You Should Become Substantial Representatives of True Parents

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1666

You may look at nature and say, “Oh, I don’t need the four seasons. I only like spring; I hate summer, autumn and winter.” However, if you were to ask God, He would answer, “I love all the four seasons.” Hence, you need to learn to like summer, autumn and winter, even though you may have disliked them in the past. When the winter snow comes, God looks upon the world covered in white and derives pleasure from it. So you should also be saying, “Oh, I like it too!” That is the way it should be. (133-28, 1984.7.1)

You should be able to look at nature with a mind similar to that of God’s. Such should be your mindset. If there is a flood or streaks of lightning, you should not say things like, “Oh, how I hate that!” God is thinking, “Ha ha, heaven and earth are kissing and making love!” He tells those who say they do not like it, “Ha ha, you good-for-nothing rascals!” (133-28, 1984.7.1)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 989

Offer your first words to Heaven after rising from your bed in the morning. When you step outside your home, you should step with your right foot first, dedicating your first step to Heaven. If you develop such habits, your life will become a life of attendance. From this viewpoint, you should maintain the standard of a principled attitude in daily life. (17-296, 1967.2.15)

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 2
True Parents
Chapter 6

True Parents and Us

Section 5. What We Need to Do

5.1 Our responsibilities

    You are each walking the path of restoration as an individual, but you are not walking it individually. You are always walking that path on behalf of True Parents. Otherwise, you will not be able to prepare True Parents’ victorious foundation at the tribal, ethnic, or national levels. For you to proceed correctly on behalf of True Parents, if True Parents are going out to establish the worldwide spiritual standard of victory, you should go out to establish the national standard of victory. You should know this clearly. Continue reading “You Should Become Substantial Representatives of True Parents”

The Question Is How Many People Can We Rescue from Satan on Earth?

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1677

Re-creation involves the creation of an environment with subject and object partners, followed by corresponding developments. This is how evolutionary theory should also develop; it cannot develop as it is. Subject and object partners must unite, be absorbed into something greater, and pass through the gates of love. According to this principle, to progress from the loveless amoeba to the human being thousands of levels need to be passed through, and these gates of love cannot be crossed just like that. (230- 68, 1992.4.19)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1918

In the future, the world civilization will most certainly return to Asia. The era of the Pacific civilization is approaching. Today, eminent scholars who study social science, as well as natural scientists who have any pretence to knowledge, predict that the era of the Pacific civilization will appear and set the trend of history. Why must it be that way? Shouldn’t I know the root cause? Haven’t I been teaching now for over forty years that the era of the Pacific civilization is coming? Nobody knows in which nation it will appear. I am the only one who knows. It is the man called Rev. Moon who knows all these things and believes that the Republic of Korea must take the lead. (207-281, 1990.11.11)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 2
True Parents
Chapter 6

True Parents and Us

Section 4. Grace and Self-Realization

4.7. We must carry out our responsibilities

    What do we have to do to go through the twelve pearly gates of the spirit world? The question is how many people can we rescue from Satan on earth and help to become heavenly citizens before we enter the spirit world. Continue reading “The Question Is How Many People Can We Rescue from Satan on Earth?”

We Human Beings Are 100 Percent Foolish

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1645

Everything in this universe functions as part of a pair. Even minerals are made up of positive and negative ions. Chemical elements lacking affinity cannot combine with each other, however much scientists conduct experiments using every possible method. Yet if elements having affinity are brought together, they fuse into one however much you may try to keep them apart. Everything exists within a pair system, and so, what is the center of that? It is love. Even in the case of plants, the male and female parts pollinate to allow fertilization. In such a manner they return to their original state. Only when the two entities unite together can they reach the original state of union before being divided. Hence, this process is called origin-division-union action. (198-112, 1990.1.25)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 445

You should be able to embrace the sons and daughters of all races as well as their grandsons and granddaughters. In this way, you should stand in the position to become the owners of the family who, as true parents, love the people of the world with true love. By standing in the position to represent the family that practices true love and is connected to the original parents through God’s love, you can finally enter the Kingdom of Heaven. (176-209, 1988.5.9)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 2
True Parents
Chapter 6

True Parents and Us

Section 4. Grace and Self-Realization

4.6. Our connection with True Parents is destiny

    We human beings are one hundred percent foolish, but God, who is more than one hundred percent wise, is our friend, and our ancestors in the infinite spirit world are our companions and supporting army. I am grateful to think about this. I know very well the feeling of taking risks on the front line, like the time David stood in front of Goliath. It is the feeling of courage and confidence. If I fight a hundred wars, I can win a hundred wars because God is protecting me. I have actually become this kind of person because I thought all along, “If you hit me, it is you rather than I who will be shattered.” Just as God raised me like this, I have the responsibility to raise you this way. This is why you have to inherit the destiny to become a wise person. This is not an acquired task, but a task that is your destiny. Being True Parents and children of True Parents is a destiny that does not change for eternity. Nobody can separate from this. We must go this path for a thousand years, even ten thousand years. There are not two ways: only one way. There is no other method or some secret way. We all must walk this path. (203-192, 1990.6.24)

