Claim Back Jesus’ 30 Years as a Bride of Christ

Enjoy the Kingdom Report with Pastor Hyung Jin Moon:

Hebrews 8: 4

If he were on earth, he would not be a priest, for there are already priests who offer the gifts prescribed by the law.

John 4

48“Unless you people see signs and wonders,” Jesus told him, “you will never believe.”

Richard:  The word cautions and implores us to believe in Jesus and to recognize him at his Second Advent.

Let Us Become the Brides Who Reclaim What Was Lost to Jesus

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
October 4, 1957
Chung Pa Dong Church
Seoul, Korea

John 12:44-50

Moreover, you have to understand that, at the same time Jesus’ words were rejected, the sacrificial course of the thirty years of his life was also forsaken. In other words, you have to understand that, although it is true that the words of Jesus were abandoned, Jesus himself was also abandoned. As a result, the thirty years of his life were rejected.

Today when you are to become the brides of Jesus, what must you do? You should be able to claim back, through your own self, the thirty years of his life course, which were abandoned.

Although Jesus lived in the family of Joseph for thirty years, there was no one who welcomed what he was doing. He did not live in an environment where he was free to visit anywhere he wished. There was an enormous gap between the life he led and his will and words. Because he could not find even one person with whom he could share all of his situation, Jesus could not speak all the words he wanted. Instead, he silently carried on with his life while doing the work of a carpenter.

Moreover, Jesus was the central hero who could fulfill the will that God had tried to accomplish by sending numerous prophets. In other words, Jesus was the center of the people and the center of the religion. Furthermore, he was not only the center of the individual, he was also the center who represented the whole.

Yet Jesus was not only the master who represents everything on the earth. He also understood that he had to dominate the spirit world. As all of these things were undermined, he led a more and more sorrowful life. As one can see, the responsibility for Jesus losing his life rests with the Israelites of the past, Judaism, Joseph’s family, John the Baptist and the beloved disciples of Jesus.

You who have learned this fact, what must you do? You should be able to comfort Jesus, who is returning as the hopeful bridegroom of all people on behalf of the world. He comes on behalf of the people, on behalf of the countless religious groups, on behalf of the numerous families today, and on behalf of his beloved disciples.

Moreover, you have to realize that as God has been working with this earth through the Holy Spirit, He has been longing for the appearance of someone who exerts all of himself to feel the anguished heart that Jesus felt deep in his bones and flesh.

The Faithful Believers of the Last Days Who must Become the Representatives of Jesus

To spread the words of the new gospel, Jesus shouldered the worries and difficulties of the Israelites, even as he suffered faithlessness and persecution wherever he went. However, there was not even one person, at that time, who considered the words and works of Jesus as his own. Jesus single-handedly shouldered all the worries of the people. This is the reason you today must cleanse all the sins that the chosen people committed by abandoning the words and work of Jesus. You must establish the ideology of Jesus on the earth. Moreover, you must find and rectify the ideology of Jesus, who tried to become the friend of all created things on behalf of the will of Heaven.

When we examine this from the biblical perspective, what level of truth did Jesus come to the earth with? Due to the faithlessness of the people of Israel, Jesus passed away without being able to manifest the entire, eternal ideal of God. What then is the ideal of Jesus? His ideal is to realize the one nation, one world and one ideal garden by joining Heaven and earth together. However, we have to understand that, indeed, this is not an easy thing.

If there is a nation, then there must be one national ideology. Moreover, there will also be political institutions whose purpose is to govern the nation. There are some policies. Furthermore, there is some official procedure, based upon which the policies are set. We can understand that, as a result of this, all citizens can lead their particular lives centering on those official guidelines.

You must understand that in order for a nation to establish a national ideology, it must pass through a complicated process. The individuals who are to achieve the great tasks of the heavenly principles have the responsibility to claim back the words, the life and the works of Jesus. However, you should know that because there is no one has completed this responsibility, the ideology of Jesus could not be manifested on the earth. This has caused great sorrow for God. Furthermore, you must take after the examples of the people who demonstrated loyalty toward Heaven for the purpose of constructing the new Heaven and earth, in other words, to construct the Kingdom of Heaven.

Among the words that Jesus spoke to his beloved disciples, the most important are “You are my bride.” In other words, when he came to the earth, Jesus implanted the ideology of the bride and bridegroom.

For this reason, today you must pass through the position of the bride and bridegroom. After that, you must transcend your families, your society, and your nation to link up with the world and reach a state of oneness with the ideology of the Father, the Creator, who represents the heavenly principles. You have to clearly understand that if you have some inadequacies in the course of your advancement, you will cause a corresponding amount of sorrow for Jesus.

What then must the faithful believers who are living in the Last Days do today? They must restore the words that can connect them with the heart of Jesus. At the same time, they must restore the ideology of his life and works. By doing so, they must become the people who can step beyond the family to be linked with the society, the nation, the world and the whole universe.

