God’s Kingdom on earth. This must be done even if you have to sacrifice time with your family and relatives. Even if you end up as a refugee, this must be accomplished. (300-309, 1999.4.11)

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Once your mind and body are united centered on God, circular motion manifests in all sorts of forms and figures. That is why the older sibling must love the younger, following the example of their parents loving them. In a family that is united into one in love in that way, the love within the family blossoms. Then that love becomes the love within a society, and then the love within a nation. In this way, it later becomes the love of the whole world. However, these days, these things have become very much obscured. (28-170, 1970.1.11)

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Jesus told Nicodemus that unless one is reborn, one cannot enter the Kingdom of God. The “I” who has lived until now must be denied. Even if you have excuses, and even if you have many accomplishments to your name, you must deny yourself. Because you are fallen human beings, you cannot escape from this fate. Your whole life should be denied, your daily life should be denied; you are living a spiritually dead life that should be denied. (6-278, 1959.6.7)

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    You have to realize the importance of the love organs of man and woman. God comes down through them. God’s liberation begins from them. God can begin to sing and dance around them. They are connected to the royal palace of love, to the eternal royal palace. The gate of the first love relationship of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in the spirit world opens in that place. Does this seem true or false?
    Were you all aware of how valuable this was when you were single? Your first love is important. If your first love goes away, the whole universe goes to hell. This is where everything was lost: the royal palace of love, the royal palace of life, the future history of true lineage, and the origin of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in the spirit world. What would be the fate of the one whose first love went wrong? There exists a set of principles and laws, yet what is his fate? He will have no place to continue to exist. He will be thrown out. People were created to live forever, but they are going to waste. Onto the wasteland they go. They end up living upside-down. (261-27, 1994.5.15)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 5


Chapter 2

Death and the Spirit World

Section 2. Understanding Death

2.10. When entering the spirit world

2.10.3. Documents required for entry procedures into the spirit world

    Where do you first get a certificate that enables you to say, “I have become like this. I have done these things. Here is my certificate of victory”? You cannot issue such a certificate yourself. Then who issues it? Satan first. God cannot. You have to obtain the certificate of victory from Satan.
    Jesus knew that very well, and that is why, when he started his three-year public ministry, he summoned Satan and fought him for forty days to have him issue the certificate. There were the three temptations. After Jesus gained victory over them, Satan declared: “You are victorious on the national level, so I have no choice but to issue the certificate; otherwise, I would have to give up all my territory to heaven’s side immediately.”
    Thus, you must first obtain a certificate from Satan; then receive another one from Jesus. Finally, you have to receive one more from God. You need these three certificates. (15-121, 1965.10.3)

2.11. Things you will know clearly only after you die

    If you get connected with the spirit world through prayer, you will come to know that in the spirit world, the spirits are working very hard to bring their descendants closer to heaven. Yet here, people speak ill of their ancestors and just want to live selfishly.
    That is something you will know only after you die. If you wonder whether my words are true, die and find out. If you could die and come back to life, that would be good, but once you die, that is the end. So it is said that when Rev. Moon of the Unification Church intimidates people, he is doing such a fine job of intimidating people; no one can do it the way he can. Yet watch what happens after you die. I am not saying all this because I have nothing else to talk about. (22-337, 1969.5.11)

    Where do you discover God’s supreme love? Not in a palace. The way to occupy the highest love of God is found at the bottom of hell where you are bleeding close to the point of collapse and about to die. When I was in prison under the communists, the spirit world testified to me without my saying even one word. That is why I had disciples who were resolved to do anything for me at the risk of their lives. Given that kind of support, had I been a villain, I would have had many ways to escape from prison. God works with us in such situations. (91-175, 1977.2.6)
pgs. 605-606

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