We Cannot Put Our Hopes in America or This World

Cheon Seong Gyeong 873

    How inconvenient this world is! Do you or do you not need to earn money in the spirit world? Do you have to study? You will understand everything without studying. Before anything is said, your heart will already know.
    In that world, you will see clearly who is higher and lower around you. You will know as soon as you meet someone. You can measure their level. You will know how it is in the east, west, south, and north. In this way, even as you lie still, you will sense whether someone is calling you. In that case, you enter a state of nothingness and set up the spirit world as your subject partner. It is a world that is being created through the power of love. (202-86, 1990.5.6)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1271

    You say you need to be reborn, but in order to accomplish this, you need to love Jesus more than you love anyone. You must realize there is no way you can be connected to God unless the love centered on God is on a higher level than any kind of love found in the fallen realm of Satan’s love.
    This is the path of suffering, the difficult path that religious people must follow. Christians long for Jesus every day, and are waiting impatiently for Jesus to come again. For 2000 years, they have cried out to heaven, “Jesus, our groom, please come quickly!” even though he did not come. When they reach the stage where their bodies are ready to burst, their hearts are being torn, their bones are melting, their spirit is hovering between life and death, and when they are connecting directly only God or Jesus, only then, will the Holy Spirit come down upon them.
    When the Holy Spirit comes to them, spiritual rebirth will occur. Through this, their spirits can be reborn into spiritual babies. Those of you gathered here, have you ever had such an experience? If you have not had one such experience, you are still the sons and daughters of the satanic world. You must understand that you can still be accused by Satan. Such people cannot go to the Kingdom of Heaven. They have no choice but to go to hell. (114-27, 1981.5.14)

Richard:  And now, through the Blessing, we can receive both physical and spiritual rebirth!

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 2
True Parents
Chapter 6

True Parents and Us

Section 4. Grace and Self-Realization

4.5. We should be grateful

    How can we offer gratitude to God? How can we offer gratitude to our True Parents? How can we offer gratitude to our church? How can you show gratitude for being re-created? After the process I have been through, a true family will appear. At the next stage, a true tribe will appear, and at the next stage, a true nation, then a true world, a true universe, and a true cosmos; at the next stage up, God appears. This is our final goal. After the Fall, human beings inherited Satan’s lineage. This is the problem. For countless generations, instead of receiving God’s lineage, humankind received Satan’s lineage. So how can we eliminate this satanic lineage? I am asking you how can we eliminate the dirty lineage Adam and Eve inherited from the Fall? True Parents are the ones who have come with true love, true life and true lineage in order to eliminate it. They have been raising up lives using Satan’s lineage as fertilizer. Continue reading “We Cannot Put Our Hopes in America or This World”

Adam Should Realize God’s Ideal of Creation and Bring the Devil to Surrender

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1665

     When you have achieved mind-body oneness, the universe will protect you. When you have attained this state of being protected by the power of the universe, your parents as well as your siblings will also be protected by the universe. In short, everyone around you will be protected. Your race and nation must also form this connection. This is a wonderful conclusion. So, if you were 1666 Book 11 • The Root of the Universe to go to another nation and maintained mind-body unity, then you could connect to the people of that nation also. It would work wherever you were.
     In playing soccer, what happens when the ball stops rolling? It becomes one with the ground through a perpendicular. Hence, a sphere is considered to be the most ideal shape. That perpendicular could rest at any point on its surface, and this is how it is possible for the ball to roll around on any surface anywhere. So, once you have achieved mind-body oneness, and formed a perpendicular, you would fit in anywhere. Regardless of whether the person you meet is a Westerner, an Oriental, a person from the past, present or future, you would be able to relate with any situation. (205-53, 1990.7.7)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1271

There is no other way of becoming one with Jesus except through love. You cannot become one with him through truth or justice. Love is necessary before there can be life. Love goes beyond history, and is not limited by distance or space. (35-164, 1970.10.13)

Richard:  Only through love, which means a spousal relationship, can we become one with Jesus.  Not through truth or justice. 
    And Christianity emphasizes love.  Those pioneers, who followed Jesus and worked to make a just world also emphasized love, like Dr. Martin Luther King, who used the technique of non-violence taught by Mahatma Gandhi. 
Yet, the current Palestinian protests are completely different.  They emphasize hatred and war.  Therefore we can see clearly they are not righteous at all.

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 2
True Parents
Chapter 6

True Parents and Us

Section 4. Grace and Self-Realization

4.3. The future secured through True Parents

    The title True Parents used in the Unification Church is a great one. Of course, the content of the Principle is very deep. It can ensure one’s confidence in the future, and give meaning to it. Also, if there is an original point that can guarantee value on the stage of real life, it comes from these words. So, what do we have to do? We must unite. With whom should we become one? You should not become one with yourself as the center. Nor should you try to become one with your family at the center by pulling in True Parents. On the contrary, you should be pulled by True Parents. In being pulled, you should not be pulled just by yourself, but take your parents and husband or wife together with you. Moreover, you should take your children with you and even your material possessions. You should become one in this way. (35-274, 1970.10.25) Continue reading “Adam Should Realize God’s Ideal of Creation and Bring the Devil to Surrender”