The Savior Should Not Judge Humanity with a Rod of Iron

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2097

History is a course seeking the truth. The truth must show the path that a true individual and a true family should live, and a true society, a true nation, and a true world should establish. Therefore, perfection of the world, nation, tribe, family, and individual is possible when the focus from the individual level to the world level is one. The person who brings these logical key words – in other words, the truth – is the True Parent. And this truth is God’s true love. (20-25, 1968.3.31)

 People of the entire world must pay attention now. The teaching of Rev. Moon of the Unification Church is the truth for the salvation of the world. They are humanity’s words of true love and life, which are needed eternally. If the Savior is coming to save the world, he should not judge humanity with a rod of iron. You cannot make even one person give in by hitting him or her. The sacrificial love of a mother, with hands as rough as a toad’s back and fingers so bent from working hard for her children that they cannot be straightened out, can have the power to make the disobedient child repent and come back to the right path. A club will not work. Even for God, who is the mighty king of judgment who leads heaven and earth according to His will, cosmic unification is impossible without true love. Difficulties are not an obstacle in true love. In true love there is the vigor to go forward at the sacrifice of one’s own life. (201-339, 1990.4.30)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 799

    This universe is a museum of love. Human beings must become the owners of this museum. The mineral world and plant world multiply centering on relationships of love. Without love, history would end. History can continue because there is reproduction. Consequently, man and woman should marry and give birth to children. Without doing so, they cannot find their place in the spirit world. When a baby is born, you should come before God and offer that baby as a gift to Him. Without this gift, you cannot hold your head up proudly.
    When you go back to your hometown, what is it you will be most proud of and want to show your parents? You will take pride in how well you raised your children. It is the same in the spirit world. When you go before God, there is no greater gift than bringing God’s children, the people of heaven, whom you have raised on this earth. Money, power, and knowledge are not important. (229- 15, 1992.4.9)



Conjugal Love

3. True Conjugal Love Unites a Man, a Woman and God

Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

A man is born to find a woman, and a woman is born to find a man. We are created as man and woman to reach a higher level of God’s love through our union. As single people we cannot reach the fullness of God’s love—true love. We may touch God’s love, but it will only be one-dimensional love. As single people we cannot experience God’s three-dimensional and spherical love.
    Therefore, a man and woman marry in order to reach that higher realm of love. In God’s original world before the Fall, when a husband and wife united they would form a mighty center, creating a sphere. The stronger the horizontal bond between them, the more they would connect to the vertical power of love. Their minds and bodies would revel in it and totally become one. (109:275, November 2, 1980) Continue reading “The Savior Should Not Judge Humanity with a Rod of Iron”

True Sexual Intercourse in Marriage Unites a Man, a Woman and God

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2039

    Why aren’t you doing your local neighborhood activities (tong ban gyeokpa)? That is the way that you should live. On the basis of such a campaign, you should return to your hometowns and take responsibility for all the counties and townships in the area you have been active in until now and then develop activities in your local area. Since this is the only way to progress, you should go to your hometown and become active there. This isn’t the time to be sleeping, eating and wasting time as you have in the past.
    In the future you should mobilize the inhabitants of your county and the farmers in your area to hold rallies. I have observed that some people are trying to making a stir by attempting to hold public meetings in factories, but since the company can randomly dismiss those involved, they return to their hometowns unsuccessfully. However, if you gather the farmers together, they’ll cause an endless commotion. Do you understand? (181-150, 1988.9.5)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1059

Parents should set a good example in their life of faith. In the family, they should show their children how fervently they practice all aspects of a life of faith, including prayer life and family services. They should help the children recognize how important the time for Pledge is. They should not just hold Pledge service at that particular time, but as parents, they should also teach their children about God’s will. (31-269, 1970.6.4)

Richard:  You can read the Family Pledge here.



Conjugal Love

3. True Conjugal Love Unites a Man, a Woman and God

When a man is at home, the foundation of his house is the wife, for it is on account of her that the Shekhinah (divine Presence) does not depart from the house. So our teachers have understood the verse, “And Isaac brought her into his mother Sarah’s tent” (Genesis 24.67), to mean that the Shekhinah came into Isaac’s house along with Rebecca. Esoterically speaking, the supernal Mother is together with the male only when the house is in readiness and at the time the male and female are conjoined. At such time blessings are showered forth by the supernal Mother upon them.
    Zohar 1.50a (Judaism)

Woman, O Gautama, is the sacrificial fire, her sexual organ is the fuel, the hairs the smoke, the vulva the flame, sexual intercourse the cinders, enjoyment the sparks. In this fire the gods offer semen as a libation. Out of this offering a new person is born.
    Brihadaranyaka Upanishad 6.2.13 (Hinduism) Continue reading “True Sexual Intercourse in Marriage Unites a Man, a Woman and God”

