What Is the Center of the Highest Truth?

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1058

All Blessed Families, without exception, should arrive before the church service starts and create an atmosphere of grace for the many types of people who will attend, so that they may experience grace. If you create a foundation of heart to support the minister before he comes up to give the sermon, the speaker will be stimulated by the fervent expressions on the members’ faces. The number of such members determines the development of the church. (31-271, 1970.6.4)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1584

    The people in the spirit world will descend to earth with their spouses when the Blessing is scheduled to take place, and from the position of ancestors they will urge their descendants to receive the Blessing.
    Originally, only those who lived on earth centering on the True Parents can enter heaven. Therefore, for those spirits that could not live with and serve the True Parents on earth, the Blessing is a ceremony that opens the path for them to come down to earth to serve True Parents.
    Now they are liberated to come to earth, bringing with them whomever they like, in order to receive the Blessing and become married couples. This was not fulfilled in the Garden of Eden. By following their descendants and supporting them in practicing absolute faith, love and obedience, they can live together with the True Parents on earth, and be a part of those following the great path that leads to heaven. Rooting out the deep-seated satanic lineage will make this possible; this is something I must achieve. Do you understand what I am saying?
    Humankind is currently headed in the wrong direction, but with the liberation of everyone and the banishment and eradication of Satan, the root of sin can be corrected. Thus, people can follow the right path. Devils and sinners are bound for hell. Being imperfect, they have been heading in the opposite direction. By becoming good, however, they would be able to turn around, face the right direction, and enter the level of the heavenly world appropriate to them. This has been made possible by our opening up the cosmic expansion of the Blessing both on earth and in the spirit world. (298-209, 1999.1.8)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 4


Chapter 9

True Education for Children

Section 2. What Should Parents Teach Their Children?

    What are the contents of the truth? However great anyone may be, they cannot stand in the place of your parents, spouse or children. What is the highest of all truths? Parents, spouses and children. There is nothing higher. Then what is the center of the truth? It is love. Continue reading “What Is the Center of the Highest Truth?”

I Like My Parents at the Same Time They Like Each Other and Me

Cheon Seong Gyeong 867

When you are in the spirit world, do you think that you have to urinate or not? Why don’t you go there and find out? I can tell you that you will have to urinate, even in the spirit world. However, those who disagree should go there and find out for themselves. Then what about bowel movements? Do you think we do that there or not? You do everything there, but it will immediately return to the elements. Scientists say that there are 107 basic elements in the universe, although the number is constantly increasing. Anyhow, urine and feces will return to their elements. That is why you do not have to wash in the spirit world. If you wave your hands with the heart of love, everything will go back to its original place. If you ask something with a heart of love, it will come out. With the heart of love, the mobilization of all kinds of things is possible. (212-30, 1991.1.1)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1527

    Pledge number three states, “Our family, the owner of Cheon Il Guk, pledges to perfect the Four Great Realms of Heart, the Three Great Kingships and the Realm of the Royal Family, by centering on true love.” You know about the Four Great Realms of Heart and the Three Great Kingships. If Adam and Eve had not Fallen, but perfected themselves, they would have become God’s royal family. Therefore, this part of the Pledge signifies that entering God’s Kingdom requires becoming a restored royal family. The Blessed Families need to achieve this.
    In order for a man and a woman to receive love from each other, they need to stand in such a position; otherwise, they cannot love each other. Conjugal love should only take place where the Four Great Realms of Heart and the Three Great Kingships have been realized. These realms and kingships cannot be realized without love. That is why man is absolutely necessary for woman, and vice versa. Blessed families should strive every day in order to achieve this goal. This is a practical matter, and it is set right before your very eyes. (260-190, 1994.5.8)

Richard:  Read the entire Family Pledge here.

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 4


Chapter 9

True Education for Children

Section 1. What Kind of Education Should Parents Give Their Children?

    What kind of education should parents give their children? Not education of knowledge but of love. Children should be educated through their father and mother uniting. Parents should teach their children that God likes their mother and father, mother likes father, father likes mother, I like my parents at the same time as they like each other, and they like me. Thus, at the beginning, Adam and Eve were to receive an education of love from God centering on His love. Then where is the origin of it? It does not start with human beings. Since God is the Parent, Adam and Eve should be educated in love by Him. Continue reading “I Like My Parents at the Same Time They Like Each Other and Me”

Is There a Limit to Parents’ Love for Their Children?

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2051

Although I received all kinds of abuse, I did not collapse. Rather, with an optimistic attitude, holding onto these successful tong ban families I am working to make all the families in the world into this same model. When I reach that position, no devils will be able to approach me or to leave any signs. Where is Kim Il-sung? Where are the communists who were active in the underground movement working? Everything will be cleaned up. (210-45, 1990.11.30)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1059

You cannot expect your children to grow well if you do not even hold morning Pledge service or devotion time and go to Sunday service. Therefore, you should establish the four-position foundation centering upon True Parents. In order to raise descendants well, parents must live correctly. (21-87, 1968.11.3)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 4


Chapter 8

True Parental Love

Section 6. Parental Love Is Eternal

Is there a limit to parents’ love for their children? Parents love their children not only during the childhood years, but throughout the child’s entire life, and even into eternity. If a relationship is established between a parent and a child through which they can feel increasing worth and value, then infinite force, infinite stimulation and something infinitely new will arise within that relationship. (32-12, 1970.6.14) Continue reading “Is There a Limit to Parents’ Love for Their Children?”

God’s Love is the Axis for All Things of Creation

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1378

To the extent that all the 30,000 Couples stood on an equal footing at the time of their Blessing, the True Parents assumed the responsibility of elevating all humankind to a liberated position. Anyone can be included in the Blessing as long as they have attended a seven-day workshop; pledged to convert their lineage, right of ownership and realm of heart; and understood that human beings fell and that through the Blessing, the True Parents can indemnify all of human history and liberate them. (249-248, 1993.10.10)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1038

What is witnessing? It is showing the way. It is showing how to return to God. Thus, how great it is! If you asked the original mind, “Where are you going to go?” it would reply, “Ah! Through this world, I must return to the heavenly kingdom.” So how great is the task that paves the way! Receiving persecution, receiving one thing and another…. You have to return to heaven by passing through this world. (117-102, 1982.2.14)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 4


Chapter 8

True Parental Love

Section 5. Parents’ Love for Their Children Is Absolute

In my childhood, I would often look at bird nests. Once I climbed a tree to look into a nest, and the mother bird started pecking at me. She was desperate and willing to die to protect her nest, and not only once. When I brushed her aside, she flew away, and then came back. Seeing this, we cannot deny the powerful instinct of animals to transcend their own lives to protect their offspring. Continue reading “God’s Love is the Axis for All Things of Creation”

God Desires to Give and Give Endlessly

Cheon Seong Gyeong 823

No matter how great the difference in dimensions between heaven and earth, everything residing in these worlds consists of four stages. There is grandfather and grandmother even in the spirit world. There are people who are the age of your mother and father, the age of young adults, and the age of adolescents. If we condense this a little more, it becomes two people. Two people! (253-132, 1994.1.23)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2325

    It is one heart, one body and one mindset: one heart stands for loving God. In short, we are asked to love Heaven. One body stands for loving humanity. Isn’t that so? One mindset stands for loving one’s nation, which is the expanded version of the family. In other words, we are asked to love our families. The essential mainstream of the desire of men and women is the ideology of one heart, one body and one mindset! Do you understand?
    The title for today’s sermon is “The Settlement of One Heart, One Body and One Mindset…” It is all right to say one mindset. “One heart, one body and one mindset are to God and the cosmos…” You know what the cosmos signifies, don’t you? It is God’s home, and so encompasses all creation and heaven and earth. “It is the mainstream ideology of the people of the cosmos!” Do you understand? Say it after me: “One heart, one body and one mindset are the mainstream ideology of God and the people of the cosmos, of His home and the people in heaven and on earth.” Everything is included, not excepting any form of creation. It is the mainstream ideology of all people. Is that clear? Repeat after me: “One heart, one body and one mindset are the mainstream ideology of God and the people of the cosmos!” There is nothing else. (381-106, 2002.6.11)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 4


Chapter 8

True Parental Love

Section 4. Parental Love Sacrifices Everything

    Love cannot be fulfilled alone. Without an investment of life, love cannot be established. When considering the love in the parent-child relationship, there is a clear bond of life. Thus, as long as a bond of life remains, and as long as there is hope within that bond, love will surely remain. No bond of love can be made apart from a bond of life. Thus, love requires an investment through a bond of life, and then the degree to which you invest your life will determine the value you feel. Continue reading “God Desires to Give and Give Endlessly”