There is a Gate in Your Mind

Ukraine-Russian War Perspective:
#131-Make Love, Not War; Rev. Moon’s Solution to the War in Ukraine

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2108

From God’s viewpoint, the essence of the universe is love. With love, unification will be automatically achieved. If we love at a higher level than Satan, Satan will also be pulled in. God created heaven and earth in order to give us the utmost goodness and love. (13-95, 1963.10.23)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1804

Can God, who was not able to interfere in the Garden of Eden, do anything about this perishing world? Who must bear the responsibility for this? As the false parents, who were made to fall in ignorance ruined things in this way, the True Parents must completely understand everything, God’s secrets and Satan’s secrets, and expose Satan’s secrets before God, saying, “You thug, you turned out to be a murderer!” Wouldn’t even a murderer in hiding slip away from the human world forever, when the proof of his crime is revealed, his crimes declared for what they are, and he is pronounced guilty? It is the same; the reality today is exactly the same as this situation. (302-224, 1999.6.14)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 5


Chapter 3

The Spirit World

Section 1. The Spirit World Can Be Experienced with the Physical Body

1.4. The course of spiritual experience

    Then how should this be done? With heaven as the subject partner, we should stand as the object partner before that subject. God, the subject partner, has surely given humankind the foundation to respond to Him as His object partner. Therefore, contained within that foundation of the horizontal mind there must be a standard for the mind to be perpendicularly oriented in a direction toward the vertical. That direction surely exists.
    When you look at a horizontal line, it looks like a plane but when it stands perpendicular, the standard for that perpendicular line will be different. How do you adjust to the zero point? If you go this way, there will surely be a counteraction. Therefore, you have to adjust to that zero point. In a power plant there are many different types of meters. Each meter has something similar to the zero point from which direction, power and quantity are measured. There has to be such a zero point standard.
    What kind of standard is that? It is something that exists and yet does not, or something that does not exist and yet does. There is such a place. Those who practice Zen meditation use the term ecstasy to refer to a state of mind similar to that. You should be able to approach a spiritual level of that kind. Once you reach that standard, you will find something that would surely enable your horizontal standard to respond.
    There is a gate in your mind and it is called the mind’s gate. It does not open in just one direction. Since your mind rotates, the gate moves as well. Without going through such a gate, you as a minus cannot establish a relationship with the plus. Everyone has that kind of mind’s gate. When you pray, you get a different feeling depending on the time of your prayer. Prayer at one o’clock is different from prayer at three o’clock. You will understand this when you experience it. If you pray in a deep and mysterious state, you will know that your prayer will be different depending on when you pray. It will feel different. What you feel in the morning, at noon, in the early evening, and at night are all different.
    Likewise, the level of our feeling within our state of mind differs in the same way our physical senses respond differently to the changes of the four seasons. That is how it is in the realm of our mind. So you should know the best time to pray. That time will be when the degree of your response to God is greatest. As you continue to delve into that sphere, you will find the gate. When the gate of God and the gate of your mind become perfectly one and revolve around a certain standard, you will find the path to fully experience what God is feeling.
    What should you do to reach this state? You need to cultivate your mind.
    Some religions have expanded in step with God’s providence and others in step with Satan. Since these religions are all mixed up, it is extremely difficult to differentiate the good and bad. The same is true within the realm of our mind. There are good minds and at the same time evil minds. Your mind may think, “Yes, I am good,” but that thought itself is not good. Our minds were formed as a result of the Fall. Consequently, there are some whose minds are influenced by evil and the evil realm of Satan, and others by goodness. There are all types of minds.
pgs 615-616

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