You Will Start Talking with Your Mind

Ukraine-Russian War Perspective:
#131-Make Love, Not War; Rev. Moon’s Solution to the War in Ukraine

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1964

Japan was the one that divided the Korean peninsula into the North and South. For this reason, Japan should go to the source and influence it. This is why I am uniting the left-wing and right-wing to return to the position of the bridegroom. I must come back and even turn around Kim Il-sung. The left-wing and right-wing are like sons. After restoring the right of the eldest son, in order to restore the right of the parents, I even have to involve Kim Il-sung. Hence, once a unified realm unfolds here on the Korean peninsula, the Western Civilization of democracy and the Asian civilization, left and right, will become one. They will become one because communism will have disappeared completely. (228-233, 1992.4.3)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1001

    You should cry, longing for the True Parents who are in the position of God’s substance. You should always want to see True Parents. You should want to serve True Parents even by making them a bowl of rice or by giving them a glass of water. You should always have such a sincere heart. Your heart should overflow with tears.
    In feeling this way, if you unite in heart centering on me and breathe together with me, you will come to understand the standard of my character, my past and my circumstances during the early days, which are the foundation of that standard. You will also be able to inherit and receive those things. (38-75, 1971.1.1)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 5


Chapter 3

The Spirit World

Section 1. The Spirit World Can Be Experienced with the Physical Body

1.4. The course of spiritual experience

    Once past that stage, what kinds of phenomena take place? You will start receiving revelations in your dreams, but I am not talking about the ones during deep sleep. Saint Paul experienced the third heaven while half awake. Do not let such phenomena pass you by inadvertently. Compile and analyze the data scientifically to find out what they are trying to connect you to. The result will surely come out. You will gradually experience that the revelations you had in your dream – which you can hardly forget – will turn out true 100 percent in reality. You will have such experiences.
    People or things you connect with in the half-awake stage of your dream are going to appear in reality. You may think you experienced having sung a song with someone in a dream, but in reality you were not dreaming, you were actually singing that song with someone at your side. Such phenomena will happen. What this means is that your mind has entered a realm in which it resonates with the spirit realm like a tuning fork. You should regard such things as very precious.
    Then, what will happen next? As God exists, where will He appear? God will appear not in the air but through your mind. Why have not you been able to experience that? Because your mind is not yet firmly established in its own existence and because you have become people who are being dragged around by your body. Once your mind is firmly established within its existence and forms a higher dimension of character whereby you can declare it to be another subject entity, the situation will surely be different.
    When you reach a higher level through prayer, you will start talking with your mind. A state of resonance will occur. It will be on a higher level, and you will physically hear what you are saying in your mind. You will advance to that kind of state. During the first stage a hint or suggestion in your daily life will be given. Therefore, believers must collect the vast amount of such facts.
    When coming into contact with people, do not treat them offhandedly. Always wonder if they can teach you something. Always be hungry in heart. Have a seeking heart that expects to receive something from those people. After all, what is the self? You are always either a subject or an object partner in a relationship. It means you are in a fixed position either as a subject or an object partner. Therefore, when a being appears who can become your subject or object partner, you will know it immediately. If you have people to witness to, you will easily know what kind of people they are. Your mind would go to them out of joy, by way of thought waves. Every mind has its own wavelength. A butcher smells of meat and a dealer in fabrics smells of cloth. Just as your body has its own smell, your mind has its own unique smell. A form of sensing the smell of the mind will take place.
    Our body has something similar to the sense of touch that makes contact with everything. Your mind emits something like invisible electronic waves to look for its own object. Therefore, believers must think that everything is in a reciprocal relationship with them. Why is that necessary? Because we have lost all kinds of relationships due to the Fall. The Fall severed our ties with nature, with the original human being, and with God. In order to reconnect the world of the severed relationships you must always endeavor to get yourself connected. Those relationships can be pioneered only when you take such action. Without such an attitude, you will never succeed in pioneering in a relationship.
    All of you must have the heart that is seeking something. After praying in the morning you should be able to sense that something good will happen that day. Do not think that something good will happen on its own course, but actively start looking for whatever it is. This type of attitude is what you should have in leading a life of faith. Therefore, feelings, experiences and putting them into action will bring life to you. All this occurs during the half-awake state.
pgs 617-618


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