A Man or a Woman Is Only One Half

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1976

On the Korean peninsula, the Republic of Korea is destined to battle and triumph over communism. When it does, the Republic of Korea will play an active role in the world. However, if it is defeated by communism, the Republic of Korea will disappear without a trace. The Vietnam War is a prime example of the tragic fate that awaits you after defeat. North Korea represents evil, while the Republic of Korea represents good. The devil controls North Korea, while God sides with the Republic of Korea. In this manner, the Korean peninsula is becoming a region in which good and evil are in the sharpest confrontation in the world. All the evil in the world will perish when good overruns and defeats evil in this area. Throughout providential history, God has been eagerly waiting for the Korean people and the free people of the world to come together and achieve a complete victory. (129-331, 1983.12.14)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1056

    Your family should not become secularized or slaves of habit. You should not think, “Things will be better in the future even though it is terrible now.” You are to be perfect now; the present is the problem. When the past and the present are perfected, the future will be perfect. Not having had a perfect day in the Garden of Eden still causes us to suffer the effects of the Fall.
    The ideal is the place where the past, present, and future can be united into one. You should be able to offer up the present. God’s desire is to set up the eternal stepping stone on earth. This is the historical point of synthesis. (21-77, 1968.10.20)



Conjugal Love

2. Marriage Makes a Man or a Woman Complete

Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

A man by himself or a woman by herself is only one half. They marry to become complete. The love that you should perfect in your marriage is not egoistic love based on the belief that you live to gratify yourself. That kind of love is temporary and false. You should think that you are not born for your own sake but for the sake of your partner. Then you should give and forget, give and forget. True love begins from that point. (262:67-68, July 23, 1994) Continue reading “A Man or a Woman Is Only One Half”

He that has not Got a Wife is not yet a Complete Man

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1310

    After the blessing of the international holy grounds, I performed the Blessing of the 430 Couples. This number corresponds to the 430 years of captivity of the Israelites in Egypt, and also the 4,300 years of Korean history. This Blessing signifies the beginning of a new history. Moreover, the 430 Couples also represent all families in the world. Afterwards, while I was carrying out my second world tour, I blessed 43 couples in the United States, Europe and Japan. I could then connect those 43 couples to the 430 Couples on the world level. By doing this, I was able to connect the victorious foundation I had established in Korea to the world, including the Western world.
    By accomplishing all this, all the families in the world, not just the members of the Unification Church, could now stand in a position to receive heavenly fortune right then and there. That is why the gates of heaven are now open to all families on earth. (52-131, 1971.12.26)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1144

In this world, if no one knows about the reality of a person’s crime, the criminal can act boldly wherever he goes, as if he has done nothing wrong. However, if even a small boy points out that he has witnessed the crime, the criminal must submit to that. Thus, in order to make the devil Satan surrender, we should clarify his identity, expose the nature of his crime, and initiate a movement to expel him from heaven and earth. (53-194, 1972.2.21)

Conjugal Love

2. Marriage Makes a Man or a Woman Complete

He that has not got a wife is not yet a complete man.
    Benjamin Franklin, Poor Richard’s Almanack

The unmarried person lives without joy, without blessing, without good.
    Talmud, Yebamot 62b (Judaism) Continue reading “He that has not Got a Wife is not yet a Complete Man”

We Marry for the Sake of Our Partner

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1721

What are the sexual organs for? They are for finding love. Through woman and man finding each other, love comes into being. Such is marriage. It cannot be exchanged for anything in the universe. Man is the way he is because he was created in correspondence to his genitals. The woman too was created the way she is in correspondence to her genitals. People have been living till now without knowing the fact that woman came to be woman and man came to be man on account of their sexual organs. (280-60, 1996.11.1)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1242

If you have the opportunity to attend a Blessing Ceremony, you should not go thinking you are just a man or a woman and there is nothing else to it. When you attend the ceremony, you are there representing men and women who have come and gone in the world over the past six thousand years. You must understand that you have been invited as such. You should experience this reality deep in your heart. (30-169, 1970. 3.22)


Conjugal Love
  1. Love and Affection between Husband and Wife

Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

A man’s wife represents his mother; she contains elements of his mother as well. At the same time, she contains elements of his elder sisters, younger sisters, and indeed all the women in the world. When he loves his wife, who contains all these elements, he is loving his mother, his elder sisters and younger sisters, and indeed all the women in the world.
    Likewise, to woman, her husband represents and contains elements of her father, elder brothers, younger brothers and all the men in the world. In loving him, she loves her father, her brothers, and all the men in the world. This is the ideal of the family. (God’s Will and the World, September 21, 1978)

We marry for the sake of our partner. Therefore, the man should have the attitude that even if he finds some aspects of his wife unattractive, he will love her even more than if she were beautiful. This is the principled way of thinking. (97:321, April 1, 1978) Continue reading “We Marry for the Sake of Our Partner”