Cheon Seong Gyeong 2147
Again, the ideal family and nation are the places where all of us – as parents, children, couples, siblings, and nation – want to establish ownership of the eight-stage model, with true love as its center. From here, through the commencement of eternal global equalization, God’s Kingdom on earth and in heaven will be realized.
God’s desire is that, beginning from the year 2000, in every corner of the globe, Blessed Families united with the Parents of heaven and earth will initiate a new family revolution and worldwide moral revolution, centering on true love, and build His eternal, ideal kingdom on earth as well as in heaven.
I pray that all of you will join in this holy task to play the leading roles in inheriting God’s true love. May God’s blessing be upon your families. Thank you.
Cheon Seong Gyeong 1159
In order for our lineage to be identical to God’s lineage we must follow the realm of God’s heart. Why? Because our root and trunk are different. Therefore, our root and our shoots must be the same. In trying to achieve this we will certainly face the tremendous problem of the change of lineage. You cannot tackle this problem on your own. You need True Parents. (172-55, 1988.1.7)
Richard: Through receiving the Blessing, you can change your lineage!
Cheon Seong Gyeong 775
Water symbolizes the age of the womb. Your nose symbolizes the age of air. After coming out of your mother’s womb you live in the age of air. Afterwards, it becomes the age of the eyes, the age of the sun and the age of light.
Love is also called light. It is said that love lights everything up, isn’t it? It is the world of light. Life goes through three periods. Even a dragonfly spends time in the water, on land and then, after discarding its shell, it flies about feeding on other bugs. It goes through three stages. It is the same with human beings, the lords of creation. After the age of the womb, when you emerge from your mother’s womb, do you come out with your arms full of household goods or do you come out destroying and cutting everything away? It would cause serious trouble if you came out with even one item.
You used to eat and breathe through your umbilical cord. Wouldn’t you expect to die if you cut it? Yet you need to cut it in order to come out of the mother’s womb. You have to cut it ruthlessly. You have to destroy everything as you come out. (299-37, 1999.2.1)
Cheon Seong Gyeong
Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 5
Chapter 3
The Spirit World
Section 1. The Spirit World Can Be Experienced with the Physical Body
1.1. The spirit world and the present time
What stage have we reached now? The time has come to link the spiritual and physical worlds on the global stage. Such unification does not take place quietly, but rather both heaven and earth are shaken. The world tried to stop God from achieving it in a bitter struggle, but He won. It was accomplished at the Washington Monument Rally. Starting from 1976, the satanic world can no longer accuse God. Satan can no longer accuse God directly. He might still accuse our ancestors in the spirit world, but not God.
In addition, all the spirits in the spirit world will be mobilized to drive away the satanic forces from the earth. In this way, a foundation is formed for goodness to exceed the works that Satan has done until now. The spirit world will guide people to believe in the Unification Church. Jesus, other great religious leaders, and their own ancestors will appear to them and push them by spiritually chastising and punishing them if they do not.
The spirit world will bring together everything that was divided until now and initiate a movement that binds together all the divisions of the world today through heart; a movement that brings together the world representatives based on a standard that transcends racial differences to unite their hearts. Therefore, when the spirit world is united and makes contact with the physical world, a light will shine forth and a worldwide movement will begin on a large scale.
Until now East and West have had different spirit worlds. How was it possible to unite them? Through love. I brought together people from East and West into races and tribes centered on God’s love through the joint weddings of the Unification Church.
I have laid the groundwork on the levels of the individual, family, tribe, people, nation and world. Heaven and the spirit world are completely depending on us. (91-160, 1977.2.6)
pg. 612