Because Jesus should have secured the ideology of Heaven and because God tried to elevate Jesus as the master of the Kingdom of Heaven, Jesus took responsibility for the will of God and introduced the new ideology to construct the Kingdom of Heaven on this earth.

To inherit this mission, Jesus turned away from all his personal paths and walked this path, representing the one religion and God. You must keep in mind that this is the reason he single handedly walked a lonely path and left behind words of lament and wistfulness toward human beings.

We Are to Be Brides of Christ

Enjoy the Kingdom Report with Pastor Hyung Jin Moon:

Mark 1

Jesus sent him away at once with a strong warning: 44“See that you don’t tell this to anyone. But go, show yourself to the priest and offer the sacrifices that Moses commanded for your cleansing, as a testimony to them.”

Mark 1

As soon as they left the synagogue, they went with James and John to the home of Simon and Andrew. 30Simon’s mother-in-law was in bed with a fever, and they immediately told Jesus about her.31So he went to her, took her hand and helped her up. The fever left her and she began to wait on them.

Richard:  Jesus moved powerfully to alleviate peoples suffering.  Likewise, we must spread the antidote of the truth of God and God’s lineage. Continue reading “We Are to Be Brides of Christ”

No One Understood Jesus’ Mission

Enjoy the Kingdom Report with Pastor Hyung Jin Moon:

Watch my latest Video Blog:  Jesus Came to Bring a Sword, Not Peace:

Exodus 28

Weave the tunic of fine linen and make the turban of fine linen. The sash is to be the work of an embroiderer.

Richard:  Do yo present yourself in a way fitting for a son or daughter of God?

Ezekiel 41

Then he measured the temple; it was a hundred cubitsk long, and the temple courtyard and the building with its walls were also a hundred cubits long. 14The width of the temple courtyard on the east, including the front of the temple, was a hundred cubits.

Richard:  Is you life organized to make use of time in a way pleasing to God? Continue reading “No One Understood Jesus’ Mission”

Find the One Center

Enjoy the Kingdom Report with Pastor Hyung Jin Moon:

Watch my latest Video Blog:  Jesus Came to Bring a Sword, Not Peace:

Exodus 5

14And Pharaoh’s slave drivers beat the Israelite overseers they had appointed, demanding, “Why haven’t you met your quota of bricks yesterday or today, as before?”

Richard:  It’s time to bread out of the old molds of the past.  Are you running in an endless rat race?  Maybe its time to break free.

Isaiah 65

9I will bring forth descendants from Jacob,

and from Judah those who will possess my mountains;

my chosen people will inherit them,

and there will my servants live.

The Path, its Purpose and its Value

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
September 29, 1957
Chung Pa Dong Church
Seoul, Korea

Psalms 23:1-6

However, these kinds of problems cannot be solved with the religions and philosophies of the present or the past. Human beings can act on behalf of the whole purpose, no matter who they are. They must one day receive the one center that can represent the value of the whole. Only then can the one standard, which can link with the heavenly principles through each person’s mind and body, emerge as the purpose of a certain path on the world level. It will be able to acknowledge the relative value. Through the rise of new laws of harmony in the path that human beings are traveling with respect to purpose and value, the glory of God will begin to be revealed.

Originally, when God was creating Adam and Eve, He created them with this kind of ideology. God who is infinite and absolute created Adam and Eve so they could experience and enjoy that infiniteness and absoluteness in every aspect of their lives.

Therefore, we human beings today must feel the infinite and absolute God through the course of restoration. In the practical realm of finiteness we must establish the infinite and absolute value that we felt in the world of the heart as the element of ideal power. When we do that, the harmony of Heaven and earth can finally begin to take place. When our minds and bodies dwell before the infinite and absolute God and live with Him, we can feel the purpose of the Creator as our own. When we feel joy in the place of dwelling, its value will emerge not relatively but in three dimensions. We must understand that the glory of God finally begins there.

Nonetheless, human beings today are not able to overcome this problem. Instead, they are filled with lamentation, despair and fear. When philosophy, religion and science exceed that limit, they will all sink into pitch darkness. Therefore, in that position, one must without fail build a relationship with some eternal and absolute force. The same holds true for philosophy, religion and science. Therefore, you must understand that all things are moving toward the point of unity. You have to understand that this trend does not just include the history leading up to the present; it also includes all things that exist in this world.

The Place Where God’s Glory Begins

We have to find the one base of relationship wherein the path we are traveling will not just stop with human principles, but will make a connection with the laws of the heavenly principles. Even if you might think that you are walking toward the purpose of the world, you are probably demanding to link not only with your own mind but with some absolute mind. You are probably wishing that you could feel the highest universal Being that transcends human relations.

This is the reason that people today say religion is precious. Religion is not just to remain in a certain state of mind that connects only with one’s own mind. It recognizes the real existence of a Deity who has transcended this and is pursuing the unlimited and absolute value that exists inside the Deity. Therefore, when our minds form a relationship with this infinite heart of heavenly principles, amazing value will surface.

What then should you do today, in the days that countless people prophesy are the Last Days? When you have pioneered the path that can represent the world ideology there, you can absorb everything of the past and put it forth before all things. Moreover, you are to establish your environment as the environment that can manifest itself as the substitute for the value of the whole.

How can you accomplish these tasks? You cannot do this with any of the academic fields, religions or philosophies of the past or present. This can be determined only through our hearts. Through each one’s heart and through the heart of God, this culminating point must manifest itself as the unified purpose. When it manifests itself, it must establish the value of life. You must keep in mind that when this is done, the glory of God can finally be revealed.

What then have human beings been laboriously seeking until now? They have been struggling to find the heart of the heavenly principles that can replace the human principles and connect our minds to that heart in oneness. Because the minds that have become one have secured a relationship with the absolute Heart, no one can carve that heart away. Therefore, in this way we have been searching until now for this Heart that cannot be invaded by any kind of ideology or assertion. Therefore, if you cannot find this, you will not be able to escape from sorrow and sadness.

You have to understand that such a forked path lies before us today. In accordance with the will of the dispensation that must find this, your mind must pursue the heart of a higher realm. By doing so, we must be able to demonstrate this as the eternal purpose in the sphere of our lives, the eternal purpose of all created things, and the substantial embodiment of eternal value. Furthermore, you should be able to show that you yourselves are the ones who possess this kind of value. You should be able to prove that you are the embodiment of the historical value. God’s glory will begin to reveal itself from the moment you become one and come out of a state of division.

Accordingly, in the same way that all created things, centered on God, move as one and not two purposes, your minds must not be limited to rejoicing in your own self during moments of happiness. You have to make the connection to have the value of the whole so that the whole can rejoice and be glad.

Similarly, you have to understand that you must walk the path which seeks to bring everyone’s hearts into oneness centering on your own heart. In other words, the right path is the one in which everyone can be in harmony and rejoice by making the connections with each other’s hearts.

The Value of the Person Who Possesses True Love

Until now, human beings have transcended history and possessed the laws of the unchanging heart. In other words, the original mind of humankind transcends time and remains unchanged both in the past and in the present. However, human beings have not been able to find the precious path on which people with unchanging hearts can travel.

Nonetheless, because my mind and your minds have become one today and established bonds with the universal whole value, you must, without fail, find the one point of unity that can link you with the heart of the heavenly principles. You have to understand that if you cannot find this, no matter what kind of idealism exists on the earth, it will be shattered.

Consequently, until now people have been searching for religion in an attempt to find this. Christianity emerged to take charge of this task. When Jesus, the center of Christianity, appeared on this earth, what did he bring with him? He came centering on love. You have to clearly realize how amazing a grace and gospel it is that Jesus established love as the uniting point that can bring together the hearts of humankind, unify humanity, and even unify the heavenly principles.

Consequently, this love which your hearts can enjoy and can move your hearts must, in these Last Days, passes through daily life and the world. Furthermore, it must reach the standard of manifesting itself as the one relationship of love with the heart of the heavenly principles. Moreover, if a religion has presented this kind of purpose in each field and has been gathering strength to make the move in that direction, then it will certainly require this kind of love.

What must you have to find that kind of love? It cannot be accomplished with the lifestyle, concepts, mindset and ideology we have had until now. You are to liquidate all of this and reflect about whether the heart of the heavenly principles exists within your minds. By doing so, you must liberate your heart and move it without limitation. You have to possess that kind of living environment. If you cannot do this, then you will never be able to possess the heart that can link with the heart of the heavenly principles.

If there is a person who can reach this state, though he is just an individual, as the person who has value connected with the whole universe, he will be able to stand as the central being who can digest all kinds of things any time. He will be able to easily manage that kind of mission. Accordingly, we have been leading our life of faith with this as our purpose.

However, if you cannot find this ultimate destination today, then for eternity you will not be able to free yourself from the eternal conflict on this earth, or from the history of lament, or from the history of sorrow. You have to keep this in mind.



We Must Seek the Purpose of the Whole Defined by God

Enjoy the Kingdom Report with Pastor Hyung Jin Moon:

Watch my latest Video Blog:  Jesus Came to Bring a Sword, Not Peace:

Exodus 4

Then the Lord said, “Put your hand inside your cloak.” So Moses put his hand into his cloak, and when he took it out, the skin was leprousa —it had become as white as snow.

7“Now put it back into your cloak,” he said. So Moses put his hand back into his cloak, and when he took it out, it was restored, like the rest of his flesh.

1 Kings 11

23And God raised up against Solomon another adversary, Rezon son of Eliada, who had fled from his master, Hadadezer king of Zobah.

The Path, its Purpose and its Value

Continue reading “We Must Seek the Purpose of the Whole Defined by God”