God’s Will is Going to be Accomplished

Extra Early Bird Registration for the Urban Life Teaching Abstinence and Achieving Blessed Marriage Conference on November 24 to 26 in Harpers Ferry, WV is now open.  Save up to $20 per ticket by registering now:  http://bit.ly/2x9trEQ.

CSG 1827

What kind of age will the future be?
Why would you want to spend hours on
a plane? Instead, we will build a massive
steel column in the middle of the Pacific
Ocean and build a hotel. How diverse are
the functions of a helicopter? You can fly
anywhere you like with a press of a but-
ton. Yet, flying becomes boring, even
after three hours. So, we will fly for one
or two hours and then stay in a marine
hotel. It will be fantastic! We will build a
hotel on the Pacific Ocean. Then, it will
take only a few hours to get there, and
you can have lunch or go on a boat with
your family, or even go fishing. What a
wonderful life! (203-57, 1990.6.14)

Jeremiah 11

Some people plotted to kill me.
And like a lamb
    being led to the butcher,
I knew nothing
    about their plans.
19 But then the Lord told me
    that they had planned
to chop me down like a tree—
    fruit and all—
so that no one would ever
    remember me again.
20 I prayed, “Lord All-Powerful,
you always do what is right,
    and you know every thought.
So I trust you to help me
    and to take revenge.”

Jesus Who Came with the Destiny of Restoration

Sun Myung Moon
August 3, 1958

How then has God come through this kind of historical course internally? Before Jesus came, God went through the age of indemnity through material things. In order for man, who lost his body to sin, to step forth before the Father, first he has to go through the age of bringing material things before the Father. That is, he has to go through the age of sacrificial offering.

Jesus was born as the fruit of the age of sacrificial offering. Consequently, since the spiritual flame centered on Jesus has been accomplished, history has been unfolding as a form of an ethereal doctrine centered on Jesus ever since. It once appeared in many forms, but today it is being gathered again into two parts. Furthermore, centered on Christianity, the world now will see a unification movement taking place.

For that reason, the providence to offer something new that makes us feel the heavenly emotion we could not imagine and enables our conscience and body to form harmony is left to Christianity today. At first, a rise and fall of small-scale movement will happen repeatedly. Later, it will gradually happen in a bigger way. Consequently, you must know that the time when you have to unite the rearward sort of cardinal point and the futuristic cardinal point in the center is the completion age for the restoration of ideology, the completion age for the restoration of history, and the conclusion age for the providence of restoration. For an individual, it is time to connect the external world view and the internal providence to him or herself. Because humanity went off base in a world of principled relations, he will surely have to liquidate that.

A human being has a soul, a mind and a body. In the surroundings, there are living circumstances, all creation and the land. Incidentally, the land was formed first. All creation came about next, and humankind lives by eating that creation. For that reason, the body grows, the mind grows, and the soul is raised. After that, man is to meet God. This is the law conforming to the Principle. Regardless of whether people started revolutions, there has yet to be one who has not deviated from this law. We have set up a condition of being related in a straight line, without aberration.

Therefore, now you must find the world. Do you have such a desire? All of you may have such a desire. To try to make this land mine, to try to make the whole of all creation mine, that is not greed. That is a principle. That is because if we become true sons and daughters of God, what God has is mine. For instance, if your father is a rich owner of wealth, that wealth will automatically become yours.

In addition, having analyzed the whole world of existence, we can see that man is behind material things, and God is behind man. Accordingly, only when we reach such a standard can we find the worldwide ideology and the worldwide material things. Meanwhile, we must first find a worldwide person. For that reason, Jesus developed a movement to find a worldwide person. After finding the worldwide relationship, he then tried to establish macrocosmic relations. In other words, the heavenly providence is going higher step by step. Accordingly, you must understand that humanity cannot escape from this restorational fate